The People’s Weekly Forecast – October 2, 2017

This week’s main events are Venus and Mars in Leo, and the Full Moon in Pisces. They both perfect midday Thursday October 5, but will be building all week. Configurations (aspects) between planets are most effectual when they are applying, before the become exact. That applies to New and Full Moons as well as this week’s Venus-Mars conjunction.

As the Venus-Mars aspect is applying, the Moon will play facilitator, translating the light of one planet to the other. Let’s break this week down day by day.

The People's Weekly Forecast by Dayna Lynn Nuckolls, October 5, 2017-October 8, 2017

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Saturn in Scorpio, Redux: June 20, 2017 – October 26, 2017

Since January 26, 2017 Saturn has been giving us a brief introduction to its transit in Sagittarius. But beginning June 20, and ending October 26 of 2017, Saturn in Scorpio will handle some unfinished business. Saturn stations direct at 27 Scorpio on August 24, 2017

All transits are in sidereal. If you’re curious about your chart using the sidereal zodiac you can find a guide with instructions on plotting your sidereal chart here, and a post outlining some of the philosophical differences between tropical and sidereal here.

Mars ruler of Scorpio, has had a lot to say over the past few months. Between Mercury’s retrograde in Aries and Uranus entering Aries permanently for the first time since 1933, the planets, and our lives have been answering to Mars. Saturn in Scorpio will soon be answering to Mars.

Saturn in Scorpio Redux - 2017 - The People's Oracle

Saturn in Scorpio in the Natal Chart

In the natal chart, Saturn shows where and how we are establishing ourselves as competent adults; what we are building over time in our external lives; and where we bump up against limitations and expectations that admonish us to grow up and be real.

Saturn generally needs evidence to change or relinquish control. Ideally that evidence is competence and sovereignty: proven ability (Capricorn) and self-determination (Aquarius).

Is Mars supportive, indifferent, or hostile to Saturn’s agenda? It’s complicated. There are places where their agendas overlap and places where they conflict. Ultimately, Saturn in Scorpio, the domicile of Mars, is volatile.

Being malefics, both Saturn and Mars lend themselves towards separation, loss, and even death. But where Saturn denies, blocks, and resists, Mars persists, cuts through, and explodes. They both can bring endings, but it’s a matter of how and why.

Saturn in Scorpio maintains with an indomitable will; it controls using subversive tactics and coercive force. In the natal chart, Saturn in Scorpio lends towards power struggles; but it also challenges us to harness our power and wrestle with our need for control. It questions how we go about getting it or keeping it.

Natives with Saturn in Scorpio often deal with themes of domination and surrender in the house where Saturn is in their chart. During their Saturn return they may come face to face with their own powerlessness or even struggle to use their power effectively. Natives with Saturn in Scorpio may ask themselves:

Are you prepared to accept the responsibility that comes with having the final say? How much will it cost you in the end? Is it better to surrender or can you find a balance?

The Saturn in Scorpio lesson is to learn when to hold ’em and when to fold ’em.

Transiting Saturn in Scorpio

Saturn in Scorpio can be stealthy and relentless. Whether that’s good or bad depends on where Mars is at any given time during Saturn in Scorpio’s transit. Where will Mars be during Saturn in Scorpio’s upcoming transit?

Mars in Gemini, June 20 – July 11
Mars in Cancer, July 11 – August 26
Mars in Leo, August 26 – October 13
Saturn enters Sagittarius, October 26, 2017 – January 24, 2020

In the next part of this article, I will talk about Mars in each of the signs as it pertains to Saturn’s final movements through Scorpio.

Do you have Saturn in sidereal Scorpio? If you aren’t sure, use this guide to cast your sidereal natal chart for free. I am offering a special Saturn Reading for those going through their Saturn return (Saturn in sidereal Sagittarius and Scorpio). It is also for those interested in how these transits affect their chart even if you’ve been through your Saturn return or haven’t had it yet. It may especially be helpful for those with natal planets in sidereal Scorpio and Sagittarius.

You can also read more about the first Saturn return here.

View all of my available readings and book them online.

Saturn & The First Saturn Return

In this post, I will talk about the 5 stages of the first Saturn cycle which begins at birth and ends at the 1st Saturn return between ages 28 and 30.

Saturn &The First Saturn Return by @PeoplesOracle

Saturn in the Natal Chart

Over time, Saturn seeks to cultivate sovereignty over oneself—the authority one has over one’s life. It’s authority one is born with. Yet during the first Saturn cycle, between birth and about 28 to 30 years old, we awaken to that power and wrestle with it. We tussle with external authority figures and ultimately take over where our parents and other authority figures left off. Over that time period we internalize our experience of power and authority figures who have influenced us and held responsibility for our lives.

  • How did our caretakers handle their authority over us and responsibility for us?
  • Were we responsible for ourselves before we were appropriately capable? Or, did we make a relatively smooth transition? Or, did we never fully take over responsibility?
  • Did we have to take care of those who were supposed to take care of us?
  • Was cooperation demanded? Submission coerced? Trust nurtured?

The other side of Saturn represents external markers of authority, power, and responsibility. It’s when we explore the limits of our power and influence in the world around us. This is the kind of authority that is, ideally, earned and built over time. It’s granted to the one who has shown competency. It’s recognizing the impact of our authority AND our responsibility for the world around us.

Who’s The Boss?

Saturn at Birth is 0°
Age 0 to age 7
The boss has all of the power and all of the responsibility. You are not the boss, at first. You are completely helpless and 100% reliable on others to take care of you, to make decisions for you, to provide structure and boundaries for you—even if no one is there, which is the case for some people. The boundary of where you end and others begin is molded during this phase.

The first seeds of self awareness and our innate authority sprout during this time. We flex our muscle but mostly retreat to the familiarity of the boundaries we know.

The 1st Saturn Square is 90°
Age 7 to age 14
The 90° square of any two planets’ is about awareness and emergence. There is friction between what is known and what is unknown. One is awakening to the limits around them, feeling along the walls to see where they end.

But at the 90° square between transiting Saturn and natal Saturn the boundaries of home and family are the foundation upon which the rules of the emerging world around you are built. A solid foundation makes this period a quick build; an unstable foundation often calcifies boundary issues—whether too porous/non-existent, or impenetrable. But, the rules you know and the new rules your experience rub up against each other. Authority figures and the limitations of your world now bring another set of rules, not just those unique to your home and family, but also to your community and culture.

The Saturn Opposition 180°
Age 14 to age 21
The Saturn opposition is a face-off. You want to take the reigns, and in some ways you are ready. But the authority figures in your life tell you, “Not quite”. At this point, authority figures take the form of parents, teachers, law enforcement, etc. You feel physically powerful in your body (thanks to puberty), and you feel like you have a grasp on reality—enough to “see things as they are.” Power struggles often color this time period as you push back against boundaries that you feel are being forced upon you.

The Saturn Square 270°
Age 21 to age 28
This is the time where the rubber meets the road. We finally have the authority, and the responsibility, that we’ve craved all along. How prepared are we? How prepared do we feel? Pressed by the world around us to make important decision about the trajectory of our lives; we feel pressure to think of the future and make long-term goals.

Squares bring friction, and the friction here sparks awareness of an impending end. Something in us feels what’s coming: the return of Saturn to its natal position, our first Saturn return. It’s an ending and a beginning. It’s where we come to terms with reality of our inner authority and responsibility.

Are the decisions that we’ve made a result of our own will and desire? Or are we living someone else’s dream? Will we accept it or change course?

The 1st Saturn Return 0°
Age 28 to age 30
This is an ending and a beginning. The natal house and sign placement of our Saturn gives us clues as to which area of our life and who or what is involved in this transition. This time reinforces our understanding of authority and responsibility. We may ask ourselves:

  • Who or what secures the foundation of our lives?
  • How can I take on the mantle of responsibility and adulthood in a way that honors my own voice, not just replicating the voices of those who have heretofore been responsible for me?
  • Who am I becoming and what do I need to do in order to develop competency in this becoming?
  • What am I doing to lay the groundwork to be an authority and garner respect in my community and the world around me?

Many of these answers do not come until after Saturn leaves the sign where it is in the natal chart. But the return itself is a completion and a seed planting phase. It’s dark, like a New Moon. It is very clear, for some people, what is happening and where things are headed. For others it’s a time of fear and many unknowns. Those born during the day (Sun in house 7-12) tend to have a more constructive experience, while those born at night (Sun in houses 1-6) tend to deal with more fear, resistance, and difficulty.

Think of this return as being born all over again. Yet you are already a full grown adult this time, and you have to do the work yourself to prepare for your birth. You’re emerging from a womb and coming into another world with new rules and expectations,. This time you are responsible for finding and creating those people and things that will be a foundation for you and your life as you mature into the role you’ll play in your community, career, and the world.

Got questions or comments about Saturn & The First Saturn Return? Let’s talk about it on Twitter @PeoplesOracle.

Saturn in Sagittarius (sidereal) – January 26, 2017

Saturn in Sagittarius (sidereal) in 2017

  • January 26 – April 7
  • October 26 – January 23, 2020

There is probably no greater, more stark contrast between adjacent signs in the zodiac than between Scorpio and Sagittarius. Only the contrast between Pisces and Aries can compete. The former moves from a Mars ruled sign to a Jupiter ruled sign, the latter from Jupiter to Mars.

As we embark upon Saturn in Sagittarius it also means we move closer to 2020 when the Great Conjunction occurs. That is the conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn. It happens every 20 years and it’s the marker of times of peace and times of war, times of plenty and times of scarcity.

But let me not get ahead of myself…

Saturn in Sagittarius by @PeoplesOracle

What is Saturn?

Saturn is cold and dry. It’s of the night time sect. Its home is in Capricorn and Aquarius, and it is an honored guest of Venus when in Libra. Saturn is far from home with no friends in Cancer and Leo, and it is antagonist to Mars when in Aries. In all of the other signs, Saturn is peregrine. It has no authority or agenda, neither inimical nor congruent with its own nature.

Saturn is the keeper of time, the builder of buildings, and the harbinger of death. And when he enters Sagittarius, he will have to answer to Jupiter. Jupiter seeks to establish a framework for synthesizing one’s experiences as a way to anticipate the future. Jupiter is the teacher, the preacher, and the guru. He’s the senator and the judge, the zealot and the proselytizer.

The placement of Jupiter during Saturn’s time in Sagittarius will inform the how we experience Saturn both individually and collectively.

Jupiter in Virgo

Saturn begins his first ingress of Sagittarius while Jupiter is in Virgo. And this is where Jupiter will be for most of Saturn’s time in Sagittarius this year. This puts the planetary behemoths in a square relationship by sign with Jupiter receiving Saturn because Saturn is in the home of Jupiter. But that square relationship is one of adjustment.

Jupiter is in its detriment in Virgo, far from home and family. But he’s been forced to adopt the ways of the land in which he finds himself. Virgo is the calculator and the categorizer, putting things in their right place. Jupiter here uses calculation, facts, and figures to anticipate the future. Logic is the measure of truth. What can be known is that which can be accounted for, measured, and solved.

Sagittarius on the other hand loathes paper and pencil as the tools of knowledge, unless of course he’s writing a memoir of his exploits. He must get out there and get his feet wet, as he craves lived experience as the measure for truth.

Since Jupiter receives Saturn, Jupiter must begrudgingly set aside his spreadsheet of poll data and consider that perhaps all of the answers can’t be found by taking a subset of the population as a representation of the whole.

Both Sagittarius and Virgo have their biases. We run into problems because Virgo believes the numbers can’t be biased, and Sagittarius knows he’s biased, but still believes he’s right.

Narratives of Saturn in Sagittarius

~The paternalistic zealot calls the statistician back home with his own version of the truth.

~The establishment, overtaken with a passion for truth, challenges the the data.

~The senator is met with resistance. He believes he’s got the numbers, but he never accounted for this change.

~The government moves forward eagerly, when they realize they must answer and the numbers don’t add up.

~The excitement of change is tiring when you’ve got the same problem but the solution changes every time.

~Bureaucracy faces off with the courts.

Saturn says, “Here is the spirit of truth to which we must be loyal.”
Jupiter replies, “But the numbers show that this is what the people really want. See?”
“What do you expect me to do with numbers? Numbers are meant to measure trees, and count objects. But numbers can’t measure truth, nor can they assess the motivations of the heart. You need wisdom for that. Here, take this. Proceed cautiously” the wise father replies.

Jupiter in Libra

Jupiter will be in Libra while Saturn is in Sagittarius from October 26, 2017 – October 11, 2018

Now the game gets fun! Saturn in Sagittarius will be in mixed reception with Jupiter in Libra. Libra is the sign of Saturn’s exaltation. And of course Sagittarius is the domicile of Jupiter. These two signs are in sextile. So they get to working together and making it happen.

Jupiter in Libra synthesizes by gathering all of the facts, it’s truth by way of reason. Of course, too many facts and too much reason can often lead one further from a truth that resonates personally. The letter of the law overrides the spirit of the law. Lucky for Jupiter in Libra, Saturn in Sagittarius can at least work with that.

The letter of the law meets the spirit of the law and they work together to find a workable solution. Saturn in Sagittarius’ thirst for truth is tempered by Jupiter in Libra’s penchant for reason.

This part of the year seems less volatile, but I wouldn’t be so sure. Never know what can happen when an overzealous bureaucracy meets with a judge with reason. He will judiciously gather all of the facts, but can he discern truth with empathy? When Venus is in Libra while Jupiter is there too will be the best of times for this transit. November 2, 2017 – November 25, 2017. I’d say that is the best time for the courts to have a say in all of the unconstitutional activity occurring in the new US presidential administration.