Sun Sign Horoscopes for Leo Season 2019

Read your sidereal Sun sign horoscope for the Leo Stellium of 2019 that peaks at the New Moon on August 30, 2019. Always sidereal; never tropical.

A stellium is 3 or more planets in the same sign. That gives inordinate influence to the planet responsible for that sign. For Leo that planet is the Sun. The placement of the Sun in your birth chart takes on deep significance over the next month. Use this guide to cast your sidereal birth chart. Find the ☉ glyph and identify the sign it occupies.

Sun Sign Horoscopes for the 2019 Leo Stellium

How We Got Here

During the Cancer stellium (peaked in late July 2019) you were seeking people, places, and experiences that would meet your immediate needs for food, safety, shelter, and belonging. Your Moon placement in your birth chart, which tells your Mother Story, emerged to be reconciled against your present reality. Your life moved into submission to your body, often despite your intentions and ambitions.

Now during the Leo stellium, (peaks late August 2019) your Sun sign draws focus to your Father Story. It reveals truths about how you seek out and defer to authority. You are discerning the complex balance of submission, projection, and self-determination. Who or what is master of your perceptions and sense of self?


Yielding the authority of your will and the validity of your perceptions and judgments to someone else.


Your identity and sense of self witnessed via interaction with other people, and through your experiences out in the world.


Unyoking your identity and sense of self from your perceptions and judgments of others and the world you inhabit.

Horoscopes for the 12 Sidereal Sun Signs

Use this guide to cast your sidereal birth chart. The following horoscopes are for your sidereal Sun sign ONLY.

Sun in Cancer

Your perceptions serve your physical body and the need to belong to a place and a people. How your mother (and other significant women) engaged with your primary needs are the reference point for your sense of self.

How are you becoming aware of the ways in which your loyalty to family overrides, undermines, or encourages your loyalty to self?

Sun in Leo

Your intellect serves your perceptions. Your world and the people in it are an extension of your mind and you use your authority to subdue it to your will. You may have experienced your world as an extension of your fathers self.

How has your relationship with your father/ significant men in personal relationships supported or undermined your ability to trust your perceptions?

Sun in Virgo

Your trust in your perceptions serves a drive to quantify it via evidence in the external world. It’s not enough for you to perceive it, you’ve got to be able to prove it with data or tangible evidence.

How are your experiences with men and hierarchies of authority allowing you to reenvision a self that doesn’t need external evidence to be valid?

Sun in Libra

Your perceptions serve the drive to be rational and reasonable. You negotiate with your perceptions in order to align with the consensus of your community and in relationships of all kinds. You see yourself as a person of reason and good sense.

How are you reckoning with the authority of your intellect as you consider other’s ideas of how you see yourself and the world?

Sun in Scorpio

Your survival instinct shapes your perceptions of others and the world around you. You take a defensive stance seeing others and the world as something you need to protect yourself from.

How are you taking risks to be seen out in the world even as your deepest fears are being awakened?

Sun in Sagittarius

Your perceptions and sense of self serve a moral or religious authority. You learned early to see your world and self in terms of right or wrong. You reckon with the moral authority of your father and other men in your life as you come into awareness of yourself.

How is do your intentions and convictions inform your vision of your place in the world, and reinforce your authority over yourself?

Sun in Capricorn

You seek to conform your perceptions to the limitations you experience in your life. Establishing the walls and the ceilings of possibility shapes how you see yourself. You look for where you fit rather than embracing the right to be where you are as you are.

How are new perceptions dismantling your sense of self, and forcing you to embrace a healthy sense of entitlement that conforms the world to yourself rather than yourself to the world?

Sun in Aquarius

You constantly interrogate the authority of your will (and your father’s influence) to shape the world to your being. You define yourself by who and what you are not. You refuse to see yourself in reference to another’s authority and will.

How you are you being challenged to accept that your perceptions cannot be separated from your identity while also maintaining a healthy skepticism from what others reveal about who you are?

Sun in Pisces

Your experience of your father taught you that you must not take your perceptions at face value. Maybe you couldn’t even take your father at face value because of the nature of the relationship. Your instinct to perceive the imperceptible guides you to look for what you can’t see inside of and beyond what you can see, even your self.

How does your drive to maintain a solid and consistent identity feel like a burdensome obligation in the face of a world that is never what it appears to be?

Sun in Aries

You are a matter over mind person. And matter, in this case, is your physical will. Your mind works to translate your capabilities into action. Should or if? It doesn’t dawn on you to ask for permission. You identify with your power to enforce your will.

How is your drive to persevere towards your ambitions being reinforced or made combustible by your entitlement to act upon your world?

Sun in Taurus

You care a lot about what others think of you. Your perceptions are subservient to your need for validation in relationships and community. Your experience of father taught you that your identity was analogous to what is validated and accepted by others.

How is other’s entitlement to enforce their self-perceptions onto the world challenging you to question your impulse to conform your perceptions to what is validated and accepted by others?

Sun in Gemini

You use language to objectify your self and perceptions rather than to see and be them You collect information as a means to a sense of self which can mean that you struggle to truly see yourself. Perhaps your Father Story includes experiences of paternal figures who refused to be identified or pinned down.

How does an emboldening sense of entitlement to solidify your sense of self lead you to new perceptions and interpretations of who you are?

The Sun in Sidereal Astrology

This is a post about the Sun in sidereal astrology. It originally appeared as a thread of tweets on Twitter.

The Sun as a golden fiery ball of gas

There are 3 primary ways to understand the function of a planet in a natal (birth) chart. And I believe they go in this order:

  1. As representative of people in your life;
  2. As experiences or events at particular times;
  3. As aspects of your becoming, rooted in 1# & #2.

Free Will & Astrology Aren’t Good Friends

Modern astrology often avoids, derides, or out right denounces predictive astrology. But that’s because modern astrology doesn’t possess the tools to be adept at predictive astrology. Plus, it’s predicated on free will which is NOT the philosophical roots of astrology at all. If you’ve followed me for awhile you’ll know that I believe we have very limited freedom of will. And I believe that free will is a tool of oppression. But that’s another conversation for another time.

The focus on individual will as opposed to a more collectivist worldview has framed the sign of the Sun in a natal chart as the most important and central part of a person’s astrological make up. This is unfortunate.

Which You is the Real You

Anyone born within the same season (30 +/- day period) as you has their natal Sun in the same sign as you. Let’s borrow from Chinese astrology to understand what a season is and how it relates to the natal Sun’s sign.

In Chinese astrology, the season of birth which is the month of birth, is important. However, that season serves as a context for the day of birth. This is like the relationship between the Sun and the moon. The Moon being the day, the Sun being the month. The season/month of birth generally defines the level of support the day master/day element has. Specifically it represents the parents, family, home and upbringing.

Now, if we translate this back to western astrology, we’ll see that the Moon is the identifying factor in a natal chart as it takes 2 days to transit a sign (as opposed to 30 days for the Sun). A person born in the same season as you (30 day period of the same Sun sign) has to be born within the same 2 day period as you in order to have the same Sun and Moon sign. Conceptually this helps us to understand that the Sun in the natal chart is not a unique identifying factor for an individual. I know this goes contrary to everything you’ve learned, but you must unlearn it.

I’m going to offer some philosophical concepts to help you better understand the Sun in astrology. Then I’ll offer some basic significations. The latter will be a result of the former.

Have You  Ever Seen the Sun?

Look at the picture of the Sun that I used to begin this blog post. Have you ever turned your head towards the sky and observed the Sun appearing this way? How does the Sun appear to your eye? Have you ever seen it as it is? A simpler question: What does the Sun look like?

All that we see with our eyes is because of the light of the Sun. Objects absorb & reflect certain wavelengths of light providing the appearance of colors. Yet we can’t perceive this light as it is. Google quantum physics & explanations of light and matter, have your mind blown.

The primary way that we perceive the light of the Sun is via the Moon. The Moon reflects different amounts of the Sun’s light at cyclical intervals based on the spacial relationship between the Moon, Earth, and Sun.

In astrology the Sun is the mind, sight, and perception. You cannot see the mind. You cannot see sight. And you cannot perceive perception. Much like you cannot take your eyes out of your head and look at them. The very nature of the mind and perception is that you cannot turn it back on itself to see it. Just like you cannot see the Sun as it truly is, you cannot see the mind.

The Sun is the light that illuminates allowing perception. It’s consciousness, and the lens through which you see yourself—not your physical body, but the concept of yourself held in your mind. The Sun is the concept of your self, the idea of who you are that you project into the world, and that you seek to see reflected back to you.

There is no you without your body. When there is no body, there is only the idea of you which is different in everyone’s mind. What is the body in astrology? It’s the Moon. And we know that the Moon is about family, mother, your home, your tribe. It’s the social and physical means by which you come into being.

Identity is a funny thing. Social science and philosophy ask and attempt to answer questions about how identity is formed. We know that identity is formed in society/social setting.

You and the concept/idea of who you are (SUN) comes into being via your body, your mother, your tribe, your family, society (MOON). There is no you without things.

Going back to my comparison to Chinese astrology, it’s clear that in a hierarchy of planets and points that most uniquely identify you and your life, it is the Moon and it’s relationship to the Sun that gives a complete and unique picture. This is why I see astrology as a social science and a tool of divination. It very clearly articulates the nature of human life, the self, and how it comes into being.

But, if you believe that who you are is something that exists in this rigid form, separate from your relationships, family, and society, rather than emerging from those things, then of course you think that the Sun is the most important planet in the natal chart.

The Sun as a Gear of Time

The Sun is the father, significant men, and authority figures. It is your mind, the concept of how you perceive your self, the lens through which your mind perceives the world around you. The Sun is how you think of yourself, yet it says nothing of who you are and what you do out in the world.

The Sun says nothing of how others see you. No one can see your mind, and you can’t see theirs either. It says nothing of how you function and the roles you play in life. Implied here is that your self concept/idea of yourself is formed and reinforced by your body, your family and upbringing, your tribe, and the society in which you come up.

The very 1st time the Sun returns to the position where it was when you were born, there have been 13 Moons/lunations. That’s 13 cycles of New & Full Moons, 365+/- circadian cycles of sleeping and waking. If the Moon is the body, this is 13 cycles of nourishing and nurturing that body.

At that time you answer to your name, and you have come to understand whether or not needs you have and express will be fulfilled. Will someone answer when you cry? Do you experience familiar smells and sights? Is your world one of plenty or lack? Are you touched and played with?

All of these things have to do with the body. And the orientation of your body to the world around you and the people in it are what forms the first ideas of who you are. This is the relationship between the Moon and the Sun in your natal chart: how is the idea/concept of yourself formed?

You have no identity when you are born. You have no idea or concept of a self or who you are. It is something that develops over time. And every time the Sun comes back to the sign and degree where it is in your natal chart, you enter a new season of becoming aware of this self. That time is around your birthday each year and we call the chart cast for that moment your solar return.

The season of your birth, the Sun sign in your natal chart, is indicative of the outer world circumstances in which you were born. It is a transiting moment of time for your mother as well. And what is the mother, the Moon in your natal chart.

Wrap your mind around that!