Saturn in Sagittarius (sidereal) – January 26, 2017

Saturn in Sagittarius (sidereal) in 2017

  • January 26 – April 7
  • October 26 – January 23, 2020

There is probably no greater, more stark contrast between adjacent signs in the zodiac than between Scorpio and Sagittarius. Only the contrast between Pisces and Aries can compete. The former moves from a Mars ruled sign to a Jupiter ruled sign, the latter from Jupiter to Mars.

As we embark upon Saturn in Sagittarius it also means we move closer to 2020 when the Great Conjunction occurs. That is the conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn. It happens every 20 years and it’s the marker of times of peace and times of war, times of plenty and times of scarcity.

But let me not get ahead of myself…

Saturn in Sagittarius by @PeoplesOracle

What is Saturn?

Saturn is cold and dry. It’s of the night time sect. Its home is in Capricorn and Aquarius, and it is an honored guest of Venus when in Libra. Saturn is far from home with no friends in Cancer and Leo, and it is antagonist to Mars when in Aries. In all of the other signs, Saturn is peregrine. It has no authority or agenda, neither inimical nor congruent with its own nature.

Saturn is the keeper of time, the builder of buildings, and the harbinger of death. And when he enters Sagittarius, he will have to answer to Jupiter. Jupiter seeks to establish a framework for synthesizing one’s experiences as a way to anticipate the future. Jupiter is the teacher, the preacher, and the guru. He’s the senator and the judge, the zealot and the proselytizer.

The placement of Jupiter during Saturn’s time in Sagittarius will inform the how we experience Saturn both individually and collectively.

Jupiter in Virgo

Saturn begins his first ingress of Sagittarius while Jupiter is in Virgo. And this is where Jupiter will be for most of Saturn’s time in Sagittarius this year. This puts the planetary behemoths in a square relationship by sign with Jupiter receiving Saturn because Saturn is in the home of Jupiter. But that square relationship is one of adjustment.

Jupiter is in its detriment in Virgo, far from home and family. But he’s been forced to adopt the ways of the land in which he finds himself. Virgo is the calculator and the categorizer, putting things in their right place. Jupiter here uses calculation, facts, and figures to anticipate the future. Logic is the measure of truth. What can be known is that which can be accounted for, measured, and solved.

Sagittarius on the other hand loathes paper and pencil as the tools of knowledge, unless of course he’s writing a memoir of his exploits. He must get out there and get his feet wet, as he craves lived experience as the measure for truth.

Since Jupiter receives Saturn, Jupiter must begrudgingly set aside his spreadsheet of poll data and consider that perhaps all of the answers can’t be found by taking a subset of the population as a representation of the whole.

Both Sagittarius and Virgo have their biases. We run into problems because Virgo believes the numbers can’t be biased, and Sagittarius knows he’s biased, but still believes he’s right.

Narratives of Saturn in Sagittarius

~The paternalistic zealot calls the statistician back home with his own version of the truth.

~The establishment, overtaken with a passion for truth, challenges the the data.

~The senator is met with resistance. He believes he’s got the numbers, but he never accounted for this change.

~The government moves forward eagerly, when they realize they must answer and the numbers don’t add up.

~The excitement of change is tiring when you’ve got the same problem but the solution changes every time.

~Bureaucracy faces off with the courts.

Saturn says, “Here is the spirit of truth to which we must be loyal.”
Jupiter replies, “But the numbers show that this is what the people really want. See?”
“What do you expect me to do with numbers? Numbers are meant to measure trees, and count objects. But numbers can’t measure truth, nor can they assess the motivations of the heart. You need wisdom for that. Here, take this. Proceed cautiously” the wise father replies.

Jupiter in Libra

Jupiter will be in Libra while Saturn is in Sagittarius from October 26, 2017 – October 11, 2018

Now the game gets fun! Saturn in Sagittarius will be in mixed reception with Jupiter in Libra. Libra is the sign of Saturn’s exaltation. And of course Sagittarius is the domicile of Jupiter. These two signs are in sextile. So they get to working together and making it happen.

Jupiter in Libra synthesizes by gathering all of the facts, it’s truth by way of reason. Of course, too many facts and too much reason can often lead one further from a truth that resonates personally. The letter of the law overrides the spirit of the law. Lucky for Jupiter in Libra, Saturn in Sagittarius can at least work with that.

The letter of the law meets the spirit of the law and they work together to find a workable solution. Saturn in Sagittarius’ thirst for truth is tempered by Jupiter in Libra’s penchant for reason.

This part of the year seems less volatile, but I wouldn’t be so sure. Never know what can happen when an overzealous bureaucracy meets with a judge with reason. He will judiciously gather all of the facts, but can he discern truth with empathy? When Venus is in Libra while Jupiter is there too will be the best of times for this transit. November 2, 2017 – November 25, 2017. I’d say that is the best time for the courts to have a say in all of the unconstitutional activity occurring in the new US presidential administration.

Tropical Zodiac vs Sidereal Zodiac?

Tropical zodiac vs Sidereal zodiac, which one should astrologers use?

tropical vs sidereal - a dual wheel comparing each zodiac

First and foremost, it’s a personal choice. As with most techniques, I am a proponent of each person using what works for them. Essentially, however, I think the choice between the Tropical zodiac and Sidereal zodiac is a philosophical choice, rather than a technical choice between which one is more mathematically accurate.

Many articles detail the technical differences between the tropical zodiac and the sidereal zodiacs, as well as why astrologers would use one or the other. That is not the purpose of this essay. Here, The Art of Vedic Astrology: Sidereal vs. Tropical, you can read a simple explanation on the technical differences between the two zodiacs. Read here (Martin Gansten Traditional Astrologer: Tropical and sidereal) about the historical divergence of the two zodiacs in western astrology. Here, I intend to touch on the philosophical differences between the Tropical and Sidereal Zodiacs.

The zodiac is primarily a language of symbols. It is the attribution of meaning to clusters of stars, constellations, in the sky. More specifically, the meaning is attributed, in both the Tropical and Sidereal zodiacs, to 30 degree divisions of space beginning and ending at a specific point, not the actual constellations which are uneven in size.

From what is the symbolism of the zodiac derived? The answer to that question is complex.

In modern astrology the Tropical zodiac’s symbolism is a mixture of Northern Hemisphere seasonal correlations (Aries = Spring) and loose connections between the names of the planets and Greek and Roman mythology (ie. Mars, god of war). There are also some significations that come from the symbolism of the animals or objects attribute to be revealed in the constellations. So, Taurus the Bull is stubborn and willful.

The meaning attributed to and associated with signs of the Tropical zodiac seems to be more of reverse engineering. The physical experience of the seasons is attributed to the sign and planet. However in the sidereal zodiac, and especially traditionally, the symbolism of the signs comes primarily from the nature of the planets that rule each sign. In Hellenistic terms, this means the system of essential dignities and debilities.

This is not meant to be a conversation about traditional versus modern astrology; however, it is relevant since the sidereal zodiac in modern times is, with rare exception, almost exclusively used by Vedic astrologers who maintain a fairly unbroken history of astrological practice. A major philosophical difference then, is that the Tropical zodiac reflects the earliest homogenization of a western culture, an attempt at normalizing astrological time.

To be clear, one kind of zodiacal symbolism is readily experienced in the physical sense, that being Tropical. And the other, Sidereal, can be observed as a phenomenon of time in space.

The phenomenon of precession – which defines the fundamental difference between how the Tropical and Sidereal zodiacs are calculated – reflects the subjective nature of time. Tropical is convenient and orderly in a way the normalizes, or standardizes time, forsaking the shifting nature of time within the context of space for something more subjective to our experience on Earth, something more ‘universal’.

The subjective nature of time is apparent with the Sidereal, but hidden with Tropical. In Sidereal the Aries point, beginning of the zodiac, moves as the stars in our solar system move against the backdrop of the Milky Way Galaxy, thus subtly shifting where the zodiac begins as each hour, day, and year passes. But in Tropical, the Aries point remains fixed, tethered to the intimate relationship between the Earth’s rotation around the sun.

The primary function of the zodiac is as a language of symbols. The zodiac is not measuring anything tangible. Words are symbols to represent concepts. They are used in place of actual objects, to communicate their meaning or purpose. But the words are not the objects themselves. And they could never  The same can be said of the signs of the zodiac. The zodiac is not the thing; the zodiac is the symbol that helps to communicate the thing.

Astrologer Samuel Reynolds of, and co-founder of the International Society of Black Astrologers, sees the divergence of the two zodiacs as a cultural issue. Here is an excerpt from a conversation we had on the subject.

To touch on your question, I want to be clear that I look at the divergence of the two Zodiacs a little differently. I think the divergence is more a cultural issue, and I think it’s the divergence in the cultures that has led to the longevity of the distinctions between the sidereal and tropical Zodiacs. I think the Zodiac is largely an invention or mnemonic for the seasons as that link suggests. That’s what has made more sense to me. However, it’s the a posteriori re-reading of the history of different cultures at the point of drifting between the two Zodiacs that make us see an intellectual distinction that, again, came after the fact.

India actually became more of an insular containment field of astrology for centuries after the Greeks left. They ended up merging much of their own indigenous astrology with Hellenistic. The focus on the constellations goes along with a long standing tradition of Indians to be concerned with the whole. The subjective nature of West is on the individual, as that is the prime achievement of the West. There’s no such ultimate intention in Indian history. The individual is part of a collective, a constellation of being.

In this sense, sidereal astrology is situational, starting with the premise that an individual is coalesced into something larger than herself. In the big picture, this is accurate. However, if I’m focused on a more self-contained, isolated sense of self as my identity, then the tropical speaks to me.

So, what zodiac do you use? Is there a philosophical reason that you choose one or the other? I’d love to hear your answers. Tweet me! @PeoplesOracle

Guide: How to Create Your Sidereal Birth Chart

This is a guide on how to create your sidereal birth chart.


Most astrologers use the Tropical zodiac. Since I use the Sidereal zodiac (Lahiri ayanamsa), I’ve gotten a lot of requests from my friends on Twitter (@PeoplesOracle) about how to create their chart this way. If you have never created your birth chart, you can use this guide to see your chart in Tropical as well.

Find a gallery of images with screenshots of the steps at the end of this post.

This guide helps you to create your sidereal birth chart.

Steps to Create Your Sidereal Birth

Step #1 – Go to – Visit and clink the link in the upper right hand corner to either log in or to create your account.

Step #2 – If you are a new user to, click “Create a free registered user profile” at the bottom of the welcome screen. If you already have an account, login and skip to Step #6.

Step # 3 – Enter your information in the registration form in order to create an account. You will have to click “OK” twice.

Step #4 – Once you have clicked “OK” twice, the next screen will allow you to edit your account settings and add your birth data. Go to the bottom of the User profile overview screen and click “Add new Astro data”.

Step #5 – Enter your birth data on the Birth Data Entry Page. Click “continue”.

Step #6 – Hover over, or click “Free Horoscopes” on the menu bar toward the top of the page. Click “Extended Chart Selection“.

Step #7 – Here are the settings you will use to create your sidereal birth chart:

  1. Methods: Please select a chart type – Natal Chart Wheel
  2. Zodiac: Select Sidereal
  3. Ayanamsha: Hindu/Lahiri
  4. House System: Whole Signs (Must use this setting for the 2019 Sidereal Astrology Guide & the 2019 Sidereal Moon Transits Guide)
  5. Click:Click here to show the chart”

Here are screenshots of the steps listed above showing how to create your sidereal birth chart:

What Purpose Does Your Spirituality Serve?

This post is from a thread of tweets I posted to Twitter on Saturday. You can see the original tweet thread here

If your spirituality serves only as a means to escape or transcend your financial circumstances, or bring you a mate, you’re doing it wrong

— The People’s Oracle (@PeoplesOracle) December 20, 2016

The People's OracleOur spirituality is how we attribute meaning to our experiences and purpose to our lives. Yet it’s often disabling. If your spirituality serves only as a means to escape or transcend your financial circumstances, or bring you a mate, you’re doing it wrong.

The convergence of American individualism, capitalism, and high literacy rates have destroyed the mysticism of spirituality. I don’t mean that folks shouldn’t want more or to be stable. When folks get caught up in prosperity doctrines, Christian, New Age (The Secret) and otherwise, they tend to overlook the real factors that contribute to their station in life. Much of that we don’t have control over.

We don’t have control over the circumstances we’re born into, nor the time period and political climate into which we are born. Yet we do have control over how we respond. Believing “wealth comes to me easily and effortlessly” ain’t gonna stop Donald Trump and his cronies from further robbing this country blind. Yet, many of our personal mandates and entitlement to comfort and wealth surely makes us believe so.

There is real work to be done to dismantle oppressive systems that create a caste system in the USA. The wealth & stability you create as your personal legacy is temporal if you don’t dismantle the system that had you poor in the first place. That means it’s about more than you and your secret to manifestation.

The wealth & stability you create as your personal legacy is temporal if you don’t dismantle the system that had you poor in the first place

— The People’s Oracle (@PeoplesOracle) December 20, 2016

There is no secret to manifestation. It’s nepotism, systemic oppression, racism, and misogyny in the USA. If you want to manifest abundance in your life, develop inner resistance to those oppressive systems. Then begin the work of tearing that sucker down!

Your resistance to abundance is your insistence upon overlooking the systems that keep you in your birth caste. It’s kept black folks in less resourced schools, poorer neighborhoods, and consistently disenfranchised them of their right vote.

You don’t have a poverty mindset. You live in a country where the government uses poverty as a weapon against social advancement. The worst part is you believe that it’s your fault. That you’ve done something wrong.

Don’t get me wrong. There are folks who have not made the best of what was given to them. And that is a sin in it’s own right. But for most of us, we’ve naively believed in meritocracy when we really live in a nepotistic state.

You don’t have a poverty mindset. You live in a country where the government uses poverty as a weapon against social advancement.

— The People’s Oracle (@PeoplesOracle) December 20, 2016