Astrology for the Week of March 6, 2017

Monday: Moon is in Gemini and Mercury is business. Great day for communication and correspondance.

Tuesday: Moon trines squares Venus then trines Mercury and the Sun. Another active mental day.

Wednesday: Moon enters Cancer and squares Mars in Aries. Continuation of last Wednesday?

Thursday: Cozy Cancer Moon trines Venus in Pisces and sextiles Jupiter in Virgo. Ghost of lovers past.

Friday: Moon enters Leo early AM. Fire Trine with Mars in Aries and Saturn in Sagittarius. Mercury moves into Pisces.

Saturday: Full Moon in Leo. Moon is bright. Can you see it now?

Sunday:  Moon in Virgo faces off with Mercury in Pisces. Who is telling the truth? Did you say what you meant or did you mean what you said?

March 6 Weekly Forecast - @PeoplesOracle

Monday, Mercury is cazimi the Sun in Aquarius. It will be within 17 minutes of an exact conjunction putting it in the heart of the Sun. In this position the sun confers its power to Mercury, giving it the platform to execute its goals.

Mercury in Aquarius is about speaking authoritatively. It’s insisting that one’s thoughts, ideas, and words come from a place of sovereignty over oneself. I wouldn’t be surprised if President 45 signs another executive order while Mercury is in this position as it reflects his desire to have unquestioned power. Ruled by Saturn, themes of this order have to do with the land under our feet, the elderly, boundaries, and the erecting of limits.

(He did sign another one before I was able to publish this post.)

Moon entered Gemini last night adding to the air in the sky. Moon spends all day applying to square Venus retrograde in Pisces which happens early in the AM on Tuesday .  She still moving at a snail’s pace right now. But the Gemini/Pisces square is one of the spoken word and the unspeakable trying to find a way to convey things to each other. Perhaps Monday and Tuesday are days  where we put into words and communicate our Venus retrograde revelations.

Tuesday Gemini Moon will spend the entire day applying to a trine with Mercury and the Sun in Aquarius providing an opportunity for the flow of ideas, social interaction, and intellectual stimulation. Gemini Moon can be busy and stimulating. Ruled by Mercury, it is changeable and in constant flux, adapting and reacting to stimuli it encounters.

After that trine business, Moon immediately applying a square to Jupiter. When the Moon is busy, we’re busy. So, Tuesday is is to be a busy day. Lots of conversation, correspondence, and coming and going. The square with Jupiter later in the day provides ripe conditions for debate over what someone said vs what they meant. The truth can come out with some prodding. Perhaps an important press conference occurs.

The Moon enters Cancer overnight into Wednesday. Early in the day she squares Mars. Wednesday is a feisty day. That square is goading us to move forward despite how we feel. Moon/Mars square can reflect battles between men and women and overall conflicting agendas and the motivation for them.

Thursday is the best day of the week. The perfect fall back from the electricity of Tuesday and Wednesday. With the overstimulated Gemini Moon, and the combative Moon/Mars square behind us, Moon in Cancer applies to a newly retrograde Venus in Pisces which occurs early in the day.

Thursday is easy and indulgent, cozy and comfortable relations and connections. This is a good day for someone from the past to resurface, or thoughts of past lovers giving you a bout of emotional deja vu. Venus Rx is known for bring back folks you think you want to let you find out if you really want them. Otherwise, themes of this Venus Rx weigh on us today.

Friday the Moon enters Leo at the crack of dawn officially beginning the Full Moon that perfects Sunday at 28 Leo. All of the week’s activity is a reflection of the dynamism of a waxing Moon.

Leo Moon is an intellectual Moon subject to the bias of personal perceptions. It can often mean we see what we want to see and feel what we think we see. It can be a projection rather than an authentic in the body experience.

Friday Moon in Leo reactivates the trine between Mars and Saturn. We get a grand fire trine Friday afternoon which is astrology for feeling like we need to act. That’s a day for structured and intentional energy.

Mercury leaves Aquarius for Pisces on Friday in the sign of its detriment and fall. The symbolism and language of Mercury finds itself mute and immersed in utterances that have more feeling than intellectual substance. Mercury will move at top speed through Pisces entering Aries on April 26 when he enters his retrograde shadow.

Saturday and Sunday are the Full Moon in Leo which is the peak of the lunar cycle. Full Moon’s reveal the Moon full of light and reflects revelations and illuminations in our lives. Everything is out in the open. What was hidden is now seen in the Leo house of our chart.

Moon enters Virgo Sunday immediately squaring Saturn and opposing Mercury in Pisces. Despite being the weekend, work starts early and is a productive day. Excellent for planning out the week and crafting your to do lists, or feeling irritated that there is too much to do and you can’t quite get it together. Try anyway.

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