A Self-Determined Nation

Aquarius is rising in the 2019 – 2020 Aries Ingress for the USA. As a fixed sign, this indicates the US will be dealing with old stuff. Continuing to reckon with things from both 2017 and 2018. Additionally, events associated with eclipses that occurred in Aquarius & Leo between 2015 and 2018 are brought into focus.

Aquarius is the sign of self-determination and personal-sovereignty. This sign is the insignia of American democracy: rejecting and abandoning monarchical rule while embracing self-governance. It represents the American quest of defining itself separate from the authority that had claimed dominion over it—England and King George III.

“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

The Declaration of Independence

Those “unalienable Rights” are the self-determination and individual sovereignty endowed by nature itself, or God, whichever you choose.

This year focuses on America’s ever-evolving story of self-determination. Who and what is America when it is not defined by the leaders who claim dominion over it? Who and what is America when it embraces self-governance, rejecting dictatorial and monarchical rule? Where do state’s rights and federal governance agree and conflict? 

Historically, Aquarius rising in the US Aries Ingress chart has marked critical turning points in the political landscape of the country, spearheaded by people who seek to reclaim the sovereignty the US so fiercely fought for.

Aquarius Rising Historically: 1859-1868

Between the years 1859 and 1868 Aquarius was rising in the US Aries Ingress chart 3 times. This is an unprecedented period in the story of the USA both historically and astrologically. There is no other time period in US history where Aquarius rose in the Aries Ingress chart with that amount of frequency in a particular decade.

For those who know anything about this time in US history, you know that 1859 through 1868 comprises the years leading up to, during, and right after the American Civil War. That is:

  • The simultaneous culmination of the Abolitionist and Secessionist Movements, the latter was spearheaded by South Carolina in secession from the Union December 1860;
  • The middle of the American Civil War when Union General Ulysses S. Grant turned the tide in favor of the Union Army in 1863, and;
  • The Emancipation Proclamation and the rise and culmination of the Reconstruction Era 1863-1867.

1859-1860: Abolition & Secession

John Brown was a white radical revolutionary who deemed armed rebellion the only feasible way to rid the US of the institution of slavery. He organized to bring new states into the Union as slavery-free states. He murdered several pro-slavery militants and slave hunters in the Pottawatomie massacre (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pottawatomie_massacre).

October 15-18, 1859 John Brown attempted an armed slave revolt by raiding a US military arsenal at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia. He was defeated by a company of US Marines and murdered by hanging by the state of Virginia on December 2, 1859.

At the same time as the abolitionist movement was reaching a fever pitch, the secessionist movement, too, reached a marked moment of reckoning. South Carolina seceded from the Union late in 1860, but it was in the early part of that year that rhetoric ramped up, putting momentum behind the idea that there were in fact two countries in the United States. The difference between these two countries was stated plainly in South Carolina’s declaration document, “increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the Institution of Slavery.”

What is the legacy of slavery? What has become of those states who proclaimed that they were the object of hostility by non-slaveholding states?


At this point in the American Civil War, the Union Military had contained all fighting to the South. Confederate General Robert E. Lee resigned after the defeat at Gettysburg. The Battle at Gettysburg was the largest battle of the Civil War with casualties on both sides surpassing 20,000 soldiers. And it was this battlefield that was the eventual site of President Abraham Lincoln’s famous Gettysburg address. In that speech, he realized that the Declaration of Independence was further being made manifest in the sacrifice of the soldiers he honored that day.

“…that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

-President Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, delivered November 19, 1863

This year also marked the implementation of the Emancipation Proclamation. It was signed in September 1862 to be put into effect January 1, 1863. But it was of the 13th Amendment which completely abolished slavery. Though the amendment wasn’t ratified until December 6, 1865, it was initially proposed on January 11, 1864.


Four Reconstruction Acts were passed between March 2, 1867 and March 11, 1868. They were meant to establish order and assimilate former Confederate states into the Union through new state constitutions and pledges of loyalty to the Union. They sought to enforce the Emancipation Proclamation and to establish representation through voter registration and congressional and municipal elections.

It was in reaction to this military occupation of the South and what was required of Confederate states during Reconstruction that violent white supremacy took hold of of the South. A somewhat dormant Ku Klux Klan terrorized Black families in their homes and at the ballot box. Lynchings became a common form of violence against Black citizens by white citizens and the police and governemtns in the south. Black Codes made law of policies meant to create a permanent caste system with whites at the top and blacks at the bottom. It disenfranchised Black people in every aspect of life.


The astrology of 1859-1868 is absolutely critical to events and narratives of not only 2019, but also 2020. Self-determination means an identity imagined free from the gaze of others, liberated from the prison of perception, reasoned outside the parameters of personal bias and judgement. This is the challenge of the coming years. Who are we as a nation? Must we believe in race and the power dynamics that claim to be inherent to its existence? What is America without whiteness?

Revelations: The Astrology of April 7, 2017 – April 15, 201

Important Dates

All transits are in sidereal. If you’re curious about your chart using the sidereal zodiac you can find a guide with instructions on plotting your sidereal chart here, and a post outlining some of the philosophical differences between tropical and sidereal here.

I’ve been saying that the week of April 9 is the turning point, but the astrology of Friday April 7 through Saturday April 15 are probably the most intense days of the year, second only to late August when the total solar eclipse in Leo occurs and early September when the eclipse degree is triggered. Think of this as act one. Here is a rundown:

April 7

Saturn Rx, 3 Sagittarius

Uranus enters Aries

Sun opposite Jupiter

April 9

Mercury stations retrograde, 10 Aries

April 11

Full Moon conjunct Jupiter, 27 Virgo

April 12

Mars enters Taurus

April 13

Aries Ingress, Sun conjunct Uranus

April 15

Venus stations direct at 2 Pisces

This 9 +/- period augurs a cyclical shift that sheds light on previously unclear circumstances so that power dynamics change. It’s an overlap of cycles beginning and cycles ending. One thing resolves and another thing surfaces to be addressed. April is extreme, but May provides respite. Read on for a detailed look at each of this astro events.

The Astrology of April 7, 2017 - April 15, 2017 - @PeoplesOracle

Saturn Retrograde at 3 Sagittarius, April 7

Saturn has spent the last 2 years in Scorpio. He entered Sagittarius for a brief 6 months stay on January 26, 2017. I’ve made observations on Saturn’s transit through Sagittarius. I want to use this space to talk about Saturn re-entering Scorpio which happens June 20, 2017 through October 26, 2017.

Saturn will spend 4 months back in Scorpio to wrap up unfinished business. Saturn is about power and authority. It’s about sovereignty over ourselves. In Scorpio, Saturn answers to Mars and highlights our volition; do we submit to authority figures willingly or are we coerced?

Saturn breeds either humility or hubris. It can also breed humiliation. That’s where we find ourselves with Saturn in Scorpio. Does the exercising of our will come from:

  • An understanding that our power is limited and we are always subject to someone or something?
  • A belief that we can strong arm our way to positions of power?
  • Or do we feel bereft of personal power and influence in our world?

These are the questions that we will be answering the 4 months between June and October. What is our relationships with our own power and the power of others? This is a theme that manifests in our individual lives, personal relationships, and collectively.

Sun in Pisces opposite Jupiter in Virgo, April 7

Oppositions are a fulfillment of a promise made at the conjunction. Look back to late September 2016 when the Sun and Jupiter had their annual conjunction at 9 Virgo. As the Sun progressed past Jupiter on to a 90° square (28 Sagittarius/Virgo mid January 2017) we met a crises point and opportunity for breakthrough. Let’s look at what this signifies.

The Sun is the mind, the intellect. It is perception and the light of illumination. Jupiter is synthesis, contextualizing all that is perceived, crafting a narrative, and setting a precedent for possibility. When they are conjunct in Virgo, they are subject to Mercury’s need to concretize perception and synthesis into language and symbols, equations and data. We get numbers, facts, figures, and statistics.

When the Sun squares Jupiter from Sagittarius, we get the first challenge to the data. Perspective is provided and an alternative narrative is developed.

Now that we are reaching the culmination, the opposition of the Sun and Jupiter, it’s time for a revelation. The Sun shines light on Jupiter from Pisces. Read more on this opposition below, under the Full Moon in Virgo.

Uranus in Aries, April 7

The significations of Uranus can be gleaned from Mars and Mercury alone. But there is something to be said for the validity of Uranus acting like a fixed star, as I have personally experienced the herky-jerky tribulations of a Uranus transit.

Uranus entered sidereal Pisces for the first time back in 2009, but for good in 2010. This was a feature of the Uranus-Pluto square that has dominated the astrological landscape for the past several years (since 2012). Uranus entered Aries briefly last summer (2016) only just into the 1st degree. This time, Uranus is an Aries for good until 2024/2025.

While Uranus brings disruption and chaos, in Pisces that disruption can be diffuse and misdirected, revealing no clear aim. Uranus in Pisces is like lightning striking water. The electrical current of the bolt scatters over the surface of the water in all directions. Anyone swimming, or ships near the location of the strike, will most certainly be shocked, burned, or killed. But the depths of the water is left untouched.

This is not to say that the many crises precipitated during Uranus in Pisces, especially its extended square with Pluto, didn’t change anything beneath the surface. It’s that Uranus in Pisces conceals the depths of Uranus’ change, it deceives the scope of the effect of the change. But Uranus in Aries comes to make it clear.

Aries doesn’t have the laser like precision of Scorpio. It’s more like an axe that hacks away till the tree comes down. But the tree will come down.

Uranus was last in Aries beginning in 1933. Anyone with just a cursory knowledge of history knows that year changed the trajectory of global politics and economics. I did an astrological comparison of Aries ingress charts from 1933 and 2017 in this post. And there you’ll learn that the Sun and Uranus are conjunct at 0 Aries in the Aries Ingress chart once every 84 years. So Uranus entering Aries is a BIG DEAL.

The next 7 years is a time where the change becomes permanent. Things are not going back to how they were. The Aries house in your chart is getting an old fashioned shakedown. It may be completely destroyed, or at least unrecognizable, after Uranus is finished. 

Most of you reading this have never experienced Uranus in Aries, so this is unprecedented in many ways. I’ll be sharing more about ways this may manifest in our individual charts in the near future​.

Mercury retrograde, April 9

Mercury in Aries is ruled by Mars. In Pisces, Mercury was a cauldron of symbolism, tasked with finding language for the unspeakable, the unspoken. Now, in Aries, the messenger becomes a bugle, a horn with a battle cry. Mercury in Aries is subject to the drive for self protection, and the will to survive. Words are weapons declaring war, meant to decapitate and permanently separate.

Mercury is following the path that Mars cleared just a few weeks ago. Mars was the bulldozer clearing the way. Mercury in Aries will reveal the messages on what has been cleared.

This is a particularly long retrograde. This one is almost 4 weeks, and it covers the first 10 degrees of Aries. The retrograde station is at 10 Aries on April 9, and the direct station is at 0 degrees on May 4, and that is conjunct Uranus. This is truly a time of dramatic change that upsets the status quo, begs for innovation, and requires constant adjustment.

The Shadow period began March 26, so you may be able to get an idea of what this period will feature for you as March ends and April begins. But we’re dealing with a volatile sign, and two unstable planets (Mercury and Uranus). If you have any angles in early Aries, or prominent planets there, then this may be a particularly busy time for you. And it’s only just beginning with Uranus coming.

It may be helpful to think back to May of 2016 which was the last Aries Mercury Rx. Thinking back to April 28 through May 22 of that year can provide clues to the topics and areas of life that may be up for review this year.

Mercury retrograde is a time to go back and review unfinished business, revisit past situations, and redo things that need to be adjusted. This period is also good for restarting things that didn’t work out the first time, or undoing things that turned out not to be a good thing.

Full Moon at 27 Virgo, conjunct Jupiter, April 11

Lunations are very important because the Moon’s phases are one of the larger cycles that often acts as a trigger for events. We can look at this Full Moon on April 11 as the bright light that illuminates everything else that’s going on. Particularly, the Moon’s conjunction with Jupiter is a trigger for other astro events that have been happening over the past 9 months.

All of the personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) have made multiple aspects with Jupiter in Virgo. Jupiter in Virgo is a hardline logician. Not reason, but equations that provide measurable data.

Planets from Gemini squaring Jupiter in Virgo are spin masters, taking the hard data and spinning it like a magician (enter Donald J. Trump who has natal Mercury in Gemini square Jupiter in Virgo).

Planets in Pisces opposing Jupiter in Virgo work hard to contextualize that data into a larger scheme. We’ve watched a kind of two-way distillation process during sidereal Pisces season. So much information and varied data has been raining on our heads for months, but now it finally seems like we can understand exactly what is all of this data implies. Or maybe it means nothing at all?

Planets in Sagittarius squaring Jupiter in Virgo speak of  a partial breakdown. The zeal of dogma and the factuality of data squaring off head on. We’ve seen the zeal of both congress and the president receive pushback because the actual data and personal experiences of folks block bureaucracy

We’re going to see this square off politically as revelations RE Devin Nunes, the Trump family, Jeff Sessions, et al makes serious waves.

One thing that is particularly significant is that this Full Moon in Virgo is ruled by a freshly retrograde Mercury. That means that Mercury is still moving very slowly and is apt to cause delays, reversals, and revisiting matters in your Virgo house and Gemini house.

This particular story has been building since last August, so it may be beneficial to do a personal recap of what was going on in your life at that time.

Mars in Taurus, April 12

The transit from Aries to Taurus is a big one for Mars. He goes from his domicile (home) to far away from home, his detriment. Mars will be in sidereal Taurus from April 12 until May 26.

Mars in Aries is the infantry soldier, the tree logger, and the knife sharpener. Mars answers to himself there. He doesn’t ask for permission. And he doesn’t apologize, he just goes for it.

But in Taurus Mars must answer to Venus who isn’t sympathetic to his needs. Mars is divisive, combative, and conflicting. Venus is unifying, assuaging, and harmonizing. You see the challenge here? When Mars has to get permission from Venus in order to act, Mars has to shed his usual demeanor and take on a more conciliatory approach.

Taurus is about decorum, beauty, sensuality. As a Venus ruled sign it puts Mars in a bind. Mars wants to fight. It wants to cut and separate. Divide and deconstruct. So how do you fight with decorum? Cut with beauty? Divide sensually? It’s a conundrum. You become passive aggressive.

Mars in Taurus is the nice-nasty friend who slides in digs with a smile. It’s “bless your heart”, when they really mean to curse you. It’s fighting while maintaining a connection. And the ultimate in latent aggression. Mars in Taurus isn’t a pushover, just someone who wants to maintain decorum in the midst of the fight.

Aries Ingress, April 13

I’ve already written extensively about the Aries Ingress. Instead of outlining things here I will provide a list of links. These are links to a post on my blog and threads on Twitter where I talking more about what to expect in the USA regarding the Ingress. If you are not clear on what ia ingress is, read the first link.

Venus Stationary Direct at 2 Pisces, April 15

Venus has been retrograde since March 4. That day she sat still at 19 Pisces and appeared to begin travelling backwards through the zodiac. By April 15, she will have landed at 2 Pisces and once again sit still, but this time appear to move forward. She’ll be slow for awhile, though.

Planets moving slower than their normal speed and direction demand our attention. With regard to Venus it’s a time for reexamination of our desires;

  • Do you really want what you said you wanted?
  • Will you maintain your commitment?
  • Or is it time for a renegotiation?
  • Do you need more time to make a decision?

This can apply to anything that requires a consensus or agreement between people. It can apply to our physical desires as well. The essence of it all is choice. Venus Rx is a time to consider (which means to examine the stars) why we have chosen or choose as we do. What motivates your choices?

As Venus slows between April 7 and April 15, it is a time to reckon up. We must make an account for how we’ve chosen to proceed in certain areas of our lives.

The direct station occurs at a time when so much else is happening in the sky that it may be hard to know what’s what. But the end of Venus’ retrograde travel is like the icing on the cake to a week of unrelenting activity.

Mercury’s retrograde station and Venus’ direct station overlap and can make for quite a confusing time. Just when you feel like you’ve gotten your sea legs with Venus, Mercury comes along to shake things up. If the work of Venus has mostly been internal for you, Mercury lays the cards on the table.

Are you ready!


Astrology for the Week of March 6, 2017

Monday: Moon is in Gemini and Mercury is business. Great day for communication and correspondance.

Tuesday: Moon trines squares Venus then trines Mercury and the Sun. Another active mental day.

Wednesday: Moon enters Cancer and squares Mars in Aries. Continuation of last Wednesday?

Thursday: Cozy Cancer Moon trines Venus in Pisces and sextiles Jupiter in Virgo. Ghost of lovers past.

Friday: Moon enters Leo early AM. Fire Trine with Mars in Aries and Saturn in Sagittarius. Mercury moves into Pisces.

Saturday: Full Moon in Leo. Moon is bright. Can you see it now?

Sunday:  Moon in Virgo faces off with Mercury in Pisces. Who is telling the truth? Did you say what you meant or did you mean what you said?

March 6 Weekly Forecast - @PeoplesOracle

Monday, Mercury is cazimi the Sun in Aquarius. It will be within 17 minutes of an exact conjunction putting it in the heart of the Sun. In this position the sun confers its power to Mercury, giving it the platform to execute its goals.

Mercury in Aquarius is about speaking authoritatively. It’s insisting that one’s thoughts, ideas, and words come from a place of sovereignty over oneself. I wouldn’t be surprised if President 45 signs another executive order while Mercury is in this position as it reflects his desire to have unquestioned power. Ruled by Saturn, themes of this order have to do with the land under our feet, the elderly, boundaries, and the erecting of limits.

(He did sign another one before I was able to publish this post.)

Moon entered Gemini last night adding to the air in the sky. Moon spends all day applying to square Venus retrograde in Pisces which happens early in the AM on Tuesday .  She still moving at a snail’s pace right now. But the Gemini/Pisces square is one of the spoken word and the unspeakable trying to find a way to convey things to each other. Perhaps Monday and Tuesday are days  where we put into words and communicate our Venus retrograde revelations.

Tuesday Gemini Moon will spend the entire day applying to a trine with Mercury and the Sun in Aquarius providing an opportunity for the flow of ideas, social interaction, and intellectual stimulation. Gemini Moon can be busy and stimulating. Ruled by Mercury, it is changeable and in constant flux, adapting and reacting to stimuli it encounters.

After that trine business, Moon immediately applying a square to Jupiter. When the Moon is busy, we’re busy. So, Tuesday is is to be a busy day. Lots of conversation, correspondence, and coming and going. The square with Jupiter later in the day provides ripe conditions for debate over what someone said vs what they meant. The truth can come out with some prodding. Perhaps an important press conference occurs.

The Moon enters Cancer overnight into Wednesday. Early in the day she squares Mars. Wednesday is a feisty day. That square is goading us to move forward despite how we feel. Moon/Mars square can reflect battles between men and women and overall conflicting agendas and the motivation for them.

Thursday is the best day of the week. The perfect fall back from the electricity of Tuesday and Wednesday. With the overstimulated Gemini Moon, and the combative Moon/Mars square behind us, Moon in Cancer applies to a newly retrograde Venus in Pisces which occurs early in the day.

Thursday is easy and indulgent, cozy and comfortable relations and connections. This is a good day for someone from the past to resurface, or thoughts of past lovers giving you a bout of emotional deja vu. Venus Rx is known for bring back folks you think you want to let you find out if you really want them. Otherwise, themes of this Venus Rx weigh on us today.

Friday the Moon enters Leo at the crack of dawn officially beginning the Full Moon that perfects Sunday at 28 Leo. All of the week’s activity is a reflection of the dynamism of a waxing Moon.

Leo Moon is an intellectual Moon subject to the bias of personal perceptions. It can often mean we see what we want to see and feel what we think we see. It can be a projection rather than an authentic in the body experience.

Friday Moon in Leo reactivates the trine between Mars and Saturn. We get a grand fire trine Friday afternoon which is astrology for feeling like we need to act. That’s a day for structured and intentional energy.

Mercury leaves Aquarius for Pisces on Friday in the sign of its detriment and fall. The symbolism and language of Mercury finds itself mute and immersed in utterances that have more feeling than intellectual substance. Mercury will move at top speed through Pisces entering Aries on April 26 when he enters his retrograde shadow.

Saturday and Sunday are the Full Moon in Leo which is the peak of the lunar cycle. Full Moon’s reveal the Moon full of light and reflects revelations and illuminations in our lives. Everything is out in the open. What was hidden is now seen in the Leo house of our chart.

Moon enters Virgo Sunday immediately squaring Saturn and opposing Mercury in Pisces. Despite being the weekend, work starts early and is a productive day. Excellent for planning out the week and crafting your to do lists, or feeling irritated that there is too much to do and you can’t quite get it together. Try anyway.