A Tarot Reading for the Full Moon in Aries

This was originally published as a thread on Twitter.

6 of CUPS

The card on the bottom when I cut the deck is the HERMIT.

The HERMIT seeks truth. Truth = that which can be perceived with one’s perception and validated with one’s judgment. Everything else is dogma, and the HERMIT is not about that dogmatic life!

The HERMIT struggles to articulate exactly what they’re looking for. INTENTION can’t be quantified. The PURPOSE that compels them can’t be reduced to words or symbols.
The HERMIT can appear to move about aimlessly. But, they know when they’ve found what they’re looking for because there is a resonance that can’t be mistaken.

📌At this Full Moon what inside of you compels you forward, seeking and searching without words to articulate exactly what you are looking for?
Both the WORLD and DEATH provide images of endings. The WORLD illustrates endings that come due to a cumulative progression. Culminations that are both logical and expected.

DEATH illustrates inevitable and irrevocable endings, those permanent endings that can’t be reversed.

The WORLD and DEATH say to us: Pruning old growth and dead weight that sucks the life out of stems that might still bear fruit means that there is still hope and opportunity. All is not lost.

When an orchid reaches the end of a growth cycle the flowers fall and the stems that held them shrivel and dry up. If you’ve never cultivated an orchid you might think that the plant is dead. And when the orchid is ready to flower again it grows completely new stems. This can happy in a relatively short period of time after the old flowers fell off.

📌What old growth are you expecting to bring new life? What keeps you from cutting it off and letting it go?

The 6 of CUPS is the wildcard here! The 6 of CUPS saying that discernment is key. Someone or something from the past can offer nourishment to the dreams and desires that were left in wanting after the old growth is pruned.

📌How are you discerning between barren hopes and dreams and fruitful visions that still offer hope for fulfillment?

📌What people/ relationships revitalize feelings/ desires that have lain dormant during your time of pruning?

This may be a time of letting go of things working out in the way that you had planned, while time and a shifting season offer new pathways to possibilities that seemed impossible.

Mars, the planet in charge of this Aries Full Moon, is in Libra. This is a time of consideration and seeking consensus, where relationships and community provide context for your ambitions.

📌What possibilities reveal themselves when you release the expectation that solely your will and strength be the means by which something can come to be?

You might be tempted to fall back into old emotional habits rooted in those defensive postures that you have worked so hard to ease yourself out of. But at this time, it feels like contortion to fit yourself into those positions.

Courageously say no to all that is dissonant with your intentions. Embrace this return to innocence. Open your eyes to see where your dreams and desires can grow. Surrender like the falling leaves that know their work is done. Clear space for the thing you seek to come.

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