Guide: Your Personal Monthly Horoscope

In this blog post I will show you how to cast a chart that serves as your unique, personal monthly horoscope.

Time is relative. No tool articulates that as clearly as astrology. There are many different reference points for where one might mark the beginning of a segment of time or an end of one. We know that time (months) as marked by the Georgian calendar, is a matter of consensus. It is a set of agreed upon measurements rather than ones calculated in reference to something tangible or observable. However, time is measured, calculated to begin and end, by observable phenomena in astrology.

It that sense, a month can begin at any point in time. However, your personal month begins the moment the transiting Moon enters the sign of your natal Moon. A chart cast for the precise moment the transiting Moon reaches the sign and degree the Moon occupies in your birth chart each month serves as your personal, unique monthly horoscope. This is called a Lunar Return Chart (LR). This generally happens 12-13 times per year, about once a month.

What is a Lunar Return used for?

A LR can be used as a standalone chart, but functions most accurately and usefully in reference to your natal chart. You can use a LR to:

  • Highlight your personal areas of focus each day in a month;
  • To plan your activities and anticipate changes in your life;
  • Observe patterns of people, circumstances, and events that progress and resurface from month to month, and over the course of the year.

How to cast your Lunar Return

  1. Make sure you have created an account and followed these instructions to cast your sidereal birth chart using You’ll need access to the saved birth data you input for your natal chart in order to cast your lunar return chart.
  2. Click ‘Free Horoscopes
  3. Under ‘Drawings & Calculations’ click ‘Extended Chart Selection
  4. Choose the following settings on the ‘Extended Chart Selection’ page
    1. Horoscope for: Choose your birth chart
    2. Chart type: Scroll down to the section labeled ‘– Solar and Lunar Returns –’ and choose ‘Natal + Lunar Return chart
    3. Chart drawing style: Classical Style
    4. Start date: This part is a bit tricky. If you have the 2019 Sidereal Moon Transits iCal then you can choose the date the Moon enters your natal sign. You still might have to play around with it.
    5. House system: Whole Signs (VERY IMPORTANT!)
    6. Zodiac: Sidereal
    7. Ayanamsha: Hindu/Lahiri
  5. Click ‘Click here to show the chart

Here are screenshots of the website that go with the instructions outlined above.

The People’s Oracle Monthly Horoscope Workbook provides in-depth instructions on:

  • How to identify and interpret the 4 most important parts of your monthly horoscope;
  • An example using the chart of Queen Victoria of England;
  • How to interpret the New Moon and Full Moon each month in reference to your monthly horoscope;
  • And, a table where you can see patterns across all your monthly horoscope charts for one year.
The People's Oracle Monthly Horoscope Workbook (Cover)

You can download it here.

The Astrology of Love

What do the planets have to say about love? As always, you know I’m going come at it from another angle. Read on about the Astrology of Love the sidereal way.

This content originally appeared in a thread of tweets on my Twitter timeline.  It has been edited for clarity and cohesion.

While Venus is often called the planet of love, sex, and pleasure, each of the planets speaks to us about love. Love can be defined in practical terms, spiritual terms, psychological, etc. But I’m going to include all of the above and then some as I share what the planets have to say about love.


I always start with the MOON because this is where you began—in your mother’s womb. Your first body, your first home, was not your own, it was your mother’s. It was there that your body was shaped. And only upon your emergence from that body did your body take a form of its own.

The MOON is home and family, it is the circumstances of your upbringing. It is all of the people, places, and things that are familiar to you, the fixtures in your environment that comprise “home”.

LOVE begins with mother—home. This is where you learn what your needs are, who will meet them, and how they are met. Your body is programmed by your upbringing to interpret one thing as a need, and another as optional. If you survived without it, then you don’t need it, right?

The MOON teaches us that LOVE is the incubator of necessity. LOVE defines what we cannot live without. As we are shaped by our home and upbringing, so too is our relationship to our body. LOVE teaches us what necessity feels like.

  • How has your mother, home, family, upbringing, and familiar environment during your formative years shaped how you define necessity in your life?
  • Are these necessities rooted in familiarity, or does your body call for these things at present?
  • Who are the people that fulfill necessity in your life at present?


The SUN is the sense of self shaped by the awareness that you are not your body. The mind that perceives can perceive the body. The mind is aware of itself, too. The SUN, experienced as FATHER, teaches us that our sense of self informs our level of entitlement to impact the world around us. LOVE, in this sense, is the drive to be seen as we see ourselves.

  • How has your experience of FATHER shaped your entitlement to impact the world you inhabit, your world?
  • Who and what is the self that seeks to be seen as it is? Is that really you?
  • How do you show yourself so that you can be seen?


MERCURY is the underrated champion of LOVE. It is the words we think in, speak with, write with. As incantations of manifestation, words create the world we inhabit. They create the space and place where we exercise our entitlement to be.

When your world is named for you, it shapes how you perceive it. And when you are named, it shapes how you are seen and how you see yourself.

When you name your world, you shape your world. When you name yourself, you shape yourself.

  • What have you been called?
  • How has this shaped your becoming at present?
  • If you are to be seen as you are, what words have shaped your capacity to show up to be seen?


Now, we have arrived at VENUS: the capacity to change, assimilate, adapt, adjust, bend, and conform. The SUN says that your sense of self informs how you see the world. But VENUS says that LOVE means letting the world and the people in it change you, and how you see yourself.

Both are needed, you see? There is no self without LOVE. Because who you are and who you are becoming has and will always be shaped by the people in your life. Either by your resistance to conforming or by your willingness to change. This is the LOVE that VENUS teaches.

  • How willing or unwilling are you to be changed by the people in your life?
  • How do you find balance between maintaining the sense of self rooted in self perception vs the sense of self reflected back to you by the people in your life?
  • Even if you did not choose the reflection, the people in your life, can you still see yourself?
  • Can you still magnify the commonalities, however small they might appear? Perception is reality, right?


MARS, the defender of the body which emerged from Mother MOON. The one that severs the binding that necessity has created. The one that ventures out to flex the muscle of courage. It sustains and maintains the entitlement endowed by Father SUN.

The courage to stand your ground, preserve your life and body, and move as the force of life empowers you and impels you to act—this is MARS. This, too, is LOVE.

  • Who and what empowers you to save your own life?
  • Where do you find the strength to stand your ground when it matters most?
  • Who empowers you with a visceral awareness of the value of your life, your body, yourself?


JUPITER tells the story of who you are. It’s the teacher who shows and tells. It’s the culture that gives words meaning. It’s the experiences that give you meaning.

Framing the cultural narrative around belonging and community, JUPITER gives the context for how we interpret ourselves and our bodies within the society where we live. JUPITER teaches us that LOVE is finding connection beyond the primal and biological while reinforcing it at the same time.

Stories are tapestries of words that shape how we interpret the world, ourselves, and the people in it. This is JUPITER and this is LOVE.

  • How do these stories provide a way to interpret the impulses that arise in you?
  • What is the origin of these stories?
  • How do they empower intention and possibility in your life?


SATURN is where it ends and begins, for birth, too, is a SATURN thing. Birth is the beginning of the discovery of where the limits of our body lie. And death is where we face the limits of life itself.

Life ends at death, so says Saturn. The awareness of your mortality brings an existential crisis that makes living urgent. Pressing you against the walls of possibility, narrowing the path forward, LOVE is urgent. LOVE is life and death. The only two guarantees in this world.

LOVE is the consequence of mortality. It grows from the awareness that life is not forever. So we must figure some way to make it last past the time our bodies are animated with life. LOVE is the legacy we leave as evidence of our lives.

  • How have you discovered the limits of your body?
  • Who are your partners is legacy creation?
  • How has the awareness of your mortality narrowed the path of possibility in your life, revealing who and what matters most?

The Sun in Sidereal Astrology

This is a post about the Sun in sidereal astrology. It originally appeared as a thread of tweets on Twitter.

The Sun as a golden fiery ball of gas

There are 3 primary ways to understand the function of a planet in a natal (birth) chart. And I believe they go in this order:

  1. As representative of people in your life;
  2. As experiences or events at particular times;
  3. As aspects of your becoming, rooted in 1# & #2.

Free Will & Astrology Aren’t Good Friends

Modern astrology often avoids, derides, or out right denounces predictive astrology. But that’s because modern astrology doesn’t possess the tools to be adept at predictive astrology. Plus, it’s predicated on free will which is NOT the philosophical roots of astrology at all. If you’ve followed me for awhile you’ll know that I believe we have very limited freedom of will. And I believe that free will is a tool of oppression. But that’s another conversation for another time.

The focus on individual will as opposed to a more collectivist worldview has framed the sign of the Sun in a natal chart as the most important and central part of a person’s astrological make up. This is unfortunate.

Which You is the Real You

Anyone born within the same season (30 +/- day period) as you has their natal Sun in the same sign as you. Let’s borrow from Chinese astrology to understand what a season is and how it relates to the natal Sun’s sign.

In Chinese astrology, the season of birth which is the month of birth, is important. However, that season serves as a context for the day of birth. This is like the relationship between the Sun and the moon. The Moon being the day, the Sun being the month. The season/month of birth generally defines the level of support the day master/day element has. Specifically it represents the parents, family, home and upbringing.

Now, if we translate this back to western astrology, we’ll see that the Moon is the identifying factor in a natal chart as it takes 2 days to transit a sign (as opposed to 30 days for the Sun). A person born in the same season as you (30 day period of the same Sun sign) has to be born within the same 2 day period as you in order to have the same Sun and Moon sign. Conceptually this helps us to understand that the Sun in the natal chart is not a unique identifying factor for an individual. I know this goes contrary to everything you’ve learned, but you must unlearn it.

I’m going to offer some philosophical concepts to help you better understand the Sun in astrology. Then I’ll offer some basic significations. The latter will be a result of the former.

Have You  Ever Seen the Sun?

Look at the picture of the Sun that I used to begin this blog post. Have you ever turned your head towards the sky and observed the Sun appearing this way? How does the Sun appear to your eye? Have you ever seen it as it is? A simpler question: What does the Sun look like?

All that we see with our eyes is because of the light of the Sun. Objects absorb & reflect certain wavelengths of light providing the appearance of colors. Yet we can’t perceive this light as it is. Google quantum physics & explanations of light and matter, have your mind blown.

The primary way that we perceive the light of the Sun is via the Moon. The Moon reflects different amounts of the Sun’s light at cyclical intervals based on the spacial relationship between the Moon, Earth, and Sun.

In astrology the Sun is the mind, sight, and perception. You cannot see the mind. You cannot see sight. And you cannot perceive perception. Much like you cannot take your eyes out of your head and look at them. The very nature of the mind and perception is that you cannot turn it back on itself to see it. Just like you cannot see the Sun as it truly is, you cannot see the mind.

The Sun is the light that illuminates allowing perception. It’s consciousness, and the lens through which you see yourself—not your physical body, but the concept of yourself held in your mind. The Sun is the concept of your self, the idea of who you are that you project into the world, and that you seek to see reflected back to you.

There is no you without your body. When there is no body, there is only the idea of you which is different in everyone’s mind. What is the body in astrology? It’s the Moon. And we know that the Moon is about family, mother, your home, your tribe. It’s the social and physical means by which you come into being.

Identity is a funny thing. Social science and philosophy ask and attempt to answer questions about how identity is formed. We know that identity is formed in society/social setting.

You and the concept/idea of who you are (SUN) comes into being via your body, your mother, your tribe, your family, society (MOON). There is no you without things.

Going back to my comparison to Chinese astrology, it’s clear that in a hierarchy of planets and points that most uniquely identify you and your life, it is the Moon and it’s relationship to the Sun that gives a complete and unique picture. This is why I see astrology as a social science and a tool of divination. It very clearly articulates the nature of human life, the self, and how it comes into being.

But, if you believe that who you are is something that exists in this rigid form, separate from your relationships, family, and society, rather than emerging from those things, then of course you think that the Sun is the most important planet in the natal chart.

The Sun as a Gear of Time

The Sun is the father, significant men, and authority figures. It is your mind, the concept of how you perceive your self, the lens through which your mind perceives the world around you. The Sun is how you think of yourself, yet it says nothing of who you are and what you do out in the world.

The Sun says nothing of how others see you. No one can see your mind, and you can’t see theirs either. It says nothing of how you function and the roles you play in life. Implied here is that your self concept/idea of yourself is formed and reinforced by your body, your family and upbringing, your tribe, and the society in which you come up.

The very 1st time the Sun returns to the position where it was when you were born, there have been 13 Moons/lunations. That’s 13 cycles of New & Full Moons, 365+/- circadian cycles of sleeping and waking. If the Moon is the body, this is 13 cycles of nourishing and nurturing that body.

At that time you answer to your name, and you have come to understand whether or not needs you have and express will be fulfilled. Will someone answer when you cry? Do you experience familiar smells and sights? Is your world one of plenty or lack? Are you touched and played with?

All of these things have to do with the body. And the orientation of your body to the world around you and the people in it are what forms the first ideas of who you are. This is the relationship between the Moon and the Sun in your natal chart: how is the idea/concept of yourself formed?

You have no identity when you are born. You have no idea or concept of a self or who you are. It is something that develops over time. And every time the Sun comes back to the sign and degree where it is in your natal chart, you enter a new season of becoming aware of this self. That time is around your birthday each year and we call the chart cast for that moment your solar return.

The season of your birth, the Sun sign in your natal chart, is indicative of the outer world circumstances in which you were born. It is a transiting moment of time for your mother as well. And what is the mother, the Moon in your natal chart.

Wrap your mind around that!

Revelations: The Astrology of April 7, 2017 – April 15, 201

Important Dates

All transits are in sidereal. If you’re curious about your chart using the sidereal zodiac you can find a guide with instructions on plotting your sidereal chart here, and a post outlining some of the philosophical differences between tropical and sidereal here.

I’ve been saying that the week of April 9 is the turning point, but the astrology of Friday April 7 through Saturday April 15 are probably the most intense days of the year, second only to late August when the total solar eclipse in Leo occurs and early September when the eclipse degree is triggered. Think of this as act one. Here is a rundown:

April 7

Saturn Rx, 3 Sagittarius

Uranus enters Aries

Sun opposite Jupiter

April 9

Mercury stations retrograde, 10 Aries

April 11

Full Moon conjunct Jupiter, 27 Virgo

April 12

Mars enters Taurus

April 13

Aries Ingress, Sun conjunct Uranus

April 15

Venus stations direct at 2 Pisces

This 9 +/- period augurs a cyclical shift that sheds light on previously unclear circumstances so that power dynamics change. It’s an overlap of cycles beginning and cycles ending. One thing resolves and another thing surfaces to be addressed. April is extreme, but May provides respite. Read on for a detailed look at each of this astro events.

The Astrology of April 7, 2017 - April 15, 2017 - @PeoplesOracle

Saturn Retrograde at 3 Sagittarius, April 7

Saturn has spent the last 2 years in Scorpio. He entered Sagittarius for a brief 6 months stay on January 26, 2017. I’ve made observations on Saturn’s transit through Sagittarius. I want to use this space to talk about Saturn re-entering Scorpio which happens June 20, 2017 through October 26, 2017.

Saturn will spend 4 months back in Scorpio to wrap up unfinished business. Saturn is about power and authority. It’s about sovereignty over ourselves. In Scorpio, Saturn answers to Mars and highlights our volition; do we submit to authority figures willingly or are we coerced?

Saturn breeds either humility or hubris. It can also breed humiliation. That’s where we find ourselves with Saturn in Scorpio. Does the exercising of our will come from:

  • An understanding that our power is limited and we are always subject to someone or something?
  • A belief that we can strong arm our way to positions of power?
  • Or do we feel bereft of personal power and influence in our world?

These are the questions that we will be answering the 4 months between June and October. What is our relationships with our own power and the power of others? This is a theme that manifests in our individual lives, personal relationships, and collectively.

Sun in Pisces opposite Jupiter in Virgo, April 7

Oppositions are a fulfillment of a promise made at the conjunction. Look back to late September 2016 when the Sun and Jupiter had their annual conjunction at 9 Virgo. As the Sun progressed past Jupiter on to a 90° square (28 Sagittarius/Virgo mid January 2017) we met a crises point and opportunity for breakthrough. Let’s look at what this signifies.

The Sun is the mind, the intellect. It is perception and the light of illumination. Jupiter is synthesis, contextualizing all that is perceived, crafting a narrative, and setting a precedent for possibility. When they are conjunct in Virgo, they are subject to Mercury’s need to concretize perception and synthesis into language and symbols, equations and data. We get numbers, facts, figures, and statistics.

When the Sun squares Jupiter from Sagittarius, we get the first challenge to the data. Perspective is provided and an alternative narrative is developed.

Now that we are reaching the culmination, the opposition of the Sun and Jupiter, it’s time for a revelation. The Sun shines light on Jupiter from Pisces. Read more on this opposition below, under the Full Moon in Virgo.

Uranus in Aries, April 7

The significations of Uranus can be gleaned from Mars and Mercury alone. But there is something to be said for the validity of Uranus acting like a fixed star, as I have personally experienced the herky-jerky tribulations of a Uranus transit.

Uranus entered sidereal Pisces for the first time back in 2009, but for good in 2010. This was a feature of the Uranus-Pluto square that has dominated the astrological landscape for the past several years (since 2012). Uranus entered Aries briefly last summer (2016) only just into the 1st degree. This time, Uranus is an Aries for good until 2024/2025.

While Uranus brings disruption and chaos, in Pisces that disruption can be diffuse and misdirected, revealing no clear aim. Uranus in Pisces is like lightning striking water. The electrical current of the bolt scatters over the surface of the water in all directions. Anyone swimming, or ships near the location of the strike, will most certainly be shocked, burned, or killed. But the depths of the water is left untouched.

This is not to say that the many crises precipitated during Uranus in Pisces, especially its extended square with Pluto, didn’t change anything beneath the surface. It’s that Uranus in Pisces conceals the depths of Uranus’ change, it deceives the scope of the effect of the change. But Uranus in Aries comes to make it clear.

Aries doesn’t have the laser like precision of Scorpio. It’s more like an axe that hacks away till the tree comes down. But the tree will come down.

Uranus was last in Aries beginning in 1933. Anyone with just a cursory knowledge of history knows that year changed the trajectory of global politics and economics. I did an astrological comparison of Aries ingress charts from 1933 and 2017 in this post. And there you’ll learn that the Sun and Uranus are conjunct at 0 Aries in the Aries Ingress chart once every 84 years. So Uranus entering Aries is a BIG DEAL.

The next 7 years is a time where the change becomes permanent. Things are not going back to how they were. The Aries house in your chart is getting an old fashioned shakedown. It may be completely destroyed, or at least unrecognizable, after Uranus is finished. 

Most of you reading this have never experienced Uranus in Aries, so this is unprecedented in many ways. I’ll be sharing more about ways this may manifest in our individual charts in the near future​.

Mercury retrograde, April 9

Mercury in Aries is ruled by Mars. In Pisces, Mercury was a cauldron of symbolism, tasked with finding language for the unspeakable, the unspoken. Now, in Aries, the messenger becomes a bugle, a horn with a battle cry. Mercury in Aries is subject to the drive for self protection, and the will to survive. Words are weapons declaring war, meant to decapitate and permanently separate.

Mercury is following the path that Mars cleared just a few weeks ago. Mars was the bulldozer clearing the way. Mercury in Aries will reveal the messages on what has been cleared.

This is a particularly long retrograde. This one is almost 4 weeks, and it covers the first 10 degrees of Aries. The retrograde station is at 10 Aries on April 9, and the direct station is at 0 degrees on May 4, and that is conjunct Uranus. This is truly a time of dramatic change that upsets the status quo, begs for innovation, and requires constant adjustment.

The Shadow period began March 26, so you may be able to get an idea of what this period will feature for you as March ends and April begins. But we’re dealing with a volatile sign, and two unstable planets (Mercury and Uranus). If you have any angles in early Aries, or prominent planets there, then this may be a particularly busy time for you. And it’s only just beginning with Uranus coming.

It may be helpful to think back to May of 2016 which was the last Aries Mercury Rx. Thinking back to April 28 through May 22 of that year can provide clues to the topics and areas of life that may be up for review this year.

Mercury retrograde is a time to go back and review unfinished business, revisit past situations, and redo things that need to be adjusted. This period is also good for restarting things that didn’t work out the first time, or undoing things that turned out not to be a good thing.

Full Moon at 27 Virgo, conjunct Jupiter, April 11

Lunations are very important because the Moon’s phases are one of the larger cycles that often acts as a trigger for events. We can look at this Full Moon on April 11 as the bright light that illuminates everything else that’s going on. Particularly, the Moon’s conjunction with Jupiter is a trigger for other astro events that have been happening over the past 9 months.

All of the personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) have made multiple aspects with Jupiter in Virgo. Jupiter in Virgo is a hardline logician. Not reason, but equations that provide measurable data.

Planets from Gemini squaring Jupiter in Virgo are spin masters, taking the hard data and spinning it like a magician (enter Donald J. Trump who has natal Mercury in Gemini square Jupiter in Virgo).

Planets in Pisces opposing Jupiter in Virgo work hard to contextualize that data into a larger scheme. We’ve watched a kind of two-way distillation process during sidereal Pisces season. So much information and varied data has been raining on our heads for months, but now it finally seems like we can understand exactly what is all of this data implies. Or maybe it means nothing at all?

Planets in Sagittarius squaring Jupiter in Virgo speak of  a partial breakdown. The zeal of dogma and the factuality of data squaring off head on. We’ve seen the zeal of both congress and the president receive pushback because the actual data and personal experiences of folks block bureaucracy

We’re going to see this square off politically as revelations RE Devin Nunes, the Trump family, Jeff Sessions, et al makes serious waves.

One thing that is particularly significant is that this Full Moon in Virgo is ruled by a freshly retrograde Mercury. That means that Mercury is still moving very slowly and is apt to cause delays, reversals, and revisiting matters in your Virgo house and Gemini house.

This particular story has been building since last August, so it may be beneficial to do a personal recap of what was going on in your life at that time.

Mars in Taurus, April 12

The transit from Aries to Taurus is a big one for Mars. He goes from his domicile (home) to far away from home, his detriment. Mars will be in sidereal Taurus from April 12 until May 26.

Mars in Aries is the infantry soldier, the tree logger, and the knife sharpener. Mars answers to himself there. He doesn’t ask for permission. And he doesn’t apologize, he just goes for it.

But in Taurus Mars must answer to Venus who isn’t sympathetic to his needs. Mars is divisive, combative, and conflicting. Venus is unifying, assuaging, and harmonizing. You see the challenge here? When Mars has to get permission from Venus in order to act, Mars has to shed his usual demeanor and take on a more conciliatory approach.

Taurus is about decorum, beauty, sensuality. As a Venus ruled sign it puts Mars in a bind. Mars wants to fight. It wants to cut and separate. Divide and deconstruct. So how do you fight with decorum? Cut with beauty? Divide sensually? It’s a conundrum. You become passive aggressive.

Mars in Taurus is the nice-nasty friend who slides in digs with a smile. It’s “bless your heart”, when they really mean to curse you. It’s fighting while maintaining a connection. And the ultimate in latent aggression. Mars in Taurus isn’t a pushover, just someone who wants to maintain decorum in the midst of the fight.

Aries Ingress, April 13

I’ve already written extensively about the Aries Ingress. Instead of outlining things here I will provide a list of links. These are links to a post on my blog and threads on Twitter where I talking more about what to expect in the USA regarding the Ingress. If you are not clear on what ia ingress is, read the first link.

Venus Stationary Direct at 2 Pisces, April 15

Venus has been retrograde since March 4. That day she sat still at 19 Pisces and appeared to begin travelling backwards through the zodiac. By April 15, she will have landed at 2 Pisces and once again sit still, but this time appear to move forward. She’ll be slow for awhile, though.

Planets moving slower than their normal speed and direction demand our attention. With regard to Venus it’s a time for reexamination of our desires;

  • Do you really want what you said you wanted?
  • Will you maintain your commitment?
  • Or is it time for a renegotiation?
  • Do you need more time to make a decision?

This can apply to anything that requires a consensus or agreement between people. It can apply to our physical desires as well. The essence of it all is choice. Venus Rx is a time to consider (which means to examine the stars) why we have chosen or choose as we do. What motivates your choices?

As Venus slows between April 7 and April 15, it is a time to reckon up. We must make an account for how we’ve chosen to proceed in certain areas of our lives.

The direct station occurs at a time when so much else is happening in the sky that it may be hard to know what’s what. But the end of Venus’ retrograde travel is like the icing on the cake to a week of unrelenting activity.

Mercury’s retrograde station and Venus’ direct station overlap and can make for quite a confusing time. Just when you feel like you’ve gotten your sea legs with Venus, Mercury comes along to shake things up. If the work of Venus has mostly been internal for you, Mercury lays the cards on the table.

Are you ready!


Astrology for the Week of March 26, 2017

I’m ready to talk about the astrological excitement that is the April 7-April 16.
But First…

Astrology for the week of March 26 – April 1

All transits are in sidereal. If you’re curious about your chart using the sidereal zodiac you can find a guide with instructions on plotting your sidereal chart here. And a post outlining some of the philosophical differences between tropical and sidereal here.

Astrology for the Week of March 26, 2017 - @PeoplesOracle

March 26, 2017 we walk through a vortex. Mercury reaches 0 Aries, the degree of its direct station (more on that below). We’ve already experienced planets crossing this point, and it has not disappointed.

Zero degrees of Aries is the beginning of the zodiac, so it’s always a sensitive point. But this year, it’s a poignant trigger that helps us to time important events.

On March 1, 2017, the first planet crossed the 0 Aries Marker. Mars jumped the threshold after dancing with the Moon at 29 Pisces. Moon followed quickly. We came out of the proverbial waters of baptism into the fire of fisticuffs. (As of early Sunday) Mercury is now at that same degree, 29 Pisces, ready to cross the threshold into the fire. Once again, our allegiances will be tested

As the Moon and Mars traversed 0 Aries we were coerced into taking sides. No more walking the thin line of feigned neutrality. In the public sphere, news broke that implicated Jeff Sessions in Russia-gate. This was an omen of things to come as the Russia story has demanded more and more of our collective attention.

But in our personal lives, we’ve felt the conviction of choosing sides in inner and external battles.

Where have you felt compelled to profess where you stand?
What side did you choose?

Next up is a New Moon in Pisces with Venus retrograde front and center. This is exact Monday evening, but active once the Moon enters Pisces overnight from Sunday to Monday. Pisces calls us to connect to something larger than ourselves, to awaken our empathy, provide deeper meaning and purpose to all that we do.

This is surely at odds with Mercury and Mars in Aries. These two planets are divisive, where Sun, Moon, and Venus in Pisces are like adhesive, beckoning people to come together. But this leads me to the conclusion that as we choose sides and proclaim where we stand, it allows for allegiances to be born.

When we are unafraid to be bold in our declarations of who we are, we are able to identify those who resonate with our convictions. We are able to connect with others based on shared ideals and common goals.

Our intentions for this New Moon period should be to stand strong in our convictions as a means to connecting to something larger than ourselves. For some reason,  we believe we can fit in when we stand in the middle, but at this time standing there will leave you standing alone. Relinquish fear of being a leader.

Moon enters Aries on Wednesday March 29. He sets off Mercury and Mars like a lit match in a keg of dynamite. Wednesday and Thursday are days to lay low and plan how to be responsive rather than reactionary. Both days the Moon is applying to planets so that means busy busy news. Think back to on or about March 1, March 8, March 15, for clues to the Moon/Mars story in your life.

Moon enters Taurus before daybreak Friday March 31. Moon makes aspects with Venus on Friday and the Sun & Jupiter Saturday. That makes for a very peaceful weekend prefacing an excitable and busy week.

Now, Important Dates

I’ve been saying that the week of April 9th is the turning point, but Friday April 7 through Sunday April 16 are probably the most intense days of the year, second only to late August when the total solar eclipse in Leo occurs and early September. Think of this as act one. Here is a rundown

  • April 7
    • Saturn Rx, 3 Sagittarius
    • Uranus enters Aries
    • Sun opposite Jupiter
  • April 9 – Mercury stations retrograde, 20 Aries
  • April 11 – Full Moon conjunct Jupiter, 27 Virgo
  • April 12 – Mars enters Taurus
  • April 13 – Aries Ingress, Sun conjunct Uranus
  • April 15 – Venus stations direct at 2 Pisces

In an upcoming post, I will go into full detail on these astrological events. It was originally part of one big post, but that seemed like too much to put into one blog post. So I’ll post the rest this week.