October 2018 Horoscope

The October 2018 Astrology Forecast and Horoscope is delivered via a blog post rather than my usual video forecast. I hope to resume my monthly video forecast in November.

October’s Big Picture

There are 3 major themes for the month. They are all equally major, so I present these in no particular order:

  1. Cardinal Convergence Redux
  2. The month of the Dog has arrived
  3. Bye bye, Jupiter in Libra; Hello, Jupiter in Scorpio

#1 Cardinal Convergence Redux

In July 2018, I tweeted about the overwhelming focus on cardinal signs that would take us through to August:

Cardinal signs are like the Aces of the Tarot.

Cancer is the Ace of Cups
Libra is the Ace of Swords (I mean, look at Justicia!)
Capricorn is Ace of Pentacles
Aries is Ace of Wands

Aces are more than seeds. They are opportunities to be taken advantage of, potential energy stored up waiting for that kinetic initiation. Cardinal signs have all the get-up and go required to actualize that potential. Cardinal signs want to see a thing brought to its resolution, so they will constantly impose and enforce to get it there. That could be controlling—or, you know, leadership. Depends on the circumstance. Bossy, bully, competent, and capable. Mix it up!

This is the energy that carries us through to the very end of the year. Aries and Cancer are more temporary legs. Capricorn will be occupied through November 5. There will be at least one planet in Libra through December 31.

Your Capricorn house is where you are feeling moved to impose order by establishing new ways to use what you have and get what you deserve.

Your Cancer house is where you are pressed to stay tuned in and respond to needs as they arise.

Your Aries house is where you feel entitled, but likely lack the opportunity to do what you want to do. You Capricorn house is the outlet and focus for what you want here.

Your Libra house is where you have opportunities to include others or to be included by others. This is the part of your chart that’s been busy since September 2017 and will remain so through the very last day of 2018.

Your Capricorn house is going to be feeling relentless. You are going to feel driven in this part of your life, like the need to act is urgent. But don’t let it fool you. That’s Mars talking. Pace yourself in this part of your life. You don’t really have a choice anyway.

And don’t fall into the trap believing that the work in your Libra house can’t help your Capricorn work; it can. Stay connected to others, intentionally include others, and say yes (within reason) to opportunities that come your way.

I took the liberty of copying all that I wrote in that tweet thread here because it is very important to what is happening this month.

Back in July, Cancer was the sign that took center focus in the form of mothers and their children, families and their home, immigration, and housing. The square between Cancer and Libra was palpable as major litigation and court rulings regarding the housing of immigrants pushed through the courts.

Libra is the major focus in October with three planets in the sign for most of the month. This moment carries us through the end of the year bringing a much-anticipated culmination to the demands of justice for and by women that began when Jupiter ingressed Libra in September 2017.

#2 The month of the Dog has arrived

Anyone who follows me on Twitter knows that Chinese astrology (Bazi) is a major tool I use to make my accurate political predictions and predictions for public figures (like that one I hit right on for Elon Musk).

February 4, 2018 began the year of the Yang Earth-Dog (Wu Xu). On October 8, we begin the month of the Dog (Ren Xu, which is the Yang Water Dog). Whenever the month animal matches the year animal we know that during that month events and circumstances indicated by the year animal will come to pass. That means that October is the month where it all goes down. And by all I mean, the major themes of this year reach concurrent culminations: #MeToo and the movements of justice for and by women, Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, Facebook and its demise at the greedy hands of Mark Zuckerberg (one and two), immigration and #AbolishIce. After this month October Surprise will take on a whole new meaning.

The specifics of this month have to do with the elements contained in the month pillar: Yang Water (Ren) up top in the heavenly stem and the Dog (Xu)—which is Yang Earth—on the bottom. Yang Earth to Yang Water is a star called 7killings. This star represents husbands or boyfriends for women; power, authority, and influence for both men and women; and legal troubles for those who do not benefit from the element represented by the 7killings star.

I need not supply any additional evidence as to the importance of litigation and legal proceedings in the present for the United States.

#3 Bye, bye Jupiter in Libra; Hello, Jupiter in Scorpio

I wish there was a way for me to overstate the importance of Jupiter entering Scorpio. It is critically important for three primary reasons. The first reason is that Jupiter will be revisiting where Saturn transited the November 2014 through October 2017. That covers the entirety of Donald Trump’s campaign for president of the united states as well as an extremely violent and volatile time. with regard to gun violence in America.

The second reason is that Saturn is in Sagittarius which means that it is under the command of, answering to, Jupiter. As Jupiter changes signs so do the marching orders Saturn receives. Saturn in Sagittarius has been in Jupiter in Libra’s justice for him by women army since September 2017. This month it joins Jupiter in Scorpio’s stand-your-ground army.

The third and final reason that Jupiter’s sign change is critically important is that the front end of this transit revisits the August 21, 2017 fixed sign eclipse degree, 3°-4° Leo (aspecting that same degree in Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius.)

Towards the end of this past summer, I said that the final months of 2018 would be where 2015, 2016, and 2017 all come to meet and resolve what had occurred between them. I know that this brought up fear and concern for many people. However, this is the nature of time. Everything we experience connects to threads of stories that have been ongoing. And at any given time one or more of those threads brings relevant events and changes in the present. Now is the time for us to reckon with the Saturn in Scorpio transit and the eclipses in Leo and Aquarius.

I don’t want you to think too deeply about the specific interpretations of the signs and astrological configurations that occurred. It is most useful for you to think about the major events of the summers of 2015 & 2016, and September and October of 2017. What was going on in your life during that time? where were you challenged to stand your ground in the faces pressure to discard your emotional reality for one that prioritized others?

I’ve written many more questions about how you can think of and prepare for what is to come in your Scorpio house over the next several months: Jupiter in Scorpio.

Now, onto the details for the rest of the month.


October 5: Venus Stationary Retrograde

We have arrived. Venus has been within the degree where it will station retrograde since September 28. This is the point in a relay race when one runner, who has been running around the track, takes the baton and reaches ahead as another runner begins to slowly run, gradually picking up the pace with their arm extended behind them ready to grab the baton and take off.

Jupiter is the runner finishing its lap through Libra. Venus is the final runner on the relay team, her arm extended, ready to finish the race. Because Jupiter is not a home in Libra it did not have the authority to exact the kind of justice demanded by women all over the world. But Venus is home. and he has the inherent authority to bring what is due.

Anytime a planet changes direction, either by stationing retrograde or stationing direct, it upsets the flow of traffic for all planets. And by making these stations, a planet is triggering other major astrological events and configurations that have occurred within the sign where it is stationing. The retrograde station of Venus occurring at 16° Libra triggers both the Full Moon in Libra (April 31, 2018), as well as Jupiter’s direct station at 19° Libra (July 10, 2018).

I’ve got three YouTube videos on my channel that will help you navigate what this retrograde means for you and how to best understand Libra. Remember, Libra and decide ariel zodiac is much different than tropical conceptions of the sign. libra as codependent, indecisive, passive, completely ignores depictions of Libra as Lady Justitia brandishing a sword and a blindfold. That’s ruthless if you ask me.

  1. Venus Retrograde 2018
  2. Sidereal Libra
  3. Venus conjunct Jupiter in Libra

If you are unsure of where Libra is in your sidereal birth chart, then please use this guide to help you cast your sidereal birth chart so that you can follow along with the videos linked above.

Also, here is a blog post on sidereal Libra.

October 6: Mercury in Libra

October 6th begins a special time period in 2018 where Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury are all in Libra. This time period lasts for only 5 days because Jupiter will leave Libra for Scorpio on October 10th.

From October 6th through October 11th, Venus is at home, having inherent authority in Libra. That means being in the position of power and having the authority to execute her agenda in her own way. To make matters even more interesting Venus is also stationary. Stationary means slow and disrupting traffic. Venus is drawing attention to herself in a way that we cannot ignore. Again, Venus is not alone, both Jupiter and Mercury are under her command.

Mercury has a special kind of minor dignity, or authority, in Libra called triplicity. Triplicity means element. We would then say that Mercury rules all air signs during the day. Practically this means that mercury can function relatively well in Libra.

As the planet of articulation Mercury gives word, tool, or other symbols (like number or picture) to what is perceived, heard, or understood. For Mercury, there is the necessity of being useful, and Mercury finds itself very useful and Libra. I’d say that Mercury is a willing and able participant for Venus’s exacting of justice.

In general, Mercury is changeable, adaptable, and flexible. It tends to take on the qualities and temperament of the sign it occupies, or planets nearby. In this case, Mercury joins the cult of Lady Justitia, it enlists in the Army for Justice.

As the writer and deliverer of contracts, the developer of the language of negotiation, articulator of consensus, and the one who files court cases and motions; Mercury is well-equipped to deliver the messages and file the appropriate paperwork necessary to bring the justice we’ve all been waiting for.


October 8 New Moon in Virgo

Right now Virgo is the source of much irritation for us. However, we may see the ways in which it can work for us. Every planet in the sky is answering to Venus in Libra because it is the only planet at home and its own sign. The New Moon in Virgo, in the 12th sign from Libra, answers to Venus by way of Mercury in Libra.

Virgo is the sign of evidence and quantification. Much like Gemini, it takes things at face value. It does not seek to interpret or look any deeper than what can be perceived and accounted for in a mathematical or logical sense.

As the 12th sign from Libra, it’s insistence upon calculable logic undermines Libra’s drive to reconcile and magnify commonalities that may not be seen on the surface. This can be both good and bad for Libra and the justice it demands at this time.

A great example of this is taking at face value the calendar that Judge Brett Kavanaugh brought to his hearing in response to the allegations of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. Judge Kavanaugh brought his own interpretation to us and demanded that we interpret what was written in the calendar through his personal lens. He wanted us to believe the story he was telling. Yet, if we were to take the calendar at face value, there is an entry on July 1st that aligns with exactly the kind of event Dr. Ford would have been assaulted at, complete with ‘skis (beer) he claimed he didn’t drink on weekdays.

In our personal lives, the dissonance between our Virgo and Libra houses underscores the challenge of reconciling what we see with what we believe. We often subscribed an immutability to that which can be quantified. It is said that one cannot argue with the numbers.

However, opinion and differing agendas demand to be reconciled. What evidence is taken into consideration as we look underlying commonalities different factions of our personal experience and those we meet in our relationships with other people, and the world at large? The evidence we observe may lead us to one conclusion. But as we meet and relate with others we see not only different experiences, but also different conclusions drawn from the same evidence. That is what must be reconciled.

October 10: Venus Rx SQUARE Mars in Capricorn

By October 10th Venus has not moved much at all from the degree of its October 5th retrograde station. So pretty much from the moment of Venus stations retrograde it is applying to a second square with Mars in Capricorn.

Venus in Libra is in the superior position as it reverses into the second of two squares with Mars in Capricorn. The first square was September 8th. This is a square of two heavyweights pitted against each other, except that now Venus has some unfinished business. Because Venus is retrograde it can be that Venus is going back to revisit something left unfinished or unresolved. It can also mean that Venus is disruptive and acting in a way that we may not expect. Given the current political and social climate I find this to be reassuring.

We expect Venus to be accommodating and eager to come to an agreement. We expect Venus to bend and adjust. In Libra, we expect Venus to be rational and deeply rooted in principle. With these expectations of Venus in Libra, what does it mean for Venus to be disruptive and act in unexpected ways? Could it be that Venus suddenly demands the justice that has been withheld from her?

Mars in Capricorn has been the stubborn, heels dug into the ground, unwilling to relent, impervious to reason and rationale, and unwilling to be convinced. That is a formidable foe for Venus in Libra. However, Venus is in the superior position (earlier in the zodiac). Being in the superior position grants Venus the power to overcome the resistance offered by Mars in Capricorn.

Venus is at home in Libra whereas Mars, though exalted in Capricorn, is borrowing the authority of Saturn. Ultimately, Venus is the final Arbiter, the ultimate judge, the one who determines how we proceed. Though impervious to reason Mars cannot compete with Venus’s sharp Sword of Justice.

Yes, Venus in Libra wants Mars to agree. It’s been putting up its best argument for a year now. But, there is a way for Venus to move forward even if Mars does not agree. That would be for Venus to discard it civility in exchange for a warrior stance.

Note: The first square of this pair occurred September 8th. That was the culminating moment of Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s initial confirmation hearings and testimony for a seat on the Supreme Court. We know that Venus has already loudly done her retrograde dance by reopening the FBI background check into allegations of criminal sexual assault.

October 11: Jupiter in Scorpio

Now we enter a new year with a new trend. From Justice for and by women to stand your ground. I’ve written extensively about this transit, providing reflection questions and additional keywords and trends.

But what I did not mention in that article that I did want to talk about is the fact that Jupiter in Scorpio will be under the command of Mars in Capricorn until November 5, 2018. Mars will have a cohort of planets working on its behalf beginning with Jupiter and eventually including Mercury.

While Mars is borrowing authority from Saturn, and Jupiter is under Mars command, Jupiter is not happy to be working for Mars in Capricorn. Capricorn, the sign Mars is occupying, is the sign of Jupiter’s detriment. Jupiter has no authority in Capricorn. Capricorn is hostile to Jupiter’s agenda.

Jupiter is concerned with possibility, and the story that makes individual events, information, and experiences make sense. Capricorn does not care about a story, it cares about practical ways to use money, time, and energy.

This is what I would call a malefic mashup. While Jupiter itself is benefic, in Scorpio with Mars in Capricorn, the more destructive, life-denying side of both planets is magnified. Jupiter can bring too much, overwhelming and suffocating the life out of living things. Mars in Capricorn is too eager to snuff the life out before its time by denying what is needed to sustain life. The severity and destructiveness of austerity, withholding because “we don’t have enough” brings consequences far beyond what is intended.

Libra planets are still our only hope. In the 12th sign from Scorpio, using rationality, reason, and the sword of justice to undermine the harshness of Jupiter. And still being in the superior position, an overcoming square with Mars keeps Mars from running completely unchecked. It’s gonna be a rough time though, with desperation inspiring destructive behavior. Some of us may need this, others likely don’t need the encouragement of these tendencies. Which one are you?


October 15: Mercury CONJUNCT Venus Rx

It’s Libra party. Cardinal Convergence. I talked about both of these things already so I won’t add 350 million more words to talk about this again. (See above, October 6)

October 19: Mercury SQUARE Mars

This year we’ve gotten an overdose of tension between our Libra and Capricorn houses. Rationality and reason, consensus and fairness pitted against conservation of energy, and rigid expectations. Capricorn demands that we work with what we’ve got while Libra demands that we move forward with consensus even if that means doing something completely new.

Mercury is tracing the ground already traveled by Venus twice this year. Venus has squared Mars twice, first on September 8th, and then again while traveling retrograde on October 10th. While Mercury does not have the inherent Authority that Venus has in Libra, Mercury is backed up by the big boss herself. And just like Venus, Mercury is also in the superior position.

Mars may be standing at the door demanding that we play by its rules. But Venus is the headliner; she’s who we came to see. Justice is what we’ve all been waiting for. How can Mars compete?


October 24: Full Moon in Aries

Do you remember September 27, 2018? That day the Moon was in Aries causing a ruckus. That was the day that we tensely watched Dr. Christine Blasey Ford give a gut-wrenching and terrifying testimony about the assault she experienced at the hands of Judge Brett Kavanaugh just 36 years prior. Dr. Ford was sensible, civil, credible, and honest. Yes, she was Venus in Libra, literally.

Then we witnessed Judge Brett Kavanaugh, the fiery embodiment of the Moon in Aries. He was angry, aggressive, entitled, self-righteous, and rude.

If this drama plays out this long the Full Moon in Aries will up the ante. How is that even possible? The drama of October, it’s many surprises—how can there be more? Well, if anything we have learned over the past two years that there is no low too low, and there is no such thing as too unprecedented.

With the Full Moon in Aries, three of the four cardinal signs are occupied. Remember Cardinal Convergence? Yes, we shall make progress by any means necessary. Mars in Capricorn rules this Moon, and the Moon is further supported by a trine with Saturn in Sagittarius. Yet, Aries and Capricorn are in conflict. Is this a stalemate? Is conviction with religious-like fervor enough to let the petulant toddler have his way? Or, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” (And by the lady, I mean the man.)

October 26: Mercury in Scorpio

Jupiter in Scorpio gets its first visitor as Mercury enters the sign on October 26th. And with that entrance comes the third Mercury retrograde of the year. More about that later.

Let’s talk about Mercury in Scorpio. Let’s talk about another planet under the command of Mars. Boy, is Mars getting desperate! It’s at this point of the year where Mars gets major support. Were it not for the Sun, and Venus retrograde still in Libra working at cross purposes with Mars, the Scorpio planets would have unfettered access to power.

Scorpio is self-preservation, emotional entitlement, and emotional boundaries. Mercury’s on Mars’s team now so it must speak and articulate in order to achieve those ends.


October: 29 Mercury CONJUNCT Jupiter

Every single Mercury retrograde this year was intense. The first was a carryover from 2017 which featured three conjunctions with Saturn in Sagittarius. The second one, in Cancer, was traveling through a minefield of Mars retrograde and Cancer-Capricorn eclipse triggers. This impending Mercury retrograde is bringing up old stuff. I’m talking about 2015, 2016, 2017—yep, there’s a bunch of unfinished business in the fixed signs, and Scorpio leads the way.

The moment that Mercury conjoins Jupiter in Scorpio at 3° is the moment that Mercury enters its retrograde shadow. Mercury will station direct at 3° Scorpio on December 6th. If it sounds like a long time, that’s because it is a long time.

Three degrees should sound very familiar to you, very very familiar. Do you recall August 21, 2017? What about the first several days of September 2017? There was a total solar eclipse at 4° Leo on the first date. And those second set of days? Mercury and Mars conjoined at 4° Leo triggering that August 21st eclipse degree. And with that trigger came hurricanes, rain, lots of rain, and destruction.

You may have not connected those fateful days in 2017 to August 2015. But, August 3, 2015, Saturn stationed direct at 4° Scorpio. Saturn sat at that degree of Scorpio all of July and all of August 2015. It was brutal and ominous in ways we could not comprehend at the time. Donald Trump officially announced his candidacy for president on July 16 of that year. Whoa! The placement of the rest of the planets at the time is a marvel. But I’ll save that for another time.

Fixed signs, got pummeled for 3 years straight. But there is more to be done.

Scorpio withdraws into a fortress of self-protection, impervious to precedent and demands that it conform to make others comfortable. Scorpio says “stand your ground!” because your life depends on it. Willing to act in ways that might even endanger its own life, Scorpio is no stranger to risk.

Yet, the risk that Scorpio is willing to take is only activated when its back is up against a wall when it has no choice. Otherwise, Scorpio moves in the direction of its emotions, unwilling to be talked out of them, and relinquishing its own comfort in the process. Emotional rigidity preserves the self as far as Scorpio feels. There is no need to ask if what one is feeling is true. It’s true in as much as it is felt.

There are both constructive and destructive manifestations of this. Finding the courage to reject calls for civility because respectability is killing you. And standing firm in one’s feelings, leading to freedom.

More Jupiter in Scorpio themes…

In my original post laying out themes for Jupiter in Scorpio I offered a list of keywords, concepts, and themes that would be prominent for that year long transit. Here are some additional themes. 

  • Rogue
  • Rebellious
  • Army
  • Navy
  • Marine
  • Police
  • Soldiers
  • Guns
  • Surgery
  • Weapons
  • Bombs
  • Knives
  • Bullets

I’ll probably add another list sometime before the transit begins, as well as aggregating manifestations of my predictions.

Jupiter enters Scorpio October 10, 2018

Jupiter in Scorpio: 2018-2019

Jupiter enters Scorpio October 10, 2018. It will transit Scorpio in two phases. First through March 29, 2019, then April 22, 2019 through November 4, 2019. What will it mean for us? Read on to find out.

Jupiter in Scorpio


Jupiter spends about 1 year in each sign. Its sign placement sets the trend both personally and globally. It tells us how we are progressing and developing as a culture. It shows us how we collectively interpret the events and circumstances in which we find ourselves.

As the story we bring to what we see, hear, and feel, It’s the baseline given narrative that provides context for what we experience.

Jupiter articulates what we believe is possible. These possibilities are rooted in experience. They weave the narrative of our lives, determining how we interpret what we see and experience. It’s one thing to see (SUN), it’s another to give word to what you see (MERCURY), and then something different to infer meaning and interpret (JUPITER).

By transit, Jupiter brings opportunities to assess how we’ve interpreted our experiences. Are those interpretations accurate? Or, is it time to update the narrative that tells the story of possibility in our lives? Jupiter transits to the natal chart bring opportunities for new experiences, new interpretations, and new stories about what is possible for us.

Jupiter’s sign each year defines the intention of collective action. Jupiter answers the question, what is the motivation for society’s will to act?

Jupiter in Libra

September 11, 2017 – October 10, 2018

Libra is the cardinal air domicile (home) of Venus, exaltation of Saturn, detriment of Mars, and the fall of the Sun.

As the home of Venus, the cardinal air sign Libra teaches us about unity for the sake of reconciliation. It is here that we magnify commonalities so that the cross section of agreement can be found.

As the exaltation of Saturn, Libra teaches us about consensus as the most appropriate method for defining limitations. Saturn in Libra is the very definition of consensual reality.

As the detriment of Mars, Libra teaches how to use consensus as the means to autonomy and execution of the will.

As the fall of the Sun, Libra teaches how to socially contextualize personal dominion. It asks us to define the social implications of our perceptions and self concept.

Wherever Libra is in your chart is where you seek the agreement of others as a means to making progress. It’s where you are called to forsake your feelings and perceptions for the cause of ideals and consensus.

Justice is a tool of human righteousness, not a diving intervention.

Since September 11, 2017 Jupiter has been in Libra. Answering to Venus and the transits it has made, Jupiter has set the trend of Justice for and by women. We saw the #MeToo movement, #TimesUp, and unprecedented firsts for women in many fields. We saw women running for public office, again, in unprecedented numbers.

Libra is a cardinal sign focused on consensus. Consensus means ‘with agreement’. Libra asks, how can we move forward together, with agreement? It’s objectivity is not truth. The objectivity of Libra is a reality that can be verified by other people. Reality itself is consensus for Libra.

Just as we’ve found new motivations for justice, we’ve also sought to ignore differences, often in ways that brought harm and inequality to many people.

Jupiter in Libra taught us that consensus comes at a cost, and it is not a panacea for progress. How can we learn to accept our differences and quench the urge to reconcile the irreconcilable? Not everything can be brought into agreement.

One other major lesson of Jupiter in Libra that I wrote about at the onset of this transit is regarding the nature of legality.

“…more often than not, those we define as wrongdoers don’t always get their comeuppance without human intervention. This is another important lesson of Jupiter in Libra.

That same bias that determines what is wrong or criminal (against the law) determines who is criminal and who is wrong. In America, law has historically been used to abdicate the white ruling class from the legal consequences of immoral actions like slavery, lynching, extrajudicial killings or state sanctioned murder, or leaving an entire city of people without safe drinking water.

Justice does not equate to morality: it stratifies classes of people into those with power and those without power or agency, those who make and enforce the laws and those who are disproportionately targeted by laws.”

Jupiter in Scorpio

October 10, 2018 through March 29, 2019 | April 22, 2019 through November 4, 2019 [Jupiter will spend March 29, 2019 through April, 22 2019 in Sagittarius]

The move from Libra to Scorpio is one of the most drastic in the zodiac. The change from a Venus ruled sign to a Mars ruled sign is a transition from the many to the singular, from consensus to dissent.

Scorpio is the fixed water domicile of Scorpio and the detriment of Venus and the fall of the Moon.

As the fixed water home of Mars, Scorpio teaches us about the role of our emotions in our drive for self preservation. Emotions are a signal alerting us to that which preserves our lives and that which endangers our lives.

As the detriment of Venus, Scorpio teaches us about the necessity of standing your emotional ground when the pressure to conform undermines your survival instinct.

As the fall of the Moon, Scorpio teaches us about the need to cut biological ties for the sake of self preservation. Blood ties can be toxic to one’s survival.

“Patriotism is an idea, so is capitalism or communism. But ideas can make men forget their own interests and the guys in charge will exploit men who believe in ideas too much.”  – Panchinko by Min Jin Lee

During the recent Jupiter in Libra transit, we saw clearly how ideas can inspire a person to give up their autonomy. Autonomy means self (auto) law (nomos/nomy). Jupiter in Libra has highlighted the drive to submit one’s self-law to another law outside of the self. That is the law determined by consensus, by the group.

The idea of being civil has to do with being a functioning member of society. If you want the benefits of being part of a group then you have to follow the rules the group has laid out. The calls for civility during Jupiter in Libra have been used to silence demands for justice rather than to demand members of society treat each other with dignity.

But now, as we come to Jupiter in Scorpio, the trend shifts from moving forward with consensus—to feel with (another or others)—to standing one’s ground with dissent (differing sentiment/feel).

Where Libra has brought a new consensus, especially with regard to women and the rights of the disenfranchised members of society, Scorpio comes to teach us about emotional autonomy as a means to self preservation.

Since Jupiter defines how we interpret our experiences, defining the narrative we bring to what we see, in Scorpio we now come to interpret our experiences through the narrative of self preservation.

Libra is not an emotional sign. Justice bears a sword and a scale seeking to exact and reconcile. Libra demands that you give what you owe, to reckon and make all things equal. Fairness is measured in the swift consideration of remedies for infractions. Libra upholds principles even if they offend the personal and emotional.

In contrast, Scorpio maintains the physical body, the life that has been established. Threat detection and perception, the necessity of calling a thing what it is no matter how uncomfortable it may make others, no matter how it offends, is the means by which one preserves their life—survives.

Where Taurus, the sign opposed Scorpio, demands assimilation and conforming—and Libra demands consideration—Scorpio says, “I have a right to feel how I feel!”

Gone are the demands for civility and “let us come together and reason”. Jupiter in Scorpio invites opportunities for acting in one’s own self interest, rejecting pressure to emotionally conform.

Key Phrases and Concepts

These words and concept shall guide us through this Jupiter in Scorpio transit:

  • Deviate from the consensus
  • Deviate from the norm
  • Separation from the party
  • Cutting off ties
  • Isolation from the group
  • Separation and loss
  • Putting up a fight
  • Not afraid to fight
  • Dig in your heels
  • Survival instinct
  • Self preservation
  • Dissent
  • Self-interest
  • Resistance
  • Against all odds

Guiding Questions

Here are questions to guide you through this Jupiter in Scorpio transit:

  1. What experiences lead you to greater emotional autonomy?
  2. In what ways is dissension a matter of survival for you?
  3. What is your relationship with anger, fear, and other “uncomfortable” emotions?
  4. In what area(s) of your life is it necessary to leave others behind for the sake of your own life and emotional well-being?
  5. What does “stand your ground” mean for you? And where in your life are you ready to take on this stance?
  6. Who are the people and what are the experiences that encourage your right to feel how you feel?
  7. What does it look like for you to honor your feelings and not rationalize them, or conform, so that other people will accept you?
  8. In what ways has your refusal to conform left you isolated and alone?
  9. How have experiences of separation and abandonment cultivated a defensive stance telling you the story that “emotional intimacy is unsafe for me?” Is this story still true for you?
  10. What is the cost you pay for putting your feelings first?

2018, part 2

We are entering the 2nd half of 2018. This is where it gets interesting…

Between Mars’s 6 month Capricorn transit and retrograde, the Capricorn lunar eclipse (July 27, 2018) conjoined Mars, and Jupiter in Scorpio, this year ramps up in intensity from now through the rest of the year and into 2019.

Jupiter in Scorpio (October 10, 2018 through November 4, 2019) will bring up for resolution stories from the summer of 2016. Then, Saturn was in the middle of its transit through Scorpio, and Mars went retrograde in Scorpio. Jupiter is ready to bring the chickens home to roost.

Regarding Mars & Capricorn, you can thinking about early to mid 2009, and November 2016. Collectively, those were difficult times for the US. Michael Jackson died (that was devastating, for real), and the US was in the midst of the Great Recessions. It was economically tough.

November 2016 was a shock for the world.

On August 27, 2018, Mars will station direct conjoined the degree where it was on the day Donald Trump was elected. BIG DEAL! Mars crossed this degree for the first time in the middle of May 2018. Mars will hover around this degree August 13 through September 10.

This is all to say that Mars’s direct station will bring bombshell revelations around Trump & Russia, it will illuminate major jolts to the US economy, and it will set off a series of events that make the end of 2018 unprecedented in major ways.

I’ve said nothing about Venus in Libra for 4 months, and the US mid-term elections. But I’ll save that for another time.

For now, think about your own 2009 and the parallels to now as far as what area of your life is the focus. And what were you doing during the Summer of 2016?