Consumed by the Search for Truth
On May 29, 2022, Mars and Jupiter will conjoin at 9° sidereal Pisces. Between now and then Sun, then Mercury, and then Venus will transit that point.
All transits calculated using the sidereal zodiac. Use this guide to cast your sidereal birth chart. If you’re ready to discover your sidereal birth chart, check out my Reading Your Sidereal Birth Chart Workshop.

Use the info in the blog post along with the 2022 Sidereal Astrology Guide. Now 15% off with code 2022REVIEW.
On Mars, Jupiter, and the Conjunction Relationship
Mars: What requires our energy. Where we seek to make changes. Where we are dealing with conflict. Where we establish emotional and physical boundaries. Where we set goals and act towards them. Where we figure out what we’re capable of.
Jupiter: The context for how we interpret our experiences. The area of life and/or relationships undergoing a period of redefinition. What serves as a reference point for how we understand ourselves and the world around us.
Conjunction: Ending one story or chapter and beginning another. Mars’s and Jupiter’s story is about the context that informs the interpersonal conflicts that fuel cultural change, and vice versa.
Sidereal Pisces: Wounds, Coping Strategies, and Gifts
- WOUND – Being lied to by omission, disarmed of the ability to protect oneself.
- COPING STRATEGY – Suspicion as protection from having the truth withheld or denied. Self doubt.
- GIFT – Discernment as knowing who to trust, what to trust them for, and when to trust them. Intuition as trust in one’s capacity to see beyond what things appear to be. To hear between the lines of what’s said. To hear the truth in what isn’t said.
For more on the wounds & gifts of your sidereal birth chart, check The Wounds & Gifts Workshop.
The Next Chapter Begins…
A conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in sidereal Sagittarius began a series of cultural shifts on March 20, 2020. These shifts have been rooted in political conflicts that have steadily escalated since former president Barack Obama’s first term in office.
Sidereal Sagittarius transits force us to choose sides based our religious and political convictions.
- Which side did you choose?
- How have your beliefs about who deserves to have power changed since March 2020?
- What do you believe those who have power should do with that power?
The next chapter begins with Mars conjoining Jupiter in sidereal Pisces. We must reconcile our political convictions with the subjective physical and emotional experience of being embodied. Circumstances demand we seek balance between the truths our bodies carry and speak, and the beliefs that comprise our religious convictions.
- How do your political convictions support or undermine the truth of your body?
- What do your religious beliefs say about your body?
- What does your body say about your religious beliefs? Your political convictions?
- Which do you believe when your body contradicts your spiritual, religious, and/or political convictions?
- Which you trust: Your body, your religious doctrine, or your government?
The Setup
Between March 21 and March 29, the SUN sets off the degree of the upcoming Mars + Jupiter conjunction in sidereal Pisces. It asks:
- What CONSUMES your FOCUS now? What truths do your eyes see but your body denies?
Between March 27 and March 30, MERCURY sets off the degree of the upcoming Mars + Jupiter conjunction in sidereal Pisces. It asks:
- What is IMPLIED in and by the CONVERSATIONS you are having? What truths do your ears hear but your body denies?
Between May 3 and May 7, VENUS sets off the degree of the upcoming Mars + Jupiter conjunction in sidereal Pisces. It asks:
- How are your CONNECTIONS demanding increasing SELF TRUST and VULNERABILITY? How is your need for connection being met during this time where it is difficult to trust others?
What to Expect in your Sidereal Pisces House
Discovering that not everything is what it appears to be.
Learning to trust your body to discern the truth about your sidereal Pisces house relationships and topics.
Your energy is focused on developing self-trust to protect yourself from being gaslit.
Conflict over the truth.
Feeling motivated to change based on non-logical, non-rational, and intangible knowing.
Establishing emotional boundaries in order to protect yourself from those who withhold or deny the truth.
Arming yourself with skepticism. You don’t believe everything you are told or everything you see.
Increasingly feel paranoid that you are being lied to.