The only thing you need to know in order to use the 2024 Sidereal Astrology Guide is your rising sign. Once you know your rising sign, you can use the HOUSES IN MY BIRTH CHART table to find out which house each of the 11 other signs aligns with in your birth chart. In this guide, I will show you how to find your your sidereal Rising Sign in your sidereal birth chart.
Once you’ve cast your sidereal birth chart precisely following the instructions I’ve provided, come back to this post so that you can use this guide to identify your rising sign.

Bring your focus to the small box in the bottom left corner of the page. You can circle or otherwise highlight the portion of box at the bottom that says “AC.” That’s your RISING SIGN. (Also called your Ascendant or Ascendant sign. It is also the sign of your first house.) Make note of the SIDEREAL ZODIAC SIGN symbol to the right of the colon.
In the SIDEREAL ZODIAC SIGNS & SYMBOLS table find the symbol that matches the one you noted in the previous step. Make note of the name.

In the HOUSES IN MY BIRTH CHART table, find the name of the sign you previously noted in the far left column. Circle that sign name and the entire row of numbers following it.

Each box you’ve circled contains a house number. The SIGNS IN EACH HOUSE columns tells you which sidereal sign corresponds with each house number. The colored block in each row numbered 1 represents the sign in the first house of your sidereal birth chart. That sign is the same as the RISING SIGN in your birth chart.]
This table is helpful for understanding how transits personally impact you such as a new moon or full moon. Use the 2024 Sidereal Astrology Guide for a personal application of the Divination For Liberation Sidereal Astrology of the year. No previous knowledge required!