Saturn Return in Sagittarius: #MutableMadness2019

If you were born between December 17, 1987 and March 20, 1990, then between June 20, 1990 and December 14, 1990, then you have Saturn in Sagittarius. You are in the midst of your Saturn Return. 2019 is a VERY BIG DEAL for you! Your Saturn return began in January 2017. It will finish in January 2020.

When I talk about #MutableMadness2019 I speak of a season in which we all find a relevant time for change and transition in our lives. However, there is a specific group of people whose lives intersect with this season in a deeply personal way.

By the way, what is a Saturn Return? Read this

This is a thread. Read the rest of the tweets by clicking the birdie.
You are having your Saturn Return in Sagittarius if you were born between December 17, 1987 and March 20, 1990, then between June 20, 1990 and December 14, 1990.

What makes the current generation of Saturn in Sagittarius returns so special? First is that the eclipses have come to the sign of your Saturn.

Eclipses in Gemini & Sagittarius

Eclipses are lunar or solar. Lunar eclipses are marked points of clarity. The lights come on revealing previously hidden knowledge, circumstances, or feelings. Solar eclipses snatch things from our lives, or vigorously thrust us towards something brand new. You, my dear Saturn Return in Sagittarius friends, get TWO solar eclipses and ONE lunar eclipse in the sign of your Saturn in 2019. This is #MutableMadness2019.

Now these eclipses and the interpretation of what they bring or take away are true for everyone. But for you, who has Saturn in Sagittarius, these eclipses converge with your coming of age.

Saturn in Sagittarius, you now step squarely into adulthood, faced with the defining moment that reveals where the walls that narrow your path forward are. Now is the moment the ceilings of possibility are illuminated, directing you towards a life of meaningful intention.

With the Solar Eclipses, you get TWO opportunities to abandon the things that no longer align with your INTENTIONS & CONVICTIONS. You get TWO opportunities to be suddenly thrust into a life that aligns with what life reveals as TRUTH for you.

With the Lunar Eclipse, you get ONE opportunity to see clearly how your intentions and convictions have served you or not.

Jupiter Comes Home to Sagittarius in 2019

The second thing that makes this Saturn return special for this generation of Saturn in Sagittarius is that Jupiter comes home to Sagittarius in 2019. Jupiter asks you to get clear on why you tell the story you tell.

Jupiter in Sagittarius asks: ” Why do you tell the story you tell about what is possible in your life? Why do you believe what you believe?

It matters not if the story you tell is true; only your intentions matter. The real question is, “Does the story you tell about what’s possible in your life support or undermine your intentions?

My Saturn Return in Sagittarius friends, this is the magic potion that helps you get clear on your priorities. This is the tonic that reveals the intentions that inform how you invest your time, energy, and other resources.

MutableMadness2019 for Saturn return in Sagittarius brings these ultimate questions to you:

  • Have you paid lip service to the convictions you confess?
  • Or, is your life a living testimony of those convictions?
  • Are you ready to shape the world to your intentions?
  • How?

Download the 2019 Eclipse Guide for FREE!

If you are were born between the dates listed above, I want you to be equipped for the changes 2019 brings to you. Book the Saturn Return Reading and receive a FREE download of the 2019 Eclipse Guide.

Book the Saturn Reading and receive a FREE download of the 2019 Eclipse Guide.

The 2019 Eclipse Guide is your blueprint for change in 2019. Using this guide to see your life through the lens of eclipses reveals a communal and even globally significant context for change. See where you fit into the changes happening in the world around you while finding language to articulate your inner shifts and the external events to which they connect.

The Sun in Sidereal Astrology

This is a post about the Sun in sidereal astrology. It originally appeared as a thread of tweets on Twitter.

The Sun as a golden fiery ball of gas

There are 3 primary ways to understand the function of a planet in a natal (birth) chart. And I believe they go in this order:

  1. As representative of people in your life;
  2. As experiences or events at particular times;
  3. As aspects of your becoming, rooted in 1# & #2.

Free Will & Astrology Aren’t Good Friends

Modern astrology often avoids, derides, or out right denounces predictive astrology. But that’s because modern astrology doesn’t possess the tools to be adept at predictive astrology. Plus, it’s predicated on free will which is NOT the philosophical roots of astrology at all. If you’ve followed me for awhile you’ll know that I believe we have very limited freedom of will. And I believe that free will is a tool of oppression. But that’s another conversation for another time.

The focus on individual will as opposed to a more collectivist worldview has framed the sign of the Sun in a natal chart as the most important and central part of a person’s astrological make up. This is unfortunate.

Which You is the Real You

Anyone born within the same season (30 +/- day period) as you has their natal Sun in the same sign as you. Let’s borrow from Chinese astrology to understand what a season is and how it relates to the natal Sun’s sign.

In Chinese astrology, the season of birth which is the month of birth, is important. However, that season serves as a context for the day of birth. This is like the relationship between the Sun and the moon. The Moon being the day, the Sun being the month. The season/month of birth generally defines the level of support the day master/day element has. Specifically it represents the parents, family, home and upbringing.

Now, if we translate this back to western astrology, we’ll see that the Moon is the identifying factor in a natal chart as it takes 2 days to transit a sign (as opposed to 30 days for the Sun). A person born in the same season as you (30 day period of the same Sun sign) has to be born within the same 2 day period as you in order to have the same Sun and Moon sign. Conceptually this helps us to understand that the Sun in the natal chart is not a unique identifying factor for an individual. I know this goes contrary to everything you’ve learned, but you must unlearn it.

I’m going to offer some philosophical concepts to help you better understand the Sun in astrology. Then I’ll offer some basic significations. The latter will be a result of the former.

Have You  Ever Seen the Sun?

Look at the picture of the Sun that I used to begin this blog post. Have you ever turned your head towards the sky and observed the Sun appearing this way? How does the Sun appear to your eye? Have you ever seen it as it is? A simpler question: What does the Sun look like?

All that we see with our eyes is because of the light of the Sun. Objects absorb & reflect certain wavelengths of light providing the appearance of colors. Yet we can’t perceive this light as it is. Google quantum physics & explanations of light and matter, have your mind blown.

The primary way that we perceive the light of the Sun is via the Moon. The Moon reflects different amounts of the Sun’s light at cyclical intervals based on the spacial relationship between the Moon, Earth, and Sun.

In astrology the Sun is the mind, sight, and perception. You cannot see the mind. You cannot see sight. And you cannot perceive perception. Much like you cannot take your eyes out of your head and look at them. The very nature of the mind and perception is that you cannot turn it back on itself to see it. Just like you cannot see the Sun as it truly is, you cannot see the mind.

The Sun is the light that illuminates allowing perception. It’s consciousness, and the lens through which you see yourself—not your physical body, but the concept of yourself held in your mind. The Sun is the concept of your self, the idea of who you are that you project into the world, and that you seek to see reflected back to you.

There is no you without your body. When there is no body, there is only the idea of you which is different in everyone’s mind. What is the body in astrology? It’s the Moon. And we know that the Moon is about family, mother, your home, your tribe. It’s the social and physical means by which you come into being.

Identity is a funny thing. Social science and philosophy ask and attempt to answer questions about how identity is formed. We know that identity is formed in society/social setting.

You and the concept/idea of who you are (SUN) comes into being via your body, your mother, your tribe, your family, society (MOON). There is no you without things.

Going back to my comparison to Chinese astrology, it’s clear that in a hierarchy of planets and points that most uniquely identify you and your life, it is the Moon and it’s relationship to the Sun that gives a complete and unique picture. This is why I see astrology as a social science and a tool of divination. It very clearly articulates the nature of human life, the self, and how it comes into being.

But, if you believe that who you are is something that exists in this rigid form, separate from your relationships, family, and society, rather than emerging from those things, then of course you think that the Sun is the most important planet in the natal chart.

The Sun as a Gear of Time

The Sun is the father, significant men, and authority figures. It is your mind, the concept of how you perceive your self, the lens through which your mind perceives the world around you. The Sun is how you think of yourself, yet it says nothing of who you are and what you do out in the world.

The Sun says nothing of how others see you. No one can see your mind, and you can’t see theirs either. It says nothing of how you function and the roles you play in life. Implied here is that your self concept/idea of yourself is formed and reinforced by your body, your family and upbringing, your tribe, and the society in which you come up.

The very 1st time the Sun returns to the position where it was when you were born, there have been 13 Moons/lunations. That’s 13 cycles of New & Full Moons, 365+/- circadian cycles of sleeping and waking. If the Moon is the body, this is 13 cycles of nourishing and nurturing that body.

At that time you answer to your name, and you have come to understand whether or not needs you have and express will be fulfilled. Will someone answer when you cry? Do you experience familiar smells and sights? Is your world one of plenty or lack? Are you touched and played with?

All of these things have to do with the body. And the orientation of your body to the world around you and the people in it are what forms the first ideas of who you are. This is the relationship between the Moon and the Sun in your natal chart: how is the idea/concept of yourself formed?

You have no identity when you are born. You have no idea or concept of a self or who you are. It is something that develops over time. And every time the Sun comes back to the sign and degree where it is in your natal chart, you enter a new season of becoming aware of this self. That time is around your birthday each year and we call the chart cast for that moment your solar return.

The season of your birth, the Sun sign in your natal chart, is indicative of the outer world circumstances in which you were born. It is a transiting moment of time for your mother as well. And what is the mother, the Moon in your natal chart.

Wrap your mind around that!

Mutable Madness! March & April 2018

Mutable Signs, it’s your turn to get that work!

Back in August 2017, in the midst of a deluge of transits in fixed signs, I was looking ahead to now, Spring 2018. It was clear to me then that while Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius where getting that work , the mutable signs would get their chance in due time.

What is mutable, anyway?

Mutable signs are also called bicorporeal—Gemini as the twins, Sagittarius half man and half centaur, and Pisces as two fish. Virgo is the only sign where the constellation for which it was named does not meet this qualification. Still, bicorporeal means taking two forms or having two bodies. Conceptually, this correlates to the theme of the mutable signs. Mutable signs are able to change form and adapt to new information. When your Sun is in a mutable sign your self concept changes based on information encounter and experiences you have.

Mercury and Jupiter as commanding authorities of the Mutable signs tells us much about what these signs mean. Essentially, Mercury is language, symbols, tools, and brotherhood; and Jupiter is meaning, myth, purpose, and friendship. Gemini and Virgo are under Mercury’s command, and Sagittarius and Pisces are under Jupiter.

Of the mutable signs we come to understand:

  • How one knows what they know;
  • What tools are used to complete tasks; and
  • How to interpret what is articulated via language and other symbols.

This is the realm of Mercury and Jupiter. Mercury as Gemini is information. Mercury as Virgo is provable facts. Jupiter as Sagittarius is kinesthetic experience. Jupiter as Pisces intuitive experience.

Do you have mutable signs prominent in your sidereal birth chart? Use this guide to cast your sidereal birth chart to find out.

Saturn in Sagittarius (sidereal) – January 26, 2017

Saturn in Sagittarius (sidereal) in 2017

  • January 26 – April 7
  • October 26 – January 23, 2020

There is probably no greater, more stark contrast between adjacent signs in the zodiac than between Scorpio and Sagittarius. Only the contrast between Pisces and Aries can compete. The former moves from a Mars ruled sign to a Jupiter ruled sign, the latter from Jupiter to Mars.

As we embark upon Saturn in Sagittarius it also means we move closer to 2020 when the Great Conjunction occurs. That is the conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn. It happens every 20 years and it’s the marker of times of peace and times of war, times of plenty and times of scarcity.

But let me not get ahead of myself…

Saturn in Sagittarius by @PeoplesOracle

What is Saturn?

Saturn is cold and dry. It’s of the night time sect. Its home is in Capricorn and Aquarius, and it is an honored guest of Venus when in Libra. Saturn is far from home with no friends in Cancer and Leo, and it is antagonist to Mars when in Aries. In all of the other signs, Saturn is peregrine. It has no authority or agenda, neither inimical nor congruent with its own nature.

Saturn is the keeper of time, the builder of buildings, and the harbinger of death. And when he enters Sagittarius, he will have to answer to Jupiter. Jupiter seeks to establish a framework for synthesizing one’s experiences as a way to anticipate the future. Jupiter is the teacher, the preacher, and the guru. He’s the senator and the judge, the zealot and the proselytizer.

The placement of Jupiter during Saturn’s time in Sagittarius will inform the how we experience Saturn both individually and collectively.

Jupiter in Virgo

Saturn begins his first ingress of Sagittarius while Jupiter is in Virgo. And this is where Jupiter will be for most of Saturn’s time in Sagittarius this year. This puts the planetary behemoths in a square relationship by sign with Jupiter receiving Saturn because Saturn is in the home of Jupiter. But that square relationship is one of adjustment.

Jupiter is in its detriment in Virgo, far from home and family. But he’s been forced to adopt the ways of the land in which he finds himself. Virgo is the calculator and the categorizer, putting things in their right place. Jupiter here uses calculation, facts, and figures to anticipate the future. Logic is the measure of truth. What can be known is that which can be accounted for, measured, and solved.

Sagittarius on the other hand loathes paper and pencil as the tools of knowledge, unless of course he’s writing a memoir of his exploits. He must get out there and get his feet wet, as he craves lived experience as the measure for truth.

Since Jupiter receives Saturn, Jupiter must begrudgingly set aside his spreadsheet of poll data and consider that perhaps all of the answers can’t be found by taking a subset of the population as a representation of the whole.

Both Sagittarius and Virgo have their biases. We run into problems because Virgo believes the numbers can’t be biased, and Sagittarius knows he’s biased, but still believes he’s right.

Narratives of Saturn in Sagittarius

~The paternalistic zealot calls the statistician back home with his own version of the truth.

~The establishment, overtaken with a passion for truth, challenges the the data.

~The senator is met with resistance. He believes he’s got the numbers, but he never accounted for this change.

~The government moves forward eagerly, when they realize they must answer and the numbers don’t add up.

~The excitement of change is tiring when you’ve got the same problem but the solution changes every time.

~Bureaucracy faces off with the courts.

Saturn says, “Here is the spirit of truth to which we must be loyal.”
Jupiter replies, “But the numbers show that this is what the people really want. See?”
“What do you expect me to do with numbers? Numbers are meant to measure trees, and count objects. But numbers can’t measure truth, nor can they assess the motivations of the heart. You need wisdom for that. Here, take this. Proceed cautiously” the wise father replies.

Jupiter in Libra

Jupiter will be in Libra while Saturn is in Sagittarius from October 26, 2017 – October 11, 2018

Now the game gets fun! Saturn in Sagittarius will be in mixed reception with Jupiter in Libra. Libra is the sign of Saturn’s exaltation. And of course Sagittarius is the domicile of Jupiter. These two signs are in sextile. So they get to working together and making it happen.

Jupiter in Libra synthesizes by gathering all of the facts, it’s truth by way of reason. Of course, too many facts and too much reason can often lead one further from a truth that resonates personally. The letter of the law overrides the spirit of the law. Lucky for Jupiter in Libra, Saturn in Sagittarius can at least work with that.

The letter of the law meets the spirit of the law and they work together to find a workable solution. Saturn in Sagittarius’ thirst for truth is tempered by Jupiter in Libra’s penchant for reason.

This part of the year seems less volatile, but I wouldn’t be so sure. Never know what can happen when an overzealous bureaucracy meets with a judge with reason. He will judiciously gather all of the facts, but can he discern truth with empathy? When Venus is in Libra while Jupiter is there too will be the best of times for this transit. November 2, 2017 – November 25, 2017. I’d say that is the best time for the courts to have a say in all of the unconstitutional activity occurring in the new US presidential administration.