2020 Deja Vu

If you’ve got your 2022 Sidereal Transits iCal or the 2022 Sidereal Astrology Guide you’ll see that both Venus and Mars leave sidereal Sagittarius for Capricorn on Saturday February 26.

The 2020 deja Vu is about to kick up several notches…

Dec 2019 + early Jan 2020 there was a massive stellium in sidereal Sagittarius. By January 23, 2020, Saturn entered Capricorn as did the Sun and Mercury. That weekend Kobe & Gigi Bryant passed a way in a plane crash, & Wuhan locked down to contain covid-19.

March 20, 2020 Mars & Jupiter conjoined in sidereal Sagittarius. Both entered sidereal Capricorn before the month ended. A cascade of shelter in place orders and travel restrictions occurred across the world.

This happened after weeks of the US government claiming that coronavirus was a mild flu.

Same thing happened December 2020 into 2021. Mask mandates lifted, unrestricted travel, assumptions of covid immunity or the “end of the pandemic…

Same thing happened December 2021 into 2022. Mask mandates lifted, unrestricted travel, assumptions of covid immunity or the “end of the pandemic…

And the same this is happening again in rapid succession.

Again, a major shift of planets from sidereal Sagittarius to Capricorn. Whatever your political convictions or religious beliefs, Covid is not over, the pandemic has not ended. This weekend begins another drop down to earth, back to reality.

We choose sides when planets transit sidereal Sagittarius.

We draw lines and boundaries of allegiance to people and places based upon the political convictions we align with. Remember, politics is about power, who you believe should have, and what they should do with it.

📌What boundaries have you drawn in your life and relationships as a show of allegiance to your religious and political convictions?

📌 What are those convictions?

When planets come to sidereal Capricorn, our convictions are tested. Not in a contest to see who is most sincere about their beliefs. This is a test to see how they hold up against the realities of material reality and survival.

Sidereal Capricorn teaches us that the material consequences of our encounters with reality define reality. Sidereal Sagittarius is the story we tell about that reality and how we interpret the consequences.

But death is death.

We tell many stories about death, but it is an irrefutable reality.

Conspiracies about how and whether or not it actually happened are as varied as they can be. But the material consequences of that encounter exist whether or not we believe it.

As Venus and Mars enter and move through sidereal Capricorn, the fervor with which we have severed, and the urgency with which we’ve pledged allegiance meets the constraints a reality. This is a reality that may have appeared to change. But that appearance is not reality…

The stories we believe about who we need and the reality of who and what is available forces us to confront contradictions that offend our convictions.

What we believe about power and the convictions that inform those beliefs must contend with the limits of material reality.

Is the pandemic over?

We’re about to find out.

Originally tweeted by The People's Oracle (@PeoplesOracle) on February 25, 2022.

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