Register here for my Sidereal Birth Chart Workshop in New Orleans, October 6, 2019.
Meet me in New Orleans! Come work out the magic of your sidereal birth chart. The hardest part of astrology is figuring out what it all means together. You can find individual placements on your fav website, but find the story of your becoming takes expertise that can’t be found in piecemeal Google searches.

I’ll be at Backatown Coffee on Sunday October 6, 2019 at 12:00pm. (Location subject to change.) There I’ll show you how to read (identify the symbols) and interpret (figure out what they mean) your sidereal birth chart.
Ask me questions and get insight on your sidereal birth chart (past, present, and future) at your own pace in a laid back environment.
By attending this workshop you can purchase an in-person astrology or tarot reading with me at a 20% discount. (Must be redeemed during my stay in New Orleans on October 6 or 7. Space is very limited so please contact me ASAP to arrange your reading)