Capricorn is the sign to watch in 2018. Eclipses + an almost unprecedented Mars retrograde. Mars will be in Capricorn May 2, 2018 until November 5, 2018, with a major eclipse conjunct then retrograde Mars on July 27, 2018.
Mars will station retrograde on June 26, 2018 and direct on August 27, 2018, remaining in Capricorn for the entire time.
The horoscopes written here exclusive apply to the sidereal zodiac. If you are unsure of the placements of planets and points in your sidereal birth chart, then use this guide to help you cast your sidereal birth chart.
Capricorn is the domicile of Saturn, the exaltation of Mars, the detriment of the Moon, and the fall of Jupiter. You can see in those planetary relationships the rigidity and sobriety of Saturn:
- Lending strategy and order to our ambitions (Mars);
- Elucidating an existential crisis for the body (Moon);
- And, exposing the holes in our personal myth (Jupiter ).
In our personal lives and in the collective, we are seeing how the foundation and underlying structure has come to restrict and block our ability to respond to the needs of the body. Yes, our collective body, and our individual bodies and lives.
I’ve been saying that this year is unprecedented in many ways. That’s a word I want to keep using and keep present in our minds. We are setting a precedent now. So, we must each ask ourselves:
What is the precedent I intend to set in in 2018?
Below are horoscopes for the 2018 Mars in Capricorn transit + Retrograde, as well as the major Capricorn Lunar Eclipse on July 27, 2018. Read for your SIDEREAL Rising sign, Moon sign, and then your Sun sign (use this guide if you don’t know what those are).
Find more horoscopes and an in-depth interpretation for this transit in this YouTube video.

How are you developing the self discipline required to exercise your personal autonomy responsibly?
How are you reconciling your drive for self-determination with the world’s expectation that you work hard to be respected?
How are you striking a balance between emerging as a risk taker and leader amongst your peers and streamlining your efforts towards greater effectiveness in your life’s work?
What opportunities are you creating and taking advantage of in your public and professional life that allow you to properly express your boldness and need for freedom?
How are you stepping into the calling for you to be more responsible for your relationship with your intellectual and spiritual authority?
How can you work to surrender to the reality of your irrevocable ties with others while also working disrupting and revamping the outworn structures that have upheld the status quo in those relationships?
How are you striking a balance between the need to remain present to your immediate needs, and establishing relationships/dealing with conflict in order to anticipate future needs that require foresight and consistency?
What is the work that you must do in order to embrace a more structured and self-disciplined approach to the obligations you’ve committed to while being strategic in taking on additional duties?
How can you change your inner dialogue from “waiting for inspiration to create & produce” to “developing the self-discipline to be consistent in conceiving, gestating, and nurturing your progeny” (biological, intellectual, artistic, and professional)?
What steps are you taking in order to distance yourself from the trauma and the destructive stories you’ve inherited from your family lineage while also establishing structures to uphold your own legacy?
How are you crafting your work of embracing a spiritual path that relies less on gatekeepers and mediators, and more on your ability to interface with the divine in your daily life?
In what ways are you building structures and putting forth strategic effort to be financially autonomous in ways that you’ve never been before?