The Full Moon in Cancer is coming, Thursday, January 28, 2021. Why am I telling you this now? Cause it’s gonna be ROUGH.
Here is the good news: You will have had 1 full year of Saturn in Capricorn by the time we get to that Full Moon. One full year of remembering that you are mortal. One full year of confronting the reality that YOU are the adult now.
The question is, have you approached this time with these things in mind? Have you confronted the fact that mommy and daddy can’t protect you from everything? …Can not, did not, will not.
And if you’ve looked to leaders in your community, nation, or family to be a good mommy or daddy…
Don’t get me wrong. YOU DESERVE to have your needs met, to be protected, to have your needs recognized. BUT! Have you embraced your ENTITLEMENT to have your needs met?
At your big age, how can you expect anyone—the government, your lover, your loved ones—to meet your needs when you are too ashamed to need?
3 of the 4 Cardinal signs will be occupied during the Full Moon in Cancer, January 28, 2021: Moon in Cancer; Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, and the Sun in Capricorn; Mars in Aries. That’s all of those red lines in this chart. Those red lines = power struggles, conflict, confrontation.

In our personal lives and in our communal lives, the Full Moon in Cancer (Jan 28, 2021) brings into focus:
Indulgence – Attunement – Addiction
Neglect – Resourcefulness – Repression
Abandonment – Courage – Recklessness
Addiction and Repression are two sides of the same coin: How does one learn to regulate a mind-body whose needs were never acknowledged?
Recklessness: The adults weren’t/couldn’t adult, so do you know where the limits are when you were expected to find them on your own?
Libra is missing from this Cardinal party. That means we will be looking to what Libra represents as a solution: objective agreed upon principles that help us know what to do in any given situation. That’s law and legislation.
Also, the pressure is on Libra + what it represents.
Last thing… don’t get caught up and sent off like ya’ll did last year. Tropical astrology had ya’ll ready for a Leo Full Moon party, but instead… you FELT that Full Moon in Cancer. Tell a friend!
Originally tweeted by The People’s Oracle (@PeoplesOracle) on January 18, 2021.