Saturn in Sidereal Aquarius 2022-2025

Change My Name

Saturn will transit sidereal Aquarius April 28, 2022 through March 29, 2025.

An illustrated collage of face parts cut up into squares and strewn amongst pieces of cut up newspaper. Face parts in all shades of skin, browns, oranges, beiges. Face parts include eyes, eyebrows, eyelashes, noses, mouths, etc in all different shapes and colors. Black text inside  white partially transparent rounded rectangles say "Change my Name. Saturn in Sidereal Aquarius. April 28, 2022 - March 29, 2025."

I told Jesus
Be alright
If he changed my name
I told Jesus
Be alright
If he changed my name

I told Jesus
Be alright
Be alright
Be alright

“I Told Jesus” by Roberta Flack on YouTube

One thing the God of the Bible was gonna do was change somebody’s name. Story after story is about the new identity that emerges from leaving behind one’s former self for a new self, one’s old name for a new name.

The God of the old testament gave new names to those God called to lead their people towards liberation, and to those given mantles to change the trajectory of their family lineage. Abram became Abraham while Sarai became Sarah. Jacob was called Israel.

This practice of changing names has been important for people, past and present, both as political statements of self-determination and as a reorganization of one’s sense of self. The latter is political, too.

Just as Jesus of Nazareth changed his disciple Simon’s name to Cephas (as a prophecy for how Cephas would soon carry forth Jesus’s work and legacy), Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s father changed both of their names from Michael to Martin Luther. He did this in honor of the legacy of Martin Luther, father of the Protestant Reformation. Malcolm Little was called Malcom X and then el-hajj Malik el-Shabazz in the tradition of the Nation of Islam, relinquishing the surname of their ancestors’ enslavers. He was renamed as an acknowledgment of a new identity from a new lineage, no longer seeing and knowing himself as the offspring of chattel.

There are also instances in the Old Testament of the Bible where colonizers changed the names of those they colonized. Pharaoh changed the name of Joseph, son of Israel (Jacob), to Zaphenath-Paneah. Daniel became Belteshazzar under the reign of imperialist ruler Nebuchadnezzar. Both Joseph and Daniel were given names as a way for their colonizers to appropriate and claim ownership of their gifts.

Though this particular kind of name change is not unique to the Bible, it illustrates the legacy of colonialism and imperialism. Empire makes objects of its subjects by supplanting the subjective gaze for that of empire. The colonized must see and know themselves as empire sees and knows them in order to survive empire. They must answer to the name that empire calls them.

What does it do to one’s identity, one’s sense of self, what one even defines as oneself, when one’s name is changed? Name changes are not in any way superficial or aesthetic. They form the shape and content of identity. They are symbols that allow us to conceptualize (see in our imaginations, our minds) ourselves. We come to know and see ourselves by the words and names we are called, for good or ill.

Whose Vision Determines What You See?

A question I pose often is, “whose vision determines what you see?” We assume that we see ourselves, each other, and this world through our own vision. If we are not seeing through our own eyes, whose eyes are we seeing through?

What we call the ‘self’ is an aggregate of internalized gazes. By gaze, I mean who and what other people perceive and/or demand us to be, and how they treat us and judge us. An internalized gaze, then, is the way we consciously and unconsciously see ourselves, each other, and the world through the judgements and perceptions of others. This often happens to the exclusion of our own gaze, until the time comes to see ourselves anew. That time is now.

The gazes of those who have, and have had, the power of life and death over us comprise the most of this self that we identify with and project outward. That which makes up the self that you identify with and as “me” comes from other people in direct proportion to the amount of power they have over you.

Enslavers’ power of life and death over the African’s they kidnapped and tortured.

Parents’ and other adults’ power of life and death over children who have no power of their own.

Whiteness’s power of life and death over all who must survive its obsession with dominance over all.

Capitalism’s power of life and death over all who must be fed and housed under its perpetual theft and hoarding.

Patriarchy’s power of life and death over all who must survive its entitlement to authority, assumed and enforced with violence.

One’s parents and caregivers, government and all proxies for the state, the dominating culture and their cultural norms⎻these all have the power of life and death over us in varying degrees at different points in our lives. Whatever self one might identify with as “I” is most certainly the self that has managed to survive these forces of life and death.

Are All People Persons?

Who lives without fear of physical violence from their caregivers? Who is conditioned to expect violence as a consequence for existing?

Who is granted the dignity of safe housing and food security? Who suffers from chronic housing insecurity and hunger?

Who can move freely without fear of imprisonment or an untimely death? Who constantly faces the threat of imprisonment and death?

Who is granted the freedom to embody and express their feelings as their evolving authentic self? Whose is stripped of bodily autonomy, the right to feel and to control what they do with and what happens to their body?

The one who conforms, without error, to the gaze of the forces of life and death is granted the rights and privileges of personhood. They are granted freedom from a life without fear of violence, houselessness, food insecurity, or an untimely death. And when they err, they are punished and expected to repent and atone.

Under these definitions, who is seen as a person and at what cost? Are all humans granted personhood? Are all who are granted personhood humans?

Who has assumed the power to determine what a person is? This answer is simple. Those who harness and then weaponize the power of life and death over others determine what a person is. The definition of personhood precludes the self-determination of individuals and once sovereign peoples. The right is violently stolen.

Reclamation As Revolt 

Name changes are a political act of self-determination. They expose and reject internalized gazes. They reclaim the power and the right to see oneself through one’s own eyes.

Name changes get to the root of imperialism and colonialism. The root is when and where the three-headed beast of patriarchy, capitalism, and whiteness claimed dominion over you by stripping you of your right to decide what name you will answer to.

Self-determination, as the gift of sidereal Aquarius, is the process of, right to, and survival based need to:

  • Recognize and name the gazes you have internalized;
  • Realize that those gazes are not your authentic self;
  • Reclaim the right to see yourself through your own eyes and imagination;
  • Reimagine, redefine, and rename oneself.

Self-determination is the difference between identifying with who and what has power over us, and identifying with a real imagined self that exists independent of who and what has power over us.

So, whose vision determines what you see?

Saturn Return in Sidereal Aquarius

An illustrated collage of face parts cut up into squares and strewn amongst pieces of cut up newspaper. Face parts in all shades of skin, browns, oranges, beiges. Face parts include eyes, eyebrows, eyelashes, noses, mouths, etc in all different shapes and colors. Black text inside a  white partially transparent rounded rectangle says "Saturn Return in Sidereal Aquarius. April 28, 2022 - March 29, 2025." Birthdates for Saturn Return in sidereal Aquarius: Mach 2, 1993 through June 2, 1995, August 9, 1995 through February 16, 1996. January 27, 1964 through December 19, 1966.
Birthdates for those having their Saturn Return in sidereal Aquarius

You are having your first Saturn return if you were born:

  • March 2, 1993 – June 2, 1995
  • August 9, 1995 – February 16, 1996

You were born after a decades long fight against apartheid in South Africa “ended” with the election of Nelson Mandela. During the 1980s crack cocaine ravaged Black communities in the United States. It culminated in the 1994 Crime Bill which has irreversibly harmed generations of Black people. That same year HIV/AIDS became the number one cause of death for Americans aged 25-44. Also in 1994 was the Rwandan Genocide and the start of the First Chechen War.

Underlying all of these events is the same thing: the colonial exploits of whiteness, patriarchy, and capitalism and the movements of self-determination that rose up in reaction. 

Your Saturn return begins the very first time Saturn enters sidereal Aquarius which is April 28, 2022. Your Saturn return does not end until the very last time that Saturn leaves sidereal Aquarius which is March 29, 2025.

You are having your second Saturn return if you were born:

January 27, 1964 – December 19, 1966

You were born at the height of the 1960s Civil Rights struggle in America which culminated in a polarized combination of wins and losses: the 1965 Voting Rights Act, the assassination of Malcolm X, the formation of the Black Panther Party, The Vietnam War and the anti-war movement, The Cold War, desegregation.

Underlying all of these events is the same thing: the colonial exploits of whiteness, patriarchy, and capitalism and the movements of self-determination that rose up in reaction. 

Your Saturn return begins the very first time Saturn enters sidereal Aquarius which is April 28, 2022. Your Saturn return does not end until the very last time that Saturn leaves sidereal Aquarius which is March 29, 2025.

Preparing For Your Saturn Return

Download and work through the content of my 2 workshop Saturn Return in Sidereal Aquarius – 2022-25. This download includes 2-hours of audio, 13 slides, and 6 worksheets. I cover the following topics:

  • What is Saturn?
  • What is the Saturn Return?
  • What does Saturn in sidereal Aquarius mean in my birth chart?
  • What is my Saturn Story?
  • What will I experience during my Saturn return?
  • How can I prepare?

The Full Moon in Cancer is Coming…

The Full Moon in Cancer is coming, Thursday, January 28, 2021. Why am I telling you this now? Cause it’s gonna be ROUGH.

Here is the good news: You will have had 1 full year of Saturn in Capricorn by the time we get to that Full Moon. One full year of remembering that you are mortal. One full year of confronting the reality that YOU are the adult now.

The question is, have you approached this time with these things in mind? Have you confronted the fact that mommy and daddy can’t protect you from everything? …Can not, did not, will not.

And if you’ve looked to leaders in your community, nation, or family to be a good mommy or daddy…

Don’t get me wrong. YOU DESERVE to have your needs met, to be protected, to have your needs recognized. BUT! Have you embraced your ENTITLEMENT to have your needs met?

At your big age, how can you expect anyone—the government, your lover, your loved ones—to meet your needs when you are too ashamed to need?

3 of the 4 Cardinal signs will be occupied during the Full Moon in Cancer, January 28, 2021: Moon in Cancer; Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, and the Sun in Capricorn; Mars in Aries. That’s all of those red lines in this chart. Those red lines = power struggles, conflict, confrontation.

In our personal lives and in our communal lives, the Full Moon in Cancer (Jan 28, 2021) brings into focus:

Indulgence – Attunement – Addiction
Neglect – Resourcefulness – Repression
Abandonment – Courage – Recklessness

Addiction and Repression are two sides of the same coin: How does one learn to regulate a mind-body whose needs were never acknowledged?

Recklessness: The adults weren’t/couldn’t adult, so do you know where the limits are when you were expected to find them on your own?

Libra is missing from this Cardinal party. That means we will be looking to what Libra represents as a solution: objective agreed upon principles that help us know what to do in any given situation. That’s law and legislation.

Also, the pressure is on Libra + what it represents.

Last thing… don’t get caught up and sent off like ya’ll did last year. Tropical astrology had ya’ll ready for a Leo Full Moon party, but instead… you FELT that Full Moon in Cancer. Tell a friend!

Originally tweeted by The People’s Oracle (@PeoplesOracle) on January 18, 2021.

Saturn in Capricorn: 2020-2023

It’s that time again, that every 2.5 years moment where the time changes. Saturn, delimiter and determiner of time, leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn January 23, 2020. 

Saturn in Capricorn

January 23, 2020 – April 28, 2022
July 22, 2022 – January 17, 2023

The last section of this article outlines the birth dates for people who are beginning their first or second Saturn Return. Use code THISISMASTERY to book the Saturn Return reading for 20% off now through January 31, 2020.

Saturn in Capricorn. Wood working tools.

From Zealotry to Sobriety…

We are endeavoring upon the final phase of an unprecedented collective conversion experience, after which each of us finds ourselves definitively on one side or the other. This conversion experience has stoked kindling into a full grown raging Fire, consuming individual volition with it’s irresistible agenda for global change. (This phase continues through November 2020 and overlaps with Saturn entering Capricorn.)

Change ensues when one’s stored up life force catapults the Self into the throes of unmitigated action. This change is infectious, and the only immunity is nihilistic apathy. But the human drive for storytelling and god-making is hard to resist. Consequently, you’ve found yourself swept up in a movement, rallying against a common enemy, laying your individuality at the altar of meaning and significance. Relevance is a survival need, too.

Since January 2017, we’ve been caught up in a squall of rapturous zeal. Who has arrived at this moment consumed by ambivalence, and how did you get that way? Have you been disarmed of your agency? Has the Dogma of Identity gotten the best of you? Has it hijacked your will to make this world some iteration of a reflection of who you are?

You come into an awareness that burns away the dross of ignorance and innocence after numinous experiences like those brought about by exponentially self-imposed climate disaster; being stripped of all manner of emotional and physical autonomy; becoming the convenient scapegoat for all of society’s fears; and being subjected to the worst of what a man and his unclaimed shadow inflicts upon all in his sphere of influence.

Zeal rises up in you like a consuming Fire, transforming the context for how you know and understand everything you thought you knew and understood. Who turned the lights on? And can you unsee it? Nope. It’s too late.

Eventually the Fire dies down into something useable. It becomes a source of warmth and heat, unless, of course, it destroyed its fuel source before it had a chance to get put to use. Righteous anger is unsustainable. It self destructs after awhile. In this moment, a new factor comes into focus. It has been in the background, hovering over us as an unspoken fact of living. That factor is time, and it is time that forces us to sober up. It is time that cools the zeal by separating the fired up from the ready to work and already working.

Saturn as time is a compass that articulates place in space. It’s a reference point for here to there. It’s a consensus, an agreed upon method for organizing the limited amount of daylight and physical energy into viable segments. Time is our fundamental shared reality.

Saturn is Death

Death comes in many forms, most viscerally as the absence of conscious awareness—no presence to bear witness to is-ness. Time is how we negotiate with the inevitable death that mortality brings. This inevitability conceives, gestates, and births urgency. Without death, time is unnecessary math, counting for naught,and measuring in vain. Death conjures the ceilings, walls, limits, and conceptions of an incalculable but sure end. It is the ultimate reference point for deciphering meaning and calculating the value of now.

Death is the irrevocable nature of certain change. There is no return to the womb once you are born. There is no return to the innocence of childhood once you reach puberty in adolescence. There is no unknowing what you’ve come into full awareness of. Even if you can’t recall with your mind, your body remembers.

Saturn in Capricorn brings a reckoning with this inability to forget. It brings the imposition of order through systems and processes as a way to make use of your viable segment of time. It demands competent execution for there is no time for failure. Every minute counts, every now is closer to then—then is death.

What Will You Do With What You’ve Been Given?

The Parable of the Talents is a harsh tale of Saturn and the expectations of its transit through Capricorn.

Three workers were given money by their boss who was leaving for a trip. They were given $5, $2, and $1. The one with $5 increased theirs to $10. The one with $2 to $4. The one with $1 hid theirs under the mattress. They were afraid to lose it and to have nothing to show for what they’d been given. At the end they were punished. Good things were withheld from them. That doesn’t in any way seem fair. They had the most to lose even though they were given the least.

The gravity of Saturn’s sobriety shines through in this teaching. We are each allotted a limited number of minutes, hours, days, and years. And we don’t know when our counting of them will be complete. Do we set ourselves in darkness, watching each moment pass, tick-tock-ticking away until we can know exactly how long we’ve been here? What peace comes with knowing for sure?

Or, do we live each successive now with the urgency of an unknown end, taking risks equal to the opportunity each moment brings? The two who used what they were given are akin to the latter. They matched their gift with effort. But the one with so little, so fearful to miscount a moment, came back with just the $1. At least they knew exactly what they had, right?

Knowing is a trap. But it is one we must negotiate with. Surety is not a panacea for fear. Sometimes fear is fuel propelling us towards our ambitions, other times it’s a blazing red flag admonishing us to stop and go no further. Saturn is both, sometimes simultaneously.

Encountering the Constraints of Reality

What comes as a consequence of rightly discerning the limits of your world, your body, and your mind? What consequences befall those who willfully or unintentionally miscalculate where and what the limits are? Saturn has no care whether you hit or miss, just like a concrete barricade doesn’t move just because you tried not to hit it. Maybe you live a bit longer, maybe not.

Prisons are punishment and Saturn transits can mean we find ourselves enclosed in the walls and ceilings of literal and figurative prisons. We can also willfully impose prisons of torture on ourselves when we’re fixed on tangible cues as the final determiner of the limits of what is and what can be. Still, self-discipline is the empowered way to deal with Saturn. It won’t remove the walls, but control feels like putting the walls there yourself rather than having them imposed on you. This is tricky business!

Mastery is a right relationship with control. It is finding the fulcrum point between imposing one’s will and surrendering to what is. Mastery is manipulating tools or a medium to reach a desired end. A master carpenter has accepted that a hammer is for driving nails and a saw is for cutting wood. It is only in this state of surrender that she comes to know how to use those tools to build.

The child laments over why the hammer won’t cut wood. They sing songs of protest against the hammer’s agenda. Yet, a shift in understanding reveals that the hammer is not at fault. The hammer functions how its creator intended. Surrendering to the limits of the hammer means that you can focus on the real problem. Do you have a saw to cut wood? If so, why aren’t you using it? If not, why don’t you have one?

This is the real work before us. Sober assessments of what is puts problems into perspective and solutions within reach. Capricorn has no tolerance for entitlement. Leave that up to Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo. Entitlement is that same zeal that gets you fired up, but can it sustain the work?

Saturn Return in Capricorn

Your Saturn Return begins the very first time Saturn enters the sign of your natal Saturn, Capricorn in this case—January 23, 2020. Your Saturn Return ends the very last time Saturn leaves the sign of your natal Saturn—January 17, 2023.

You may be unsure of the sign Saturn occupies in your birth chart because you are used to your tropical zodiac birth chart, or because your birthday is on one of the dates mentioned in the Saturn Return in Capricorn section below. Use this guide to cast your sidereal birth chart and identify where Saturn is. (You can email me if you need further assistance—Oracle at Dayna Lynn dot com.)

The Saturn opposition correlates to the rite of puberty transitioning the child into adolescence at 13/14 years old. Then, the prefrontal cortex reaches a critical turning point in the journey of cognitive maturation. This part of the brain culminates its maturation with the Saturn return which is the rite of passage into adulthood proper at 29/30 years old.

This physiological process occurs as a consequence of experience, not as a detached process programmed without necessitating human “interference.” This is to say that cognitive maturity is not a monolith and it is not promised just because you reach 30 years old. There could be physiological and developmental barriers. Ultimately, your birth chart articulates the circumstances that shape what maturation looks like for you.

1st Saturn Return

March 20, 1990 – June 20, 1990
December 14, 1990 – March 5, 1993
October 15, 1993- November 9, 1993

The first Saturn return situates you on the edge of proper adulthood. This period is marked by constant thoughts of “I wish someone would just tell me what to do!” We often seek out or find ourselves in the company of Saturn figures who act as guide rails as we encounter complex problems. These problems seem to have heavy and far reaching consequences and we question our capability to meet them.

For the Saturn in Capricorn generation endeavoring upon their first Saturn return, it’s imperative that you look at the world around you and recognize the way this present collective dispensation shapes your personal reality. It’s critical that you widen your focus to include the larger containers that form your experiences of time in general and time specific to this moment.

The 18 months leading up to the beginning of your Saturn return have proven that there is a step that comes before reality is solidified. That step is the cultivating of an intentional why. This demands that you not take at face value the limits you’ve perceived, and understand that the limits of the world are the consequence of another’s conviction, another’s identity. It doesn’t have to be yours.

Read the stories of humans during the time of your birth. The early 90s. You were born at a moment where fear of irrelevance and the inevitable death of an old order caused power structures to secure their future, just like the person who was given $1 in the Parable of the Talents. Then, consolidating political and economic power looked like an expanding globalism that sought to completely erase the identities and cultures of old. Seeing death can mean maximizing the present or encapsulating the present. The former is full of life. The latter quickens death.

So, what will you do, on the cusp of full adulthood? Will you take on this world unquestioned? Or, have you seen something you can’t unsee? Have you seen the forces of will that inflict the dogma of a so called reality? What limits, walls, and ceilings have you taken for granted? Will you become propagator of the status quo? Or, will you seek to master a path towards an adulthood of your own shaping and making?

2nd Saturn Return

February 1, 1961 – September 1961
October 7, 1961 – January 27, 1964

This Saturn in Capricorn generation was born during a major global shift in power dynamics. Reality set in after the late 1950s, and the optimism of having survived a second world war wore off. With no common enemy to defeat, we turned towards our communities to find the next demon to slay. Those were the demons of colonialism, anti-blackness, and misogyny.

Your 1st Saturn return in the early 90s was the first major backlash to defeat old power structures experienced at the hand of powerful social movements. From the 1960s to the 1990s societies went from opting out of old power structures to becoming a part of them. For survival, of course.

Welcome to your 2nd Saturn return. You are transitioning into the Crone, the Wise One. Yet, there is fear of falling into irrelevance and an ineffectual life of forgetting and being forgotten. Remember, relevance is a survival need to. Acknowledging that is a step towards making peace with your present stage of life.

20% off Saturn Return Reading with code THISISMASTERY through January 31, 2020

All of the astrology referenced in this article is exclusively applicable to the sidereal zodiac. Use this guide with instructions on plotting your sidereal chart. Here is a post on how I’ve come to use the sidereal zodiac.

The Astrology of Love

What do the planets have to say about love? As always, you know I’m going come at it from another angle. Read on about the Astrology of Love the sidereal way.

This content originally appeared in a thread of tweets on my Twitter timeline.  It has been edited for clarity and cohesion.

While Venus is often called the planet of love, sex, and pleasure, each of the planets speaks to us about love. Love can be defined in practical terms, spiritual terms, psychological, etc. But I’m going to include all of the above and then some as I share what the planets have to say about love.


I always start with the MOON because this is where you began—in your mother’s womb. Your first body, your first home, was not your own, it was your mother’s. It was there that your body was shaped. And only upon your emergence from that body did your body take a form of its own.

The MOON is home and family, it is the circumstances of your upbringing. It is all of the people, places, and things that are familiar to you, the fixtures in your environment that comprise “home”.

LOVE begins with mother—home. This is where you learn what your needs are, who will meet them, and how they are met. Your body is programmed by your upbringing to interpret one thing as a need, and another as optional. If you survived without it, then you don’t need it, right?

The MOON teaches us that LOVE is the incubator of necessity. LOVE defines what we cannot live without. As we are shaped by our home and upbringing, so too is our relationship to our body. LOVE teaches us what necessity feels like.

  • How has your mother, home, family, upbringing, and familiar environment during your formative years shaped how you define necessity in your life?
  • Are these necessities rooted in familiarity, or does your body call for these things at present?
  • Who are the people that fulfill necessity in your life at present?


The SUN is the sense of self shaped by the awareness that you are not your body. The mind that perceives can perceive the body. The mind is aware of itself, too. The SUN, experienced as FATHER, teaches us that our sense of self informs our level of entitlement to impact the world around us. LOVE, in this sense, is the drive to be seen as we see ourselves.

  • How has your experience of FATHER shaped your entitlement to impact the world you inhabit, your world?
  • Who and what is the self that seeks to be seen as it is? Is that really you?
  • How do you show yourself so that you can be seen?


MERCURY is the underrated champion of LOVE. It is the words we think in, speak with, write with. As incantations of manifestation, words create the world we inhabit. They create the space and place where we exercise our entitlement to be.

When your world is named for you, it shapes how you perceive it. And when you are named, it shapes how you are seen and how you see yourself.

When you name your world, you shape your world. When you name yourself, you shape yourself.

  • What have you been called?
  • How has this shaped your becoming at present?
  • If you are to be seen as you are, what words have shaped your capacity to show up to be seen?


Now, we have arrived at VENUS: the capacity to change, assimilate, adapt, adjust, bend, and conform. The SUN says that your sense of self informs how you see the world. But VENUS says that LOVE means letting the world and the people in it change you, and how you see yourself.

Both are needed, you see? There is no self without LOVE. Because who you are and who you are becoming has and will always be shaped by the people in your life. Either by your resistance to conforming or by your willingness to change. This is the LOVE that VENUS teaches.

  • How willing or unwilling are you to be changed by the people in your life?
  • How do you find balance between maintaining the sense of self rooted in self perception vs the sense of self reflected back to you by the people in your life?
  • Even if you did not choose the reflection, the people in your life, can you still see yourself?
  • Can you still magnify the commonalities, however small they might appear? Perception is reality, right?


MARS, the defender of the body which emerged from Mother MOON. The one that severs the binding that necessity has created. The one that ventures out to flex the muscle of courage. It sustains and maintains the entitlement endowed by Father SUN.

The courage to stand your ground, preserve your life and body, and move as the force of life empowers you and impels you to act—this is MARS. This, too, is LOVE.

  • Who and what empowers you to save your own life?
  • Where do you find the strength to stand your ground when it matters most?
  • Who empowers you with a visceral awareness of the value of your life, your body, yourself?


JUPITER tells the story of who you are. It’s the teacher who shows and tells. It’s the culture that gives words meaning. It’s the experiences that give you meaning.

Framing the cultural narrative around belonging and community, JUPITER gives the context for how we interpret ourselves and our bodies within the society where we live. JUPITER teaches us that LOVE is finding connection beyond the primal and biological while reinforcing it at the same time.

Stories are tapestries of words that shape how we interpret the world, ourselves, and the people in it. This is JUPITER and this is LOVE.

  • How do these stories provide a way to interpret the impulses that arise in you?
  • What is the origin of these stories?
  • How do they empower intention and possibility in your life?


SATURN is where it ends and begins, for birth, too, is a SATURN thing. Birth is the beginning of the discovery of where the limits of our body lie. And death is where we face the limits of life itself.

Life ends at death, so says Saturn. The awareness of your mortality brings an existential crisis that makes living urgent. Pressing you against the walls of possibility, narrowing the path forward, LOVE is urgent. LOVE is life and death. The only two guarantees in this world.

LOVE is the consequence of mortality. It grows from the awareness that life is not forever. So we must figure some way to make it last past the time our bodies are animated with life. LOVE is the legacy we leave as evidence of our lives.

  • How have you discovered the limits of your body?
  • Who are your partners is legacy creation?
  • How has the awareness of your mortality narrowed the path of possibility in your life, revealing who and what matters most?

2018, part 2

We are entering the 2nd half of 2018. This is where it gets interesting…

Between Mars’s 6 month Capricorn transit and retrograde, the Capricorn lunar eclipse (July 27, 2018) conjoined Mars, and Jupiter in Scorpio, this year ramps up in intensity from now through the rest of the year and into 2019.

Jupiter in Scorpio (October 10, 2018 through November 4, 2019) will bring up for resolution stories from the summer of 2016. Then, Saturn was in the middle of its transit through Scorpio, and Mars went retrograde in Scorpio. Jupiter is ready to bring the chickens home to roost.

Regarding Mars & Capricorn, you can thinking about early to mid 2009, and November 2016. Collectively, those were difficult times for the US. Michael Jackson died (that was devastating, for real), and the US was in the midst of the Great Recessions. It was economically tough.

November 2016 was a shock for the world.

On August 27, 2018, Mars will station direct conjoined the degree where it was on the day Donald Trump was elected. BIG DEAL! Mars crossed this degree for the first time in the middle of May 2018. Mars will hover around this degree August 13 through September 10.

This is all to say that Mars’s direct station will bring bombshell revelations around Trump & Russia, it will illuminate major jolts to the US economy, and it will set off a series of events that make the end of 2018 unprecedented in major ways.

I’ve said nothing about Venus in Libra for 4 months, and the US mid-term elections. But I’ll save that for another time.

For now, think about your own 2009 and the parallels to now as far as what area of your life is the focus. And what were you doing during the Summer of 2016?