Sidereal Moon Sign Meanings 2021

This thread brought to you by Mars in Cancer still building an opposition to Saturn in Capricorn (sidereal) until July 1, 2021.

Mars in Cancer (sidereal) reflects a time when we set aside all other ambitions to focus on the most essential and necessary: our bodies. Not only food and shelter, but belonging, safety, and connection, too. These are worthy ambitions undermined and undervalued in capitalism.

Mars in Cancer (sidereal) marches towards an opposition with Saturn in Capricorn. That opposition perfects July 1, 2021.

Mars: Abilities, also Seperation
Saturn: Reality, also Covid-19

[Image from a forecast for 2021, 2021: The Will to Live]

Mars in Cancer opposed Saturn in Capricorn through July 2021 asks:

📌How does our collective confrontation with the reality of Covid-19 change what drives us?

📌How are your goals changing as you learn to cope with the permanent shifts the pandemic has brought to your life?

Planets will be occupying Cancer (sidereal) until August 16, 2021. Mars and Venus are there now. Eventually the Sun and Mercury will travel through Cancer as well. This is setting off the story of your natal Moon.

Sidereal Moon Sign Meanings

What does your natal Moon sign (sidereal) have to say about your relationship to mothering, home, family, and your body?

First cast your sidereal birth chart using the instructions here:

Sidereal Cancer:

Growing up you had access to mothering in a way that has taught you to hear your body loud and clear.
📌What is to be done when what you need is unavailable?
📌Must you consume it because you have it?
📌How much is enough for you?

Sidereal Libra Moon:

What your body looks like can only hide what you really need for so long. Besides, our needs are not up for litigation.
📌Who are you trying to convince that you don’t need what you need?
📌How does it feel to be exposed and vulnerable?

Sidereal Capricorn Moon:

Time to face the fact that your suffering is chronic and not acute.
📌How has the emotional neglect of your childhood carried over into neglecting your body in adulthood?
📌What does it look like to give up suffering as a way you deny your needs?

Sidereal Aries Moon:

Leaving is a good way to avoid the discomfort of needing what is unavailable. It’s saved your life in the past.
📌What will happen if you stay?
📌How are you learning resourcefulness at present?
📌Who will win the race to abandon you first? Is it you?

Sidereal Leo Moon:

Daddy issues = deferring to dad/authority and abandoning your own perceptions.
📌Who perceptions/authority do you trust to tell you what your needs are?
📌How are you extending grace to your mother for the way she had to defer to dad?

Sidereal Scorpio Moon:

Being the one to tell the truth about the harm you experienced has alienated you.
📌How does the present bring up old wounds of having to abandon your mother/family to save your own life?
📌How long can you hold out in isolation? How?

Sidereal Aquarius Moon:

If you had identified with your body/family as a child, you’d likely not be here now. You/elders saved your life!
📌How is your body is forcing you to recall what happened to you?
📌How can you honor your body without centering what happened to you?

Sidereal Taurus Moon:

You played the role in your family that made sure they liked you enough to meet your needs.
📌Do you like you enough to honor what your needs really are?
📌Just because it feels good doesn’t mean you need it. Can you tell the difference between the two?

Sidereal Gemini Moon:

Seeking more info to affirm what you know you need can undermine your trust in yourself and your body.
📌How are you growing to trust your body and your ability to feel it?
📌Who do you trust to affirm your body? Who are you learning you can’t trust?

Sidereal Virgo Moon:

Being mothered on a schedule rather than when your body says you need it is a form of neglect.
📌What metrics aid you in identifying + meeting your needs?
📌How are you overcoming confusion that arises when your body tells you it needs something different?

Sidereal Sagittarius Moon:

What you believe your body is saying and what it’s actually saying may be up for debate.
📌How do your political/religious/spiritual convictions support or undermine your ability discern your needs?
📌Does that body have a truth? How can you know?

Sidereal Pisces Moon:

Feeling other’s feelings got your needs met growing up. How much longer will you allow their trauma to be an excuse for the pain they cause you?
📌How are you prioritizing your needs in relationships?
📌What does emotional safety look + feel like for you?

Originally tweeted by The People's Oracle (@PeoplesOracle) on June 24, 2021.

Sun Sign Horoscopes for Leo Season 2019

Read your sidereal Sun sign horoscope for the Leo Stellium of 2019 that peaks at the New Moon on August 30, 2019. Always sidereal; never tropical.

A stellium is 3 or more planets in the same sign. That gives inordinate influence to the planet responsible for that sign. For Leo that planet is the Sun. The placement of the Sun in your birth chart takes on deep significance over the next month. Use this guide to cast your sidereal birth chart. Find the ☉ glyph and identify the sign it occupies.

Sun Sign Horoscopes for the 2019 Leo Stellium

How We Got Here

During the Cancer stellium (peaked in late July 2019) you were seeking people, places, and experiences that would meet your immediate needs for food, safety, shelter, and belonging. Your Moon placement in your birth chart, which tells your Mother Story, emerged to be reconciled against your present reality. Your life moved into submission to your body, often despite your intentions and ambitions.

Now during the Leo stellium, (peaks late August 2019) your Sun sign draws focus to your Father Story. It reveals truths about how you seek out and defer to authority. You are discerning the complex balance of submission, projection, and self-determination. Who or what is master of your perceptions and sense of self?


Yielding the authority of your will and the validity of your perceptions and judgments to someone else.


Your identity and sense of self witnessed via interaction with other people, and through your experiences out in the world.


Unyoking your identity and sense of self from your perceptions and judgments of others and the world you inhabit.

Horoscopes for the 12 Sidereal Sun Signs

Use this guide to cast your sidereal birth chart. The following horoscopes are for your sidereal Sun sign ONLY.

Sun in Cancer

Your perceptions serve your physical body and the need to belong to a place and a people. How your mother (and other significant women) engaged with your primary needs are the reference point for your sense of self.

How are you becoming aware of the ways in which your loyalty to family overrides, undermines, or encourages your loyalty to self?

Sun in Leo

Your intellect serves your perceptions. Your world and the people in it are an extension of your mind and you use your authority to subdue it to your will. You may have experienced your world as an extension of your fathers self.

How has your relationship with your father/ significant men in personal relationships supported or undermined your ability to trust your perceptions?

Sun in Virgo

Your trust in your perceptions serves a drive to quantify it via evidence in the external world. It’s not enough for you to perceive it, you’ve got to be able to prove it with data or tangible evidence.

How are your experiences with men and hierarchies of authority allowing you to reenvision a self that doesn’t need external evidence to be valid?

Sun in Libra

Your perceptions serve the drive to be rational and reasonable. You negotiate with your perceptions in order to align with the consensus of your community and in relationships of all kinds. You see yourself as a person of reason and good sense.

How are you reckoning with the authority of your intellect as you consider other’s ideas of how you see yourself and the world?

Sun in Scorpio

Your survival instinct shapes your perceptions of others and the world around you. You take a defensive stance seeing others and the world as something you need to protect yourself from.

How are you taking risks to be seen out in the world even as your deepest fears are being awakened?

Sun in Sagittarius

Your perceptions and sense of self serve a moral or religious authority. You learned early to see your world and self in terms of right or wrong. You reckon with the moral authority of your father and other men in your life as you come into awareness of yourself.

How is do your intentions and convictions inform your vision of your place in the world, and reinforce your authority over yourself?

Sun in Capricorn

You seek to conform your perceptions to the limitations you experience in your life. Establishing the walls and the ceilings of possibility shapes how you see yourself. You look for where you fit rather than embracing the right to be where you are as you are.

How are new perceptions dismantling your sense of self, and forcing you to embrace a healthy sense of entitlement that conforms the world to yourself rather than yourself to the world?

Sun in Aquarius

You constantly interrogate the authority of your will (and your father’s influence) to shape the world to your being. You define yourself by who and what you are not. You refuse to see yourself in reference to another’s authority and will.

How you are you being challenged to accept that your perceptions cannot be separated from your identity while also maintaining a healthy skepticism from what others reveal about who you are?

Sun in Pisces

Your experience of your father taught you that you must not take your perceptions at face value. Maybe you couldn’t even take your father at face value because of the nature of the relationship. Your instinct to perceive the imperceptible guides you to look for what you can’t see inside of and beyond what you can see, even your self.

How does your drive to maintain a solid and consistent identity feel like a burdensome obligation in the face of a world that is never what it appears to be?

Sun in Aries

You are a matter over mind person. And matter, in this case, is your physical will. Your mind works to translate your capabilities into action. Should or if? It doesn’t dawn on you to ask for permission. You identify with your power to enforce your will.

How is your drive to persevere towards your ambitions being reinforced or made combustible by your entitlement to act upon your world?

Sun in Taurus

You care a lot about what others think of you. Your perceptions are subservient to your need for validation in relationships and community. Your experience of father taught you that your identity was analogous to what is validated and accepted by others.

How is other’s entitlement to enforce their self-perceptions onto the world challenging you to question your impulse to conform your perceptions to what is validated and accepted by others?

Sun in Gemini

You use language to objectify your self and perceptions rather than to see and be them You collect information as a means to a sense of self which can mean that you struggle to truly see yourself. Perhaps your Father Story includes experiences of paternal figures who refused to be identified or pinned down.

How does an emboldening sense of entitlement to solidify your sense of self lead you to new perceptions and interpretations of who you are?

Horoscopes for August/September 2019

Read your sidereal horoscope for August/September 2019. Always sidereal; never tropical. Use this guide to cast your sidereal birth chart. Read for your Ascendant and Moon sign first, then for your Sun.

On August 8, 2019, Mars begins an amassing of planets in Leo. This Leo stellium culminates on August 30 at the New Moon: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars all in Leo! This moment is a consequence of:

  • Eclipses in Leo/Aquarius, 2015-2017
  • Events that transpired August/September 2017

Planets in Leo answer to your entitlement to accept that the way you see yourself is the way that you are, and the way you see the world is the way that it is.


  • How has your experience of your father and relationships with other men shaped your perceptions of how you earn and spend your money?
  • What is your relationship with food or your material possessions/expenses, and how does it impact changes that have taken hold in your life as a consequence of August/September 2017? 


  • How do power dynamics with the men/man in your life shape your self-perception?
  • How have changes in your body or personality caused you to change certain lifestyle habits as a consequence of August/Septembre 2017? 


  • How are you reckoning with the authority of those whose judgments are impervious to logic? Have those people changed at all since August/September 2017?
  • How can you learn from them by considering the possibility that some things are the way they are because you say so, not because you have the evidence/data to back it up or even the wherewithal to convince others?


  • What role do mentors, benefactors, and other helpful people (that you may or may not know yet!) play in the realization of your ambitions? And how have those ambitions evolved since August/September 2017?
  • What circumstances particularly pertaining to men (or a man singularly) become the center of your political, social, or professional focus?


  • What can you learn about trusting your own perceptions and judgments from your mother? 
  • What are your ambitions and who (managers/supervisors/bosses) or what stands between the promotion, prominence, or visibility you seek? What did August/September 2017 teach about how to deal with this now?


  • What systems or institutions (or clergy, teachers, or politicians) reinforce the convictions you’ve been working so hard to embody and conform your life to?
  • Where can you go (travel/church/temple/university) in order to see yourself in a new light, to illuminate the next level of the self you’ve been stepping into since August/September 2017?


  • What boundaries are you implementing as a means to trusting your own judgment with regard to your finances (debt/loans/taxes/credit)?
  • How are you reckoning with dynamics of control and authority as you surrender to the inevitable ending of some important part of your life? If there are no present endings, what ended in August/September 2017 that is especially relevant at present?


  • How do you embody your calling to conceive of a self not defined in reference to others, especially partners and male father/authority figures who see your identity as an extension of their own?
  • What relational dynamics from August/September 2017 provide useful context for How you engage in partnership and conflict or establish agreements at present?


  • What resistance do you encounter as you embody the courage to trust your own perceptions and judgments in your work/workplace?
  • How is your present work environment similar to or different from what it was in August/September 2017? What lessons from that time period inspire you to step into your authority in new ways at present?


  • What power dynamics emerge as you take new risks in your love life/with your sexuality?
  • How do children/creative pursuits/physical fitness serve as the venue for reckoning with men and their (or your) role in shaping your self-perception?


  • What is the legacy of your parents that you encounter in this present work of defining home and solidifying your roots in this world?
  • What lessons from August/September 2017 are relevant to dealing with men in or in reference to your home at present?


  • What is the legacy of male family members that you must reckon with as you step into leadership positions in your immediate family circle?
  • How did August/September 2017 change your family dynamic and how is this present moment a consequence of those changes?

Guide: Your Personal Monthly Horoscope

In this blog post I will show you how to cast a chart that serves as your unique, personal monthly horoscope.

Time is relative. No tool articulates that as clearly as astrology. There are many different reference points for where one might mark the beginning of a segment of time or an end of one. We know that time (months) as marked by the Georgian calendar, is a matter of consensus. It is a set of agreed upon measurements rather than ones calculated in reference to something tangible or observable. However, time is measured, calculated to begin and end, by observable phenomena in astrology.

It that sense, a month can begin at any point in time. However, your personal month begins the moment the transiting Moon enters the sign of your natal Moon. A chart cast for the precise moment the transiting Moon reaches the sign and degree the Moon occupies in your birth chart each month serves as your personal, unique monthly horoscope. This is called a Lunar Return Chart (LR). This generally happens 12-13 times per year, about once a month.

What is a Lunar Return used for?

A LR can be used as a standalone chart, but functions most accurately and usefully in reference to your natal chart. You can use a LR to:

  • Highlight your personal areas of focus each day in a month;
  • To plan your activities and anticipate changes in your life;
  • Observe patterns of people, circumstances, and events that progress and resurface from month to month, and over the course of the year.

How to cast your Lunar Return

  1. Make sure you have created an account and followed these instructions to cast your sidereal birth chart using You’ll need access to the saved birth data you input for your natal chart in order to cast your lunar return chart.
  2. Click ‘Free Horoscopes’
  3. Under ‘Drawings & Calculations’ click ‘Extended Chart Selection’
  4. Choose the following settings on the ‘Extended Chart Selection’ page
    1. Horoscope for: Choose your birth chart
    2. Chart type: Scroll down to the section labeled ‘– Solar and Lunar Returns –’ and choose ‘Natal + Lunar Return chart’
    3. Chart drawing style: Classical Style
    4. Start date: This part is a bit tricky. If you have the 2019 Sidereal Moon Transits iCal then you can choose the date the Moon enters your natal sign. You still might have to play around with it.
    5. House system: Whole Signs (VERY IMPORTANT!)
    6. Zodiac: Sidereal
    7. Ayanamsha: Hindu/Lahiri
  5. Click ‘Click here to show the chart’

Here are screenshots of the website that go with the instructions outlined above.

The People’s Oracle Monthly Horoscope Workbook provides in-depth instructions on:

  • How to identify and interpret the 4 most important parts of your monthly horoscope;
  • An example using the chart of Queen Victoria of England;
  • How to interpret the New Moon and Full Moon each month in reference to your monthly horoscope;
  • And, a table where you can see patterns across all your monthly horoscope charts for one year.
The People's Oracle Monthly Horoscope Workbook (Cover)

You can download it here.

Mercury Rx in Pisces 2018: Anchored at Sea

All transits calculated using the sidereal zodiac. Use this guide to cast your sidereal birth chart and see if any planets have changed sign. And if you’re ready to learn how to understand the changes, check out an Introduction to Sidereal Astrology.

Yes, you read that correctly. We’ve reached our 2nd of 4 Mercury retrogrades this year. Mercury takes a trip in reverse 3 or 4 times each year. This year we get 4 for our pleasure.

Mercury will travel from 10°-22° Pisces between March 8 and May 3. Mercury normally spends 3-4 weeks in each sign, but it will spend about 8 weeks in Pisces due to this retrograde.

Important dates to note for Mercury Retrograde during March and April 2018


When planets are in Pisces they are under the command of Jupiter, they must undertake their tasks and execute their agendas with reverence to:

  • Escaping the confines of identity;
  • Transcending the awareness that defines the way one experiences and sees the world;
  • Shedding the uniquely identifying aspects of the persona
  • Disregarding the biases of perception in order to merge with something bigger and greater;
  • Surrendering one’s individual will to the Divine Will.

With Pisces somewhere in all of our charts, we each have an urge to give ourselves over to an experience that overrides our own will and desires. We want our feelings to have purpose greater than self gratification and emotional satisfaction. We want our actions to further a cause larger than what can be encompassed within our own lives and lifespan. And so, we craft narratives that contextualize our feelings and give them the power to devour our self serving predilections. We make our feelings holy, our desires sacred.


In Pisces, Mercury is a land bound creature anchored at sea. It prefers the evidential and predictable paths of Virgo, or the height and breadth of airy Gemini’s way. Instead, words swim like jellyfish shifting in and out of schools when they’d rather come together like a gaggle of geese and take flight.

Language is a tool meant to confer meaning. Words are ideas, symbols in place of the object or person to which it’s meant to refer. And symbols are tangible in the sense that we can grasp onto them (their function and meaning) in predictable ways. Yet, in Pisces these symbols can be a confining prison to the meaning one intends to convey in their use. They can also be an exercise in improvisation and possibility as we fashion a variety of ways to use them.

Those are excellent concepts to consider during this retrograde—improvisation and possibility. How shall you re-fashion the tools you possess in order to work with the medium at hand? You must improvise and explore the possibilities.

Of course, with everything in life, nothing is simple or straightforward. So, it is here where we meet the complexity of this Mercury retrograde.


The most recent Mercury retrograde was also in a Jupiter commanded sign, but it was fiery rather than wet. During that retrograde, Mercury in Sagittarius made 3 separate conjunctions with Saturn in Sagittarius.

Now, Mercury in Pisces will make 3 separate squares with Saturn in Sagittarius.

  1. 13° Pisces/Sagittarius – March 11
  2. 15° Pisces/Sagittarius – April 4
  3. 15° Pisces/Sagittarius – April 25

How do water and fire coexist without destroying each other? Fire is kept in check by water, and water is warmed, inspired, by the heat of fire. Action is checked by consequences, and feelings are aroused by passion.

Still, this is a square. And squares bring conflict. Pisces insists that knowledge needs no evidence and wisdom needs no experience. But Sagittarius thrives on action. Knowledge comes by doing, and wisdom is a process of distillation. Mercury in Pisces via its multiple squares to Saturn in Sagittarius magnifies this conflict.

How shall we articulate the embodied, intuitive knowings of Mercury in Pisces when Saturn in Sagittarius demands we make our lives a living testimony of what we say we believe? It’s not enough to feel it, we must do it. And if you say it, does that mean it’s true? Compassion will help manage the compulsion to do. Sometimes, you’ve got to let that compulsion pass.

But yes, improvise with the possibilities. The convictions we swear to demand our time, energy, money, and other resources. Of all the possibilities and forms circumstances can take, which ones allow us to make our lives a living testimony of what we believe?

Both Mercury and Saturn will be under the command of Jupiter in Libra. And so their agendas are secondary to that which Jupiter in Libra says they must undertake.


Jupiter in Libra has been crystal clear about its focus. Libra’s rationality, nuance, and objectivity can find the common ground between even the most disparate people and things. It enforces reconciliation. And so equality, fairness, and justice are shining emblems of Jupiter’s transit through the sign. Additionally, Jupiter being in a Venus commanded sign means that this trend is under the command of women, as Venus is a general significator for women.

It seems that despite Mercury and Saturn’s differences they both are working for the equality, justice, and fairness that Jupiter has commanded since September 11, 2017. Mercury articulates knowings that need no evidence to be true for the sake of justice, fairness, and equality. And Saturn works within the confines of social, political, and moral convictions for that same cause. It’s time to get righteous!

Schedule a tarot or astrology reading.