In this blog post I will show you how to cast a chart that serves as your unique, personal monthly horoscope.
Time is relative. No tool articulates that as clearly as astrology. There are many different reference points for where one might mark the beginning of a segment of time or an end of one. We know that time (months) as marked by the Georgian calendar, is a matter of consensus. It is a set of agreed upon measurements rather than ones calculated in reference to something tangible or observable. However, time is measured, calculated to begin and end, by observable phenomena in astrology.
It that sense, a month can begin at any point in time. However, your personal month begins the moment the transiting Moon enters the sign of your natal Moon. A chart cast for the precise moment the transiting Moon reaches the sign and degree the Moon occupies in your birth chart each month serves as your personal, unique monthly horoscope. This is called a Lunar Return Chart (LR). This generally happens 12-13 times per year, about once a month.
What is a Lunar Return used for?
A LR can be used as a standalone chart, but functions most accurately and usefully in reference to your natal chart. You can use a LR to:
- Highlight your personal areas of focus each day in a month;
- To plan your activities and anticipate changes in your life;
- Observe patterns of people, circumstances, and events that progress and resurface from month to month, and over the course of the year.
How to cast your Lunar Return
- Make sure you have created an account and followed these instructions to cast your sidereal birth chart using You’ll need access to the saved birth data you input for your natal chart in order to cast your lunar return chart.
- Click ‘Free Horoscopes’
- Under ‘Drawings & Calculations’ click ‘Extended Chart Selection’
- Choose the following settings on the ‘Extended Chart Selection’ page
- Horoscope for: Choose your birth chart
- Chart type: Scroll down to the section labeled ‘– Solar and Lunar Returns –’ and choose ‘Natal + Lunar Return chart’
- Chart drawing style: Classical Style
- Start date: This part is a bit tricky. If you have the 2019 Sidereal Moon Transits iCal then you can choose the date the Moon enters your natal sign. You still might have to play around with it.
- House system: Whole Signs (VERY IMPORTANT!)
- Zodiac: Sidereal
- Ayanamsha: Hindu/Lahiri
- Click ‘Click here to show the chart’
Here are screenshots of the website that go with the instructions outlined above.

The People’s Oracle Monthly Horoscope Workbook provides in-depth instructions on:
- How to identify and interpret the 4 most important parts of your monthly horoscope;
- An example using the chart of Queen Victoria of England;
- How to interpret the New Moon and Full Moon each month in reference to your monthly horoscope;
- And, a table where you can see patterns across all your monthly horoscope charts for one year.