We are entering the 2nd half of 2018. This is where it gets interesting…
Between Mars’s 6 month Capricorn transit and retrograde, the Capricorn lunar eclipse (July 27, 2018) conjoined Mars, and Jupiter in Scorpio, this year ramps up in intensity from now through the rest of the year and into 2019.
Jupiter in Scorpio (October 10, 2018 through November 4, 2019) will bring up for resolution stories from the summer of 2016. Then, Saturn was in the middle of its transit through Scorpio, and Mars went retrograde in Scorpio. Jupiter is ready to bring the chickens home to roost.
Regarding Mars & Capricorn, you can thinking about early to mid 2009, and November 2016. Collectively, those were difficult times for the US. Michael Jackson died (that was devastating, for real), and the US was in the midst of the Great Recessions. It was economically tough.
November 2016 was a shock for the world.
On August 27, 2018, Mars will station direct conjoined the degree where it was on the day Donald Trump was elected. BIG DEAL! Mars crossed this degree for the first time in the middle of May 2018. Mars will hover around this degree August 13 through September 10.
This is all to say that Mars’s direct station will bring bombshell revelations around Trump & Russia, it will illuminate major jolts to the US economy, and it will set off a series of events that make the end of 2018 unprecedented in major ways.
I’ve said nothing about Venus in Libra for 4 months, and the US mid-term elections. But I’ll save that for another time.
For now, think about your own 2009 and the parallels to now as far as what area of your life is the focus. And what were you doing during the Summer of 2016?