Reading Your Sidereal Birth Chart Workshop – September 27, 200

Knowing your big 3 is cool and all, but do you know which planet in your sidereal birth chart is the most powerful and influential?

Reading Your Sidereal Birth Chart Workshop
Sunday, September 27, 2020
1:30pm Central Time


Do you know which years of your life will activate that planet?

Do you know how that planet impacts your love life, your health, your sense of purpose and direction in your life?

I’m going to guide you in answering all of those questions and many more on Sunday September 27, 2020 during my Reading Your Sidereal Birth Chart Workshop.

Sidereal astrology is Divination for Liberation. That means that there is a time and a season for all things. Just as a farmer knows when to till, sow, harvest, or let the land rest, your sidereal birth chart empowers you with the knowledge to do the same in your life.

Who is this workshop for? Everyone. Those who know something about sidereal astrology, those who who know nothing about sidereal astrology, and those who can’t give up their addiction to their tropical sign or chart because they love it so much.

Registration begins Friday August 28, 2020
Early bird registrants receive a FREE PDF download of my 2020 Sidereal Astrology Guide and a digital recording of the workshop after.

Reading your Sidereal Birth Chart Workshop contains info you haven’t been able to find on a web search or in any book. There’s only one way to find out… You coming?

EARLY BIRDAUG 28 – SEP 3FREE 2020 Sidereal Astrology Guide + Audio + Workbook$99
ON-TIMESEP 4 – SEP 10Workbook$99
BARELY MADE ITSEP 11 – SEP 18Workbook$112

The Liberating Power of the Sidereal Zodiac

I’m assuming you’re here because you are looking for resources on sidereal astrology and the sidereal zodiac. Yes?

The biggest challenge you face looking for information on the sidereal zodiac is that there aren’t many resources (published books + online content.) Why? Up until now, no one has created a framework for using the sidereal zodiac that doesn’t duplicate the one used with the tropical zodiac, or without appropriating the cultural and religious framework of Vedic astrology (Jyotish, astrology of Indian religion and culture.) So, when you search for books or other content on the sidereal zodiac, you’re directed to Vedic astrology resources, or to content that mysteriously sounds identical to what you’d read in tropical zodiac resources.

I faced the same challenge that you face now: where can I find content that helps me understand how and why the sidereal zodiac works, that answers how and why is it different from the tropical zodiac?

The Liberating Power of the Sidereal Zodiac by Dayna Lynn Nuckolls, The People's Oracle. Image of a monarch butterfly flying toward freedom from a dark whole. The sky is in view, blue with white fluffy clouds.

Some basic facts up front:

  • Zodiac sign =/= constellation. There is a constellational “zodiac.” But I would argue that it’s not quite a zodiac;
  • There aren’t 13 signs. NASA is NOT the National Astrology and Space administration, so don’t defer to them as an astrological authority;
  • Since neither the tropical zodiac, nor any of the sidereal zodiacs align precisely with the constellations, we can reject that idea as a reason why you should use the sidereal zodiac over the tropical zodiac.

I could say that the sidereal zodiac works consistently and more accurately than the tropical zodiac. But I don’t think that’s a good reason either, though it is a legitimate reason for me, someone who spent 7 years working exclusively with the tropical zodiac.

Something Ain’t Right?

Studying the techniques and reading the work of Firmicus Maternus and Vettius Valens is what led me to the sidereal zodiac. They never mentioned that they exclusively used that zodiac in their writings, nor did they make any case for using one zodiac over another. Either way, I was able to see the logic in some of the techniques they wrote about. I started applying it to charts. But, I couldn’t make them work consistently.

Both authors wrote about what is analogous to the yogas in Jyotish: configurations between planets that have specific and consistent meanings. After my failures with the tropical zodiac, I intuitively started experimenting with those techniques and configurations using the sidereal zodiac. [Actually, I first thought I must have the wrong birth time. But then I realized that everyone’s birth time can’t be wrong!] But a freaking light bulb came on when I started to apply Maternus’s and Valens’s techniques on charts using the sidereal zodiac. My mind was blown! But then I was stuck. I couldn’t find anything on the sidereal zodiac. Nothing! Nada! (Except what I mentioned above, copycat tropical or Vedic resources.)

Then What?

That was in 2014. I spent the next 2 years revisiting all of the charts I had in my library and hundreds if not a 1,000 more, trying to tease out a logic or framework for how this zodiac worked and why it worked. But, It really took me until 2017/2018 to be able to articulate a framework for the sidereal zodiac that isn’t a duplicate of tropical logic, not about math or astronomy, and isn’t Vedic/Jyotish.

What does that leave us with? If I can’t say that the sidereal zodiac is more astronomically accurate in relation to the actual stars or some mathematical calculation, then why? If I don’t appropriate the cultural and religious framework of Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) then what do I have left?

I have my identity and experiences that uniquely inform my approach to astrology. I have me, a Black woman, born and raised in 20th century America, come of age in 21st century America. The specificity of my identity isn’t exclusionary. It makes me especially qualified to develop a unique astrological framework for using the sidereal zodiac that speaks to the legacy of what it means to be a Black woman. In fact, it is because of who and what I am that I am able to see what the sidereal zodiac has to offer us all.

(I would offer up the possibility that whiteness as a social construct and identity has inhibited the ability for other astrologers, up until now, to see the logic in the sidereal zodiac. It’s not just another zodiac, an alternate measurement. The sidereal zodiac is an entirely different worldview and way of seeing oneself in the world, in relationship, and in community. In fact, in sidereal astrology there is no self outside of relationship and community!)

First, I had to understand how the tropical zodiac was being used. I had to observe my peers and try to see their logic. And what I observed was that as with all things appropriated by modern western thought (read: white and male), the tropical zodiac has become an instrument of oppression.

Astrology is a discipline dominated by white men as gatekeepers. They have established themselves as the authority on what is legitimate and accurate. That means the rest of us conform or be seen merely as “brands” who try to capitalize on our uniqueness. You put anything in the hands of white men and it inevitably becomes a tool of oppression that furthers the cause of white supremacy. Astrology and the tropical zodiac included. And if you find non-Vedic resources on the sidereal zodiac, they are copying tropical frameworks.

(Even as I’ve shared these thoughts on social media, I’ve had men, both black and white, question my legitimacy because my work hasn’t followed the trajectory similar to that prominent white male astrologers .)

Divination for Liberation

The more and more I observed how the tropical zodiac was being used, the more I saw the use of the sidereal zodiac as tool for liberation. That’s why I call my work #DivinationForLiberation.

Astrology is fundamentally and essentially a language. All languages are a cultural phenomenon that shape perceptions and reinforce established power dynamics. You can think of language as embodying cultural doctrine.

I need my astrology to radically dismantle existing power structures that subjugate and oppress me for my ethnicity/race, class, and gender. That’s what was missing from the tropical zodiac and the worldview it proposes.

#DivinationForLiberation reclaims astrology as a tool for political, emotional, economic, and spiritual liberation via exclusive use of the sidereal zodiac.

#DivinationForLiberation reminds me of the way my ancestors cultivated ritual that allowed them to bypass power structures they were excluded from. They created religious practices that engendered agency as a gateway to spiritual and economic liberation and empowerment.

#DivinationForLiberation reminds me of the discipline and strength of will required to surrender to the truth that there is a time and a season for all things. I am at my most powerful when I subject my individual will to the Divine Will which articulates that time + that season.

If you are looking for a liberating astrological doctrine that sees your blackness, your queerness, your non binary expressions, the oppression you face, your non-whiteness, your womanhood, your suffering, and your power, then you’ll find it here in #DivinationForLiberation.

Sidereal Zodiac/ Sidereal Astrology Resources

  • Learn the basics of how to read a Sidereal birth chart with my workshop Reading Your Sidereal Birth Chart. It includes a 90 minute audio presentation, slides, and a workbook I walk you through completing in the audio presentation. Take your time. It’s a lot!
  • I have a webinar called an Intro to Sidereal Astrology (I’ll likely offer another one that includes insights I’ve gained since 2017)
  • Astrology software is expensive. Another barrier towards learning and using astrology. That’s why I create iCal’s that contain sidereal transits you can import into your phone, computer, and other devices existing calendar.
  • It takes years to learn astrology, but that should never be a barrier to you taking advantage of its liberating power. That’s why I create content that requires no prerequisite knowledge to use. My favorite is my Monthly Horoscope Workbook
  • Use this guide to cast your sidereal birth chart:

Horoscopes for August/September 2019

Read your sidereal horoscope for August/September 2019. Always sidereal; never tropical. Use this guide to cast your sidereal birth chart. Read for your Ascendant and Moon sign first, then for your Sun.

On August 8, 2019, Mars begins an amassing of planets in Leo. This Leo stellium culminates on August 30 at the New Moon: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars all in Leo! This moment is a consequence of:

  • Eclipses in Leo/Aquarius, 2015-2017
  • Events that transpired August/September 2017

Planets in Leo answer to your entitlement to accept that the way you see yourself is the way that you are, and the way you see the world is the way that it is.


  • How has your experience of your father and relationships with other men shaped your perceptions of how you earn and spend your money?
  • What is your relationship with food or your material possessions/expenses, and how does it impact changes that have taken hold in your life as a consequence of August/September 2017? 


  • How do power dynamics with the men/man in your life shape your self-perception?
  • How have changes in your body or personality caused you to change certain lifestyle habits as a consequence of August/Septembre 2017? 


  • How are you reckoning with the authority of those whose judgments are impervious to logic? Have those people changed at all since August/September 2017?
  • How can you learn from them by considering the possibility that some things are the way they are because you say so, not because you have the evidence/data to back it up or even the wherewithal to convince others?


  • What role do mentors, benefactors, and other helpful people (that you may or may not know yet!) play in the realization of your ambitions? And how have those ambitions evolved since August/September 2017?
  • What circumstances particularly pertaining to men (or a man singularly) become the center of your political, social, or professional focus?


  • What can you learn about trusting your own perceptions and judgments from your mother? 
  • What are your ambitions and who (managers/supervisors/bosses) or what stands between the promotion, prominence, or visibility you seek? What did August/September 2017 teach about how to deal with this now?


  • What systems or institutions (or clergy, teachers, or politicians) reinforce the convictions you’ve been working so hard to embody and conform your life to?
  • Where can you go (travel/church/temple/university) in order to see yourself in a new light, to illuminate the next level of the self you’ve been stepping into since August/September 2017?


  • What boundaries are you implementing as a means to trusting your own judgment with regard to your finances (debt/loans/taxes/credit)?
  • How are you reckoning with dynamics of control and authority as you surrender to the inevitable ending of some important part of your life? If there are no present endings, what ended in August/September 2017 that is especially relevant at present?


  • How do you embody your calling to conceive of a self not defined in reference to others, especially partners and male father/authority figures who see your identity as an extension of their own?
  • What relational dynamics from August/September 2017 provide useful context for How you engage in partnership and conflict or establish agreements at present?


  • What resistance do you encounter as you embody the courage to trust your own perceptions and judgments in your work/workplace?
  • How is your present work environment similar to or different from what it was in August/September 2017? What lessons from that time period inspire you to step into your authority in new ways at present?


  • What power dynamics emerge as you take new risks in your love life/with your sexuality?
  • How do children/creative pursuits/physical fitness serve as the venue for reckoning with men and their (or your) role in shaping your self-perception?


  • What is the legacy of your parents that you encounter in this present work of defining home and solidifying your roots in this world?
  • What lessons from August/September 2017 are relevant to dealing with men in or in reference to your home at present?


  • What is the legacy of male family members that you must reckon with as you step into leadership positions in your immediate family circle?
  • How did August/September 2017 change your family dynamic and how is this present moment a consequence of those changes?

Relationships (Synastry) in Sidereal Astrology

Synastry is the branch of astrology that compares two people’s birth charts for an understanding of how their lives meet. Because sidereal astrology is Divination for Liberation—the study of interpreting time as designating seasons for all things at their appointed time—we know that timing is everything, even when examining relationships through astrology.

You can book your Foundational Relationship Reading with an option to also receive a written report to accompany your reading.

Relationships Synastry in Sidereal Astrology by The People's Oracle - Dayna Lynn Nuckolls

Planets are people first. People come from people and are shaped by people. That is to say, we each emerge from the biology of male and female (mother/egg and father/sperm which is Moon and Sun, respectively), and that as individuals we emerge from community.

This is critical when studying individual birth charts and even more so when studying two people’s charts together in synastry. Two people in relationship bring with them the stories and complexes of mother and father. Mother-Moon as home, belonging, family, and the body and its needs. Father-Sun as conscious awareness, perception, and judgement.

Natal Astrology versus Synastry

If natal sidereal astrology is the study of an individual’s emergence from family and community, then synastry (in sidereal astrology) is the study of how those two individuals’ narratives of emergence and becoming intersect at specific times and in specific ways. It is the interpretation of the moments that bring them together, or apart, and the impact it has on each individual’s continued becoming.

That relationship becomes another form of community from which each individual emerges. It is the opportunity and the venue for each individual to become more of who they are as promised in their natal chart.

Some questions answered via synastry in Sidereal astrology:

  • What moment in each individual’s life defines the emergence of this connection?
  • What are the primary narratives articulated by planets in each individual chart that bring the two together?

What About Predictions in Synastry?

In natal sidereal astrology we know that no transit or present astrological configuration can bring about anything that is not already promised in the birth chart. The same is true for synastry. There is no experience or moment that can come about between two people that is not already promised in each individual‘s natal chart.

Basics RE Planets in Synastry

The Sun has to do with how you think, how your mind works. It may also say something about the men in your life. Sympathetic contacts (aspects) to the Sun shows harmony in the way that you both think and how you see things. “Coming from a similar place”. Hostile contacts may show indifference or conflict between your ways of seeing things.

The Moon is a reflection of your background, family ties, or lack thereof. Contacts to or from the Moon relate to one’s sense of family, the mother, and significant women. The Moon tells what home is like.

As with all planets one must examine the way the planet functions in the individual chart before seeing how it connects to another’s. Your Venus conjunct his Moon may not productive or constructive if his or her Moon is in an inferior square with Saturn. Especially if the Moon is in Scorpio. This may be a person that has a tenuous relationship with family and kin. And your relationship with that person could trigger the anxiety or even bring up problems in that area of their life.

  • Are they ready to deal with it?
  • What transit indicates a season of this work for them?
  • And does this work mean that happily ever after for you?

How is your relationship with home, mother, family? If constructive and supportive, contacts to your Moon will magnify your sense of belonging. The person who has supportive contacts with your Moon may fit into your family and home life, your routine and habits.

Venus contacts tend to be the most prized. People think it promises love. Venus at its most positive shows love languages and experience of pleasure that are supportive and sympathetic to each other. But again, if that Venus is problematic showing issues with women or a hostile style of loving, then it might not bring love at all, or maybe unrequited love.

Mars. Again, folks think sex. At its most constructive it can show a similar way of solving problems and a sympathetic conflict style. But when Mars contacts are hostile in some way it can show antagonizing, constant bickering, or inability to work together. It can mean abrupt coming together and breaking up.

Jupiter contacts show how your belief systems relate, your philosophy and worldview. Are they congruent, sympathetic, or at odds.Is religion, community, accountability, and purpose important to you and not to your partner? Contacts to and from Jupiter will show why

And Saturn! That old Devil. Saturn is about your sense of responsibility & authority over yourself/your life, and your authority and power out in the world. It’s about how you reckon with real or perceived limits. It’s a tricky one, though. Sometimes it’s like glue making you feel obligated or responsible. It reflects being serious and committing. Other times Saturn is distance/separation that can’t be overcome. A heaviness and sense of burden and work. Sometimes it’s all of the above.

Now about the angles. This is the juice. This is the meat. Connections to and from the Ascendant are what draw people to each other. Your temperament can be the embodiment of something very significant to the other person. Like, their Venus on your Ascendant, you embody their sense of beauty and there is an ease of pleasure between you. Or, Mercury, an easy flow of communication.

More Jupiter in Scorpio themes…

In my original post laying out themes for Jupiter in Scorpio I offered a list of keywords, concepts, and themes that would be prominent for that year long transit. Here are some additional themes. 

  • Rogue
  • Rebellious
  • Army
  • Navy
  • Marine
  • Police
  • Soldiers
  • Guns
  • Surgery
  • Weapons
  • Bombs
  • Knives
  • Bullets

I’ll probably add another list sometime before the transit begins, as well as aggregating manifestations of my predictions.

Jupiter enters Scorpio October 10, 2018