How to Remember Your Dreams

Do you recall your dreams each night? Some people believe that they don’t dream when in fact they likely don’t recall their dreams. You can learn to recall your dreams and I will show how to train yourself to recall your dreams.

I’ve been offering dream interpretation informally for awhile now, but I thought I’d make it an official offering. You an now book a dream interpretation session. I will be offering a complementary dream interpretation with all Solar Return and Foundational Birth Chart Readings.

Book a Dream Interpretation Session

Set an intention

This intention is not directly to remember your dreams. This intention is to invite your unconscious mind and subconscious thoughts and feelings into your conscious awareness, to thin the veil between them. With this intention you are opening your mind to what lies beneath the surface of your conscious awareness, that which is hidden from you.

It can be helpful to write in your journal, or wherever, that you want to remember your dreams and all of the reasons you can come up with for why. It’s a way to release fears and blocks around dreaming and recalling dreams. Some reasons may be to resolve emotional wounds, gain insight on how to deal with waking life challenges and other pressing issues, to communicate with ancestors.

You must consciously remind yourself every single night before bed to remember your dreams.

Keep a method to record your dreams close to your bed

It is very important that you don’t check your phone or get out of bed and start your day without purposefully attempting to recall your dream(s) in as comprehensive and complete detail as possible. You must make attempting to recall and record your dreams a priority upon waking. Even if your dream seems trivial or insignificant, still record it and set it aside.

For some it is best to use the audio or voice recorder on your phone or iPad to record yourself speaking your dreams. For others, a note on your phone or a designated dream journal is best.

When you are recalling and recording your dreams details of color, sound, location, etc are important. But even more important is your emotional state and how you feel in the dream. Who are the important people? Did they say anything? Even if they didn’t say anything how did their presence make you feel?

As with anything intention, consistency, and practice are the ways to forming a new habit.

Decolonize Astrology with #DivinationForLiberation

This post was originally published as a thread of tweets on Twitter. The content has been edited for gramma errors and for clarity.

I need to talk about how white astrologers use the tropical zodiac to uphold white supremacy and to erase the narratives of black historical figures. I’ve seen it done to Muhammad Ali and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the recently. And the latter really set ablaze a fire in me. The historical context of the legacies of both men have been erased by tropical astrology, and white astrologers.

By designating the nature of Dr. King’s & Muhammad Ali’s work as actually conciliatory and some how “Venusian”, they have erased the truly radical essence of their self determination and strength of will.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Here we have Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Sidereal birth chart with Aries rising and Moon and Venus in Aquarius. If you watched my IG live this morning then you know why this Aquarius is so very important. I JUST, this morning, talked about how and why Aquarius represents Black peoples’s self determination and self possession that reached a peak during the 1960’s Civil Rights Movement. And LOOK at MLK embodying that in his chart.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. born January 25, 1929 at 12:00pm in Atlanta, Georgia. Aries Rising, Moon and Venus in Aquarius, Sun and Mercury in Capricorn, Mars in Taurus, Jupiter in Aries, Saturn in Sagittarius

The idea that MLK was some kind of pandering proponent of love and light is a white washing of his legacy that I’m observing white astrologers all too easily promulgate. This is why we MUST decolonize astrology, and I say we do it by embracing the sidereal zodiac.

Aries rising in MLK’s chart says, “I do because I can.” Aries is the sign of autonomy, and autonomy means ‘self law’, as opposed to consensus law which is the realm of Libra. The only way he could do what he did was by rejecting the codification of blackness as illegal. That’s not Venusian in any way. None whatsoever.

And there is that Saturn in Sagittarius in Dr. King’s chart. “How shall I make my life and this world a LIVING testimony of my intentions & convictions?” There, right there is the answer. With Jupiter in Aries in the Ascendant MLK’s intentions are to embrace and embody an autonomy that rejects any law that strips him of his freedom and strength of will.

This rebellion is not love and peace at any costs. It is an active embrace of the RIGHT to be. If you don’t understand how radical that is, then you don’t know history. If you don’t understand the violence and trauma his body experienced, then you don’t know history.

Muhammad Ali

Now, let’s look at the chart of Muhammad Ali. And what is that there again? ARIES! Not only Mars in it’s own sign in the most visible part of the chart, but Saturn also in Aries. Saturn is in charge of Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus all in Capricorn. Let’s talk about it!

Muhammad Ali born January 17, 1942 at 6:35pm in Louisville, Kentucky. Cancer Rising, Moon, Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Capricorn, Mars and Saturn in Aries, Jupiter in Taurus.

The idea that the brash, bravado, strength, and arrogance of Muhammad Ali is some how signified by Mars and Saturn in Saturn in tropical Taurus is absolutely ridiculous. It’s ludicrous and insulting, tbh.

Muhammad Ali and his Saturn in fall in Aries says, “the walls & ceilings that define the limits of my world are not determined by the consensus (Libra). I do!”

Muhammad Ali and his Saturn in fall in Aries says,” I am Black, definitively. I reject that name of the man who claimed ownership of my ancestors. I am not Cassius Clay; I am Muhammad Ali! I embrace my body and my strength as my own. AND YOU CAN’T TELL ME NOTHING.”

Muhammad Ali and his Saturn in fall in Aries says, “I am the biggest, the fastest, the best, and I will win because I can. Who gon stop me!”

Please, miss me with the Taurus readings of his chart. Your white supremacy is showing.

This reading and rewriting of their life and legacy leads me to believe that the tropical zodiac in the hands of white astrologers lends itself all to well to entrenching the white supremacy and the embrace of white supremacist narratives of Black people.

I categorically reject any astrology that centers the Sun, which is the mind and men, as the most important planet in the birth chart.

I reject any astrology that devalues the Moon, which is the body and women, relegating it to a planet of non-import and secondary to the Sun.

I reject any astrology that centers the individual over community, intellect over intuition and instinct, and that refuses to accept that the individual is shaped by and emerges from the group.

I reject any astrology that embraces narratives of Black radical figures as conciliatory, pandering, and as willing instruments of white supremacist narratives of Black empowerment and self-determination.

I reject any astrology that refuses to give voice to and backs away from articulating the experiences of LGBTQ people.

I talked about this in one of my IG live videos. The tropical zodiac essentially centers the relationship between the Sun and the Earth as primary. The Sidereal zodiac treats that relationship as secondary.

The tropical zodiac says that our experience of the Sun from Earth is the most important. The sidereal zodiac says that Sun to Earth relationship exists within the context of space and time as defined by the stars—not the constellations, to be clear.

This is philosophically how the use of the tropical zodiac is an embrace of the Sun, and thus men and patriarchy, as primary. Everything is interepreted in reference to and defers to the Sun.

Thus, Embracing the sidereal zodiac is a politically and spiritually radical act that places the Sun (the mind and men) on equal footing with the Moon (the body and women.) Embracing the sidereal zodiac says that both the Sun and Moon exist in reference to something else, that greater measure of space and time outside the closed circuit of the Earth’s experience of seasons.

Spiritual Exercise – A Full Moon in Pisces Message

A tweet by a friend inspired this message. It seems to be the perfect message for today’s Full Moon in sidereal Pisces.

We often feel like we’ll escape the pressure or the circumstances that beckon us to change, and THEN we’ll grow, we’ll do better, we’ll be different. If we could just get away from that  thing that’s making us uncomfortable, reminding us of our inadequacies… Yeah, that’s partially true.

Continue reading “Spiritual Exercise – A Full Moon in Pisces Message”

What Purpose Does Your Spirituality Serve?

This post is from a thread of tweets I posted to Twitter on Saturday. You can see the original tweet thread here

If your spirituality serves only as a means to escape or transcend your financial circumstances, or bring you a mate, you’re doing it wrong

— The People’s Oracle (@PeoplesOracle) December 20, 2016

The People's OracleOur spirituality is how we attribute meaning to our experiences and purpose to our lives. Yet it’s often disabling. If your spirituality serves only as a means to escape or transcend your financial circumstances, or bring you a mate, you’re doing it wrong.

The convergence of American individualism, capitalism, and high literacy rates have destroyed the mysticism of spirituality. I don’t mean that folks shouldn’t want more or to be stable. When folks get caught up in prosperity doctrines, Christian, New Age (The Secret) and otherwise, they tend to overlook the real factors that contribute to their station in life. Much of that we don’t have control over.

We don’t have control over the circumstances we’re born into, nor the time period and political climate into which we are born. Yet we do have control over how we respond. Believing “wealth comes to me easily and effortlessly” ain’t gonna stop Donald Trump and his cronies from further robbing this country blind. Yet, many of our personal mandates and entitlement to comfort and wealth surely makes us believe so.

There is real work to be done to dismantle oppressive systems that create a caste system in the USA. The wealth & stability you create as your personal legacy is temporal if you don’t dismantle the system that had you poor in the first place. That means it’s about more than you and your secret to manifestation.

The wealth & stability you create as your personal legacy is temporal if you don’t dismantle the system that had you poor in the first place

— The People’s Oracle (@PeoplesOracle) December 20, 2016

There is no secret to manifestation. It’s nepotism, systemic oppression, racism, and misogyny in the USA. If you want to manifest abundance in your life, develop inner resistance to those oppressive systems. Then begin the work of tearing that sucker down!

Your resistance to abundance is your insistence upon overlooking the systems that keep you in your birth caste. It’s kept black folks in less resourced schools, poorer neighborhoods, and consistently disenfranchised them of their right vote.

You don’t have a poverty mindset. You live in a country where the government uses poverty as a weapon against social advancement. The worst part is you believe that it’s your fault. That you’ve done something wrong.

Don’t get me wrong. There are folks who have not made the best of what was given to them. And that is a sin in it’s own right. But for most of us, we’ve naively believed in meritocracy when we really live in a nepotistic state.

You don’t have a poverty mindset. You live in a country where the government uses poverty as a weapon against social advancement.

— The People’s Oracle (@PeoplesOracle) December 20, 2016

The Winter Solstice 2016

We are now getting to be in the darkest time of the year. The Sun just barely rises, laying low near the southern part of the sky. Our bodies slow down, conserving energy. We can spend more time in dream land.

At the winter solstice, the Sun is at its southernmost point in the sky until it begins is ascent north on the 3rd day. This is the story of Christ. The story of spirit indwelling the material world. Christ, the Sun of God, died and rose on the third day.

The Devil card in the #Tarot correlates to the Saturn ruled sign of #Capricorn. It highlights the dichotomy of the material and the immaterial worlds. We are spirit dwelling in flesh, navigating the limitations of embodiment. At this time, we are admonished to remember our truer nature.

So, during the next few days as the sun lays low, we need to do the same. I’m calling the time of the #WinterSolstice the time to literally stay low, and build. Think of this dark time like being in the womb. Ideas gestate and begin to take form as you visualize their full potential.

The sun moves fastest between now and the Spring Equinox. Once spring comes the real work of sowing and tilling, watering and growing begins.

What can you now lay to rest and release with the dying of the Winter Solstice Sun?

What, then, will you build between now and the Spring Equinox?

Meditate on these questions. Spend time writing down what you want to build on the ground you are now clearing in your life. Winter Solstice is foundation building time. Spring Equinox is when you begin to build above the ground. But start from the bottom now.