Mutable Madness! March & April 2018

Mutable Signs, it’s your turn to get that work!

Back in August 2017, in the midst of a deluge of transits in fixed signs, I was looking ahead to now, Spring 2018. It was clear to me then that while Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius where getting that work , the mutable signs would get their chance in due time.

What is mutable, anyway?

Mutable signs are also called bicorporeal—Gemini as the twins, Sagittarius half man and half centaur, and Pisces as two fish. Virgo is the only sign where the constellation for which it was named does not meet this qualification. Still, bicorporeal means taking two forms or having two bodies. Conceptually, this correlates to the theme of the mutable signs. Mutable signs are able to change form and adapt to new information. When your Sun is in a mutable sign your self concept changes based on information encounter and experiences you have.

Mercury and Jupiter as commanding authorities of the Mutable signs tells us much about what these signs mean. Essentially, Mercury is language, symbols, tools, and brotherhood; and Jupiter is meaning, myth, purpose, and friendship. Gemini and Virgo are under Mercury’s command, and Sagittarius and Pisces are under Jupiter.

Of the mutable signs we come to understand:

  • How one knows what they know;
  • What tools are used to complete tasks; and
  • How to interpret what is articulated via language and other symbols.

This is the realm of Mercury and Jupiter. Mercury as Gemini is information. Mercury as Virgo is provable facts. Jupiter as Sagittarius is kinesthetic experience. Jupiter as Pisces intuitive experience.

Do you have mutable signs prominent in your sidereal birth chart? Use this guide to cast your sidereal birth chart to find out.