Recorded Live
Sunday, October 13, 2019
You can watch the video of the October 2019 Full Moon Tarot Reading on YouTube:
Or, you can stream or download the audio:
This reading for the Full Moon on October 13, 2019 at 26° Pisces is so good! I talked about the defensive and self-protective postures we take on after unrelenting setbacks and difficulties. And how those difficulties define our convictions and help us realize what we are capable of.

Cards in this reading:
9 of Wands (on the bottom after cutting the deck)
Hierophant, 7 of Cups, Moon
Ace of Wands, 6 of Pentacles, Page of Pentacles
King of Pentacles, 3 of Wands, Fool
- What is a Full Moon?
- A way to segment and interpret time in 1 month/2 week and 6 month periods.
- What is Pisces?
- Jupiter in Scorpio is trine the Full Moon in Pisces. What does that mean?
- Complimentary readings for live viewers on Instagram & YouTube
- Full Moon Tarot Reading [23:20]
You can hear the song I burst into here on YouTube: , or Spotify
Gratitude to everyone who tuned in live and were patient with me as I had to put on my mother hat in the middle of the reading. But, so much good stuff in this reading around community and emerging from difficulties with a new awareness of what one is capable of. One of my favorite pieces of wisdom that cam through was about how optimism and hope can only be cultivated in community. That’s a jewel I’ll be meditating on for awhile.
If you would like to be considered for a complimentary tarot reading please tune in for the New Moon in Libra LIVE Tarot Reading which will be broadcast on Saturday, October 26, 2019. I always go live on both Instagram and YouTube, so make sure you are following me and that you’re subscribed.
You can book an astrology or tarot reading with me at