Meet me in New Orleans – October 6, 2019

Register here for my Sidereal Birth Chart Workshop in New Orleans, October 6, 2019.

Meet me in New Orleans! Come work out the magic of your sidereal birth chart. The hardest part of astrology is figuring out what it all means together. You can find individual placements on your fav website, but find the story of your becoming takes expertise that can’t be found in piecemeal Google searches.

Graphic with information for my October 2019 New Orleans Astrology Workshop

I’ll be at Backatown Coffee on Sunday October 6, 2019 at 12:00pm. (Location subject to change.) There I’ll show you how to read (identify the symbols) and interpret (figure out what they mean) your sidereal birth chart.

Ask me questions and get insight on your sidereal birth chart (past, present, and future) at your own pace in a laid back environment.

By attending this workshop you can purchase an in-person astrology or tarot reading with me at a 20% discount. (Must be redeemed during my stay in New Orleans on October 6 or 7. Space is very limited so please contact me ASAP to arrange your reading)

Sun Sign Horoscopes for Leo Season 2019

Read your sidereal Sun sign horoscope for the Leo Stellium of 2019 that peaks at the New Moon on August 30, 2019. Always sidereal; never tropical.

A stellium is 3 or more planets in the same sign. That gives inordinate influence to the planet responsible for that sign. For Leo that planet is the Sun. The placement of the Sun in your birth chart takes on deep significance over the next month. Use this guide to cast your sidereal birth chart. Find the ☉ glyph and identify the sign it occupies.

Sun Sign Horoscopes for the 2019 Leo Stellium

How We Got Here

During the Cancer stellium (peaked in late July 2019) you were seeking people, places, and experiences that would meet your immediate needs for food, safety, shelter, and belonging. Your Moon placement in your birth chart, which tells your Mother Story, emerged to be reconciled against your present reality. Your life moved into submission to your body, often despite your intentions and ambitions.

Now during the Leo stellium, (peaks late August 2019) your Sun sign draws focus to your Father Story. It reveals truths about how you seek out and defer to authority. You are discerning the complex balance of submission, projection, and self-determination. Who or what is master of your perceptions and sense of self?


Yielding the authority of your will and the validity of your perceptions and judgments to someone else.


Your identity and sense of self witnessed via interaction with other people, and through your experiences out in the world.


Unyoking your identity and sense of self from your perceptions and judgments of others and the world you inhabit.

Horoscopes for the 12 Sidereal Sun Signs

Use this guide to cast your sidereal birth chart. The following horoscopes are for your sidereal Sun sign ONLY.

Sun in Cancer

Your perceptions serve your physical body and the need to belong to a place and a people. How your mother (and other significant women) engaged with your primary needs are the reference point for your sense of self.

How are you becoming aware of the ways in which your loyalty to family overrides, undermines, or encourages your loyalty to self?

Sun in Leo

Your intellect serves your perceptions. Your world and the people in it are an extension of your mind and you use your authority to subdue it to your will. You may have experienced your world as an extension of your fathers self.

How has your relationship with your father/ significant men in personal relationships supported or undermined your ability to trust your perceptions?

Sun in Virgo

Your trust in your perceptions serves a drive to quantify it via evidence in the external world. It’s not enough for you to perceive it, you’ve got to be able to prove it with data or tangible evidence.

How are your experiences with men and hierarchies of authority allowing you to reenvision a self that doesn’t need external evidence to be valid?

Sun in Libra

Your perceptions serve the drive to be rational and reasonable. You negotiate with your perceptions in order to align with the consensus of your community and in relationships of all kinds. You see yourself as a person of reason and good sense.

How are you reckoning with the authority of your intellect as you consider other’s ideas of how you see yourself and the world?

Sun in Scorpio

Your survival instinct shapes your perceptions of others and the world around you. You take a defensive stance seeing others and the world as something you need to protect yourself from.

How are you taking risks to be seen out in the world even as your deepest fears are being awakened?

Sun in Sagittarius

Your perceptions and sense of self serve a moral or religious authority. You learned early to see your world and self in terms of right or wrong. You reckon with the moral authority of your father and other men in your life as you come into awareness of yourself.

How is do your intentions and convictions inform your vision of your place in the world, and reinforce your authority over yourself?

Sun in Capricorn

You seek to conform your perceptions to the limitations you experience in your life. Establishing the walls and the ceilings of possibility shapes how you see yourself. You look for where you fit rather than embracing the right to be where you are as you are.

How are new perceptions dismantling your sense of self, and forcing you to embrace a healthy sense of entitlement that conforms the world to yourself rather than yourself to the world?

Sun in Aquarius

You constantly interrogate the authority of your will (and your father’s influence) to shape the world to your being. You define yourself by who and what you are not. You refuse to see yourself in reference to another’s authority and will.

How you are you being challenged to accept that your perceptions cannot be separated from your identity while also maintaining a healthy skepticism from what others reveal about who you are?

Sun in Pisces

Your experience of your father taught you that you must not take your perceptions at face value. Maybe you couldn’t even take your father at face value because of the nature of the relationship. Your instinct to perceive the imperceptible guides you to look for what you can’t see inside of and beyond what you can see, even your self.

How does your drive to maintain a solid and consistent identity feel like a burdensome obligation in the face of a world that is never what it appears to be?

Sun in Aries

You are a matter over mind person. And matter, in this case, is your physical will. Your mind works to translate your capabilities into action. Should or if? It doesn’t dawn on you to ask for permission. You identify with your power to enforce your will.

How is your drive to persevere towards your ambitions being reinforced or made combustible by your entitlement to act upon your world?

Sun in Taurus

You care a lot about what others think of you. Your perceptions are subservient to your need for validation in relationships and community. Your experience of father taught you that your identity was analogous to what is validated and accepted by others.

How is other’s entitlement to enforce their self-perceptions onto the world challenging you to question your impulse to conform your perceptions to what is validated and accepted by others?

Sun in Gemini

You use language to objectify your self and perceptions rather than to see and be them You collect information as a means to a sense of self which can mean that you struggle to truly see yourself. Perhaps your Father Story includes experiences of paternal figures who refused to be identified or pinned down.

How does an emboldening sense of entitlement to solidify your sense of self lead you to new perceptions and interpretations of who you are?

Horoscopes for August/September 2019

Read your sidereal horoscope for August/September 2019. Always sidereal; never tropical. Use this guide to cast your sidereal birth chart. Read for your Ascendant and Moon sign first, then for your Sun.

On August 8, 2019, Mars begins an amassing of planets in Leo. This Leo stellium culminates on August 30 at the New Moon: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars all in Leo! This moment is a consequence of:

  • Eclipses in Leo/Aquarius, 2015-2017
  • Events that transpired August/September 2017

Planets in Leo answer to your entitlement to accept that the way you see yourself is the way that you are, and the way you see the world is the way that it is.


  • How has your experience of your father and relationships with other men shaped your perceptions of how you earn and spend your money?
  • What is your relationship with food or your material possessions/expenses, and how does it impact changes that have taken hold in your life as a consequence of August/September 2017? 


  • How do power dynamics with the men/man in your life shape your self-perception?
  • How have changes in your body or personality caused you to change certain lifestyle habits as a consequence of August/Septembre 2017? 


  • How are you reckoning with the authority of those whose judgments are impervious to logic? Have those people changed at all since August/September 2017?
  • How can you learn from them by considering the possibility that some things are the way they are because you say so, not because you have the evidence/data to back it up or even the wherewithal to convince others?


  • What role do mentors, benefactors, and other helpful people (that you may or may not know yet!) play in the realization of your ambitions? And how have those ambitions evolved since August/September 2017?
  • What circumstances particularly pertaining to men (or a man singularly) become the center of your political, social, or professional focus?


  • What can you learn about trusting your own perceptions and judgments from your mother? 
  • What are your ambitions and who (managers/supervisors/bosses) or what stands between the promotion, prominence, or visibility you seek? What did August/September 2017 teach about how to deal with this now?


  • What systems or institutions (or clergy, teachers, or politicians) reinforce the convictions you’ve been working so hard to embody and conform your life to?
  • Where can you go (travel/church/temple/university) in order to see yourself in a new light, to illuminate the next level of the self you’ve been stepping into since August/September 2017?


  • What boundaries are you implementing as a means to trusting your own judgment with regard to your finances (debt/loans/taxes/credit)?
  • How are you reckoning with dynamics of control and authority as you surrender to the inevitable ending of some important part of your life? If there are no present endings, what ended in August/September 2017 that is especially relevant at present?


  • How do you embody your calling to conceive of a self not defined in reference to others, especially partners and male father/authority figures who see your identity as an extension of their own?
  • What relational dynamics from August/September 2017 provide useful context for How you engage in partnership and conflict or establish agreements at present?


  • What resistance do you encounter as you embody the courage to trust your own perceptions and judgments in your work/workplace?
  • How is your present work environment similar to or different from what it was in August/September 2017? What lessons from that time period inspire you to step into your authority in new ways at present?


  • What power dynamics emerge as you take new risks in your love life/with your sexuality?
  • How do children/creative pursuits/physical fitness serve as the venue for reckoning with men and their (or your) role in shaping your self-perception?


  • What is the legacy of your parents that you encounter in this present work of defining home and solidifying your roots in this world?
  • What lessons from August/September 2017 are relevant to dealing with men in or in reference to your home at present?


  • What is the legacy of male family members that you must reckon with as you step into leadership positions in your immediate family circle?
  • How did August/September 2017 change your family dynamic and how is this present moment a consequence of those changes?

A Self-Determined Nation

Aquarius is rising in the 2019 – 2020 Aries Ingress for the USA. As a fixed sign, this indicates the US will be dealing with old stuff. Continuing to reckon with things from both 2017 and 2018. Additionally, events associated with eclipses that occurred in Aquarius & Leo between 2015 and 2018 are brought into focus.

Aquarius is the sign of self-determination and personal-sovereignty. This sign is the insignia of American democracy: rejecting and abandoning monarchical rule while embracing self-governance. It represents the American quest of defining itself separate from the authority that had claimed dominion over it—England and King George III.

“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

The Declaration of Independence

Those “unalienable Rights” are the self-determination and individual sovereignty endowed by nature itself, or God, whichever you choose.

This year focuses on America’s ever-evolving story of self-determination. Who and what is America when it is not defined by the leaders who claim dominion over it? Who and what is America when it embraces self-governance, rejecting dictatorial and monarchical rule? Where do state’s rights and federal governance agree and conflict? 

Historically, Aquarius rising in the US Aries Ingress chart has marked critical turning points in the political landscape of the country, spearheaded by people who seek to reclaim the sovereignty the US so fiercely fought for.

Aquarius Rising Historically: 1859-1868

Between the years 1859 and 1868 Aquarius was rising in the US Aries Ingress chart 3 times. This is an unprecedented period in the story of the USA both historically and astrologically. There is no other time period in US history where Aquarius rose in the Aries Ingress chart with that amount of frequency in a particular decade.

For those who know anything about this time in US history, you know that 1859 through 1868 comprises the years leading up to, during, and right after the American Civil War. That is:

  • The simultaneous culmination of the Abolitionist and Secessionist Movements, the latter was spearheaded by South Carolina in secession from the Union December 1860;
  • The middle of the American Civil War when Union General Ulysses S. Grant turned the tide in favor of the Union Army in 1863, and;
  • The Emancipation Proclamation and the rise and culmination of the Reconstruction Era 1863-1867.

1859-1860: Abolition & Secession

John Brown was a white radical revolutionary who deemed armed rebellion the only feasible way to rid the US of the institution of slavery. He organized to bring new states into the Union as slavery-free states. He murdered several pro-slavery militants and slave hunters in the Pottawatomie massacre (

October 15-18, 1859 John Brown attempted an armed slave revolt by raiding a US military arsenal at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia. He was defeated by a company of US Marines and murdered by hanging by the state of Virginia on December 2, 1859.

At the same time as the abolitionist movement was reaching a fever pitch, the secessionist movement, too, reached a marked moment of reckoning. South Carolina seceded from the Union late in 1860, but it was in the early part of that year that rhetoric ramped up, putting momentum behind the idea that there were in fact two countries in the United States. The difference between these two countries was stated plainly in South Carolina’s declaration document, “increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the Institution of Slavery.”

What is the legacy of slavery? What has become of those states who proclaimed that they were the object of hostility by non-slaveholding states?


At this point in the American Civil War, the Union Military had contained all fighting to the South. Confederate General Robert E. Lee resigned after the defeat at Gettysburg. The Battle at Gettysburg was the largest battle of the Civil War with casualties on both sides surpassing 20,000 soldiers. And it was this battlefield that was the eventual site of President Abraham Lincoln’s famous Gettysburg address. In that speech, he realized that the Declaration of Independence was further being made manifest in the sacrifice of the soldiers he honored that day.

“…that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

-President Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, delivered November 19, 1863

This year also marked the implementation of the Emancipation Proclamation. It was signed in September 1862 to be put into effect January 1, 1863. But it was of the 13th Amendment which completely abolished slavery. Though the amendment wasn’t ratified until December 6, 1865, it was initially proposed on January 11, 1864.


Four Reconstruction Acts were passed between March 2, 1867 and March 11, 1868. They were meant to establish order and assimilate former Confederate states into the Union through new state constitutions and pledges of loyalty to the Union. They sought to enforce the Emancipation Proclamation and to establish representation through voter registration and congressional and municipal elections.

It was in reaction to this military occupation of the South and what was required of Confederate states during Reconstruction that violent white supremacy took hold of of the South. A somewhat dormant Ku Klux Klan terrorized Black families in their homes and at the ballot box. Lynchings became a common form of violence against Black citizens by white citizens and the police and governemtns in the south. Black Codes made law of policies meant to create a permanent caste system with whites at the top and blacks at the bottom. It disenfranchised Black people in every aspect of life.


The astrology of 1859-1868 is absolutely critical to events and narratives of not only 2019, but also 2020. Self-determination means an identity imagined free from the gaze of others, liberated from the prison of perception, reasoned outside the parameters of personal bias and judgement. This is the challenge of the coming years. Who are we as a nation? Must we believe in race and the power dynamics that claim to be inherent to its existence? What is America without whiteness?

Refuting the Irrefutable

The next phase of #MutableMadness2019 is the Virgo phase. It begins September 9: Is there such a thing as an ‘irrefutable fact’?

Phrases like “evidence-based” and “according to the data” are meant to conjure unquestioned trust in what is said in their context. “Numbers don’t lie”… Well, if that’s the case, why won’t Donald Duck show us his tax returns (an important part of the Virgo phase of #MutableMadness2019!)

The reality is that any and everything is up for interpretation. The question is not about data and evidence, it’s about myth, belief, and identity. The story you tell about the data says everything about you and absolutely nothing about the data or the evidence it purports. There is no such thing as an unbiased hypothesis. The intention behind a question is the basis for interpreting the data. So, why was that particular question asked?

Here lies the crux of that matter: Truth ≠ Fact.

All year the underlying question has been: What stories about who you are keep you from perceiving truth? Truth is what you can verify with your perception and judgment. It’s emphatically not objective. The opposite of truth isn’t lies or falsehood, it’s dogma.

Identity is a myth, a story you tell about who you are. You measure all your experiences against this myth. Your choice is to reject experiences that challenge that myth, defending your identity, or, to consider and integrate those experiences. Discernment is how you know when to defend/reject or integrate. When you take on the task of integrating experiences that challenge the myth of your identity, it threatens your sanity. Defensiveness is the easiest reaction.

Your moral compass is rooted in that myth. So, it’s not just about who you are or who you are not. It’s about making a moral judgment on what you’re capable of. Superiority, pride, and controlling other’s perceptions can easily become more important than integrity. Integrity is the inner [moral] compass that guides us towards righteous action.

The next eclipse is a BIG one. December 26, 2019. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn in Sagittarius. This is rare! That eclipse takes all of our Saturn in Sagittarius work since January 2017 and makes it plain. It sets us on a path into the next chapter.

It seems like we’ve been in a state of collective dissociation, where we cannot process the real consequences of what is happening to us and our world. This is what I mean when I say “identity is a myth.” We are so deeply invested in the story of our comfort and convenience, the one that says we are highly intelligent and technologically advanced. The myth that says that we have it better than any humans in the history of humanity.

Because our identity is rooted in this story, we refuse to acknowledge the consequences of our daily choices on the climate and the economy. It’s easier to say “well our politicians are corrupt and my vote doesn’t count so…”

Since when do you need permission to save your own life? When did you taking action to save your own life require that your politicians first be righteous?


The next two phases of #MutableMadness2019 are all about truth, integrity, and defense of identity. Are you ready to perceive the truth of who you are? The fiery contagion of conviction can consume you in a fight of defending an identity that is killing you. Or, it can compel you to face the truth of who you are, purging the dissonance between what you profess and what you live.