One of many things I’m watching for during this fall’s Mercury retrograde in sidereal Virgo is the aspect of intellectual debate and general conversation where people are having two different conversations. Systems thinking versus binary thinking. Inductive versus deductive reasoning.
Individualism precludes pattern recognition, specifically with regard to causes of behavior and remedies for our present challenges as humans.
In individualism, everything comes down to individual agency. Pattern recognition tends to reveal the fact that causes are not individual and neither are solutions.
It happens all the time in conversations on social media. The recognition and naming of a pattern makes people feel like their individuality and identity is being erased. We struggle to pull the lens back and see the containers that individual human experiences occur in.
Actual solidarity becomes scary in this way because the environment for connection is rotted by capitalism. It puts our access to food and shelter in the opposite direction of connection. When in fact, food and shelter is on the path of connection.
But how do we connect?
Mercury Retrograde in Sidereal Virgo
Mercury is gonna spend about 10 weeks in sidereal Virgo. It will oppose Jupiter in sidereal Pisces 3 times! Here is some guidance that may help you navigate this time more intentionally.
Just because you hear and comprehend the words some says doesn’t equate to you understanding meaning.
Context clues cover a multitude of sins. And a lot of times the context is the relationship itself, how you know them… if you know them at all.
Curiosity and asking questions are an alternative to telling people they are wrong. Nuance is truly your best friend.
Literalism + black & white thinking can be a communication strategy born of living in high stress environments/relationships where your safety + survival is at stake.
A very effective communication strategy is to always ask, “did I understand you correctly? Is _____ what you meant?”
And sometimes it’s not worth it to engage in conversations where both parties aren’t curious enough to ask questions and question their own assumptions.
Jumping to conclusions based on your own context that others may not be aware of is asking for hurt feelings.
Sometimes extending grace looks like you considering that you might have misunderstood someone, asking questions, and seeking mutual understanding before forming judgements, whether emotional or intellectual. Collect more data first!
Saturn transits, especially the Saturn return, forces us to focus. You get real clear on what matters, and often against your will. And it’s generally not what you thought or wanted to matter
The dread of the Saturn return is that this world has not prepared you to confront your mortality, the limits of your personal power, and the limits of your body. You have been deprived of a right relationship with those things.
The optimism of youth is necessary to survive. And post 1st Saturn return sobriety is necessary to thrive. (The 2nd Saturn return can bring a revival of seemingly endless possibility after have done all that one “should” have done by 60.)
Part of the reason you hear so many stories of people finding a sense of purpose, meaningful work, and even community past 40 and 50 is because life has eliminated so many possibilities. It quenches the confusion by decreasing your options.
The illusion of choice seduces us into living, grasping for a future when. And the destruction of those illusions illuminates real possibility. Knowing what you really have to work with empowers you to get to work!
My Saturn return gifted me revelation about the sidereal zodiac. And when I tell you that this work was not in my realm of possibility, not even when I started, and definitely at no point before I started.
Life eliminated so much, literally just by me living it. This is what I was left to work with.
And this is truly what Saturn is about. It's soothing to have fewer options. Eliminates the fear of choosing wrong. This is why we gravitate towards and create binaries.
One thing that drives us from our core, but is denied fiercely, is the desire to do a good job. To perform well. To be validated and rewarded for it. To reach the milestone and be congratulated. To have evidence that we are progressing as we should. Evidenced by social acceptance
Saturn is the container this happens in. I define Saturn as the socially determined material consequences for existing. Of course, the ultimate consequence for existing is death. But there is so much in between birth and death. Saturn is there too.
I'm thinking of the World card in the tarot as one of many representations of Saturn amongst the 78 cards.
The World asks "did I make it? Did I reach the finish line? Did I rightly discern the limits of my body and the possibilities of time?"
I think this is also what’s behind the idea of procrastination. The limits of time engender an urgency to act.
Saturn has retrograded back into sidereal Capricorn. Earlier this year I offered a Saturn Return Workshop for those with Saturn in Sidereal Aquarius. You can find the contents of that presentation here. I’ll be presenting a workshop for those with Saturn in sidereal Capricorn on September 24, 2022. You can register for that here: Saturn Return in Sidereal Capricorn Workshop.
You can read what I wrote about Saturn’s transit through sidereal Capricorn back when it first began in January 2020:
In August I will facilitate a Saturn return workshop for those with Saturn in sidereal Capricorn.
These are the dates for the Saturn return in sidereal Capricorn generations:
March 20, 1990 – June 20, 1990
December 14, 1990 – March 5, 1993
October 15, 1993- November 9, 1993
2nd February 1, 1961 – September 1961 October 7, 1961 – January 27, 1964
From this week’s email newsletter. You can join my email list to receive stuff like this in your email inbox. Also be notified of opportunities to receive readings and other offerings with me.
The result of… Separating by sifting. Dividing. Distinguish. Perceive. The results of separating the essence of something from the superfluous.
Discernment is a kind of distillation that requires us to perceive with nuance what we can take literally at face value, and what we must deduce from what we perceive to be implied.
The art of discernment, then, is knowing which faculty you should trust to tell you the truth about what you are witnessing or experiencing. And not only that, but also in what proportion you should trust that faculty in relation to other faculties you possesses, and when is the appropriate time to trust this faculty.
Last year (link to September 2021 thread on Twitter,) I began ringing the bell, sharing how important it would be to cultivate discernment in 2022. And now we have arrived to this moment of necessity and urgency.
The sidereal mutable signs offer us language to conceptualize our faculties of knowing and perceiving. They provide answers to the question “how do you know what you know?”
Gemini as a mutable air sign is knowing via concepts, language, reading, listening, and speaking.
Virgo as a mutable earth sign is knowing via the sense experience of the tangible, quantifying the material qualities of what one witnesses or experiences.
Sagittarius as a mutable fire sign is knowing via one’s will, what one perceives to be under one’s influence, in the realm of one’s abilities. Meaning we assign based on what it says about us.
Pisces as a mutable water sign is knowing via one’s body and bodily functions, that which connects us with others on a physical level.
When we rely solely on one of these faculties of knowing, it’s to the exclusion of all other faculties. Taking what we hear and read as the most accurate indication of what is true, to the exclusion of what something appears to be. Observing the tangible measurable qualities of something, ignoring the role of intention. Imposing our beliefs as the context for how we define something, prejudging against a predetermined doctrine, even when it contradicts what our bodies perceive.
It is perfect normal for you to be most comfortable in discerning truth via one of these faculties more than another. However, now, sidereal Pisces is in focus. Our bodies, our bodily functions, and the ways our bodies connect to each other, take centerstage as our primary faculty of knowing, one we must hone and refine.
This time can navigated by reflecting on and answering these question. We will revisit these questions over and over again over the next year.
Do you trust your body to tell you the truth about what you are witnessing or experiencing? Why or why not and under what circumstances or conditions?
What is your body telling you?
What do the functions of your body mean?
What do they communicate to you about yourself, others, and the world around you?
How do each of the following support or contradict what your body is saying? Your social conditioning; Your beliefs about power; your own and others, and the material conditions you can quantify via your senses.
I wrote about the present and ongoing activity in sidereal Pisces back in March. You can read all about it here.
This post was originally published as a thread on Twitter. You can find the original thread here. It has been edited to correct grammar errors and to be more coherent.
Men are rightfully angry at patriarchy and the violence of the gender binary. But instead of freeing themselves they blame women, and anyone who doesn’t perform whatever idea of maleness they both worship and resent.
Men hate the role that patriarchy has coerced them into. They are told that the only way they can be respected is by selling their labor for more than the next person. Yet, they have been systematically impoverished.
Men have been told that they must win the attention of women. And in order to do so, they must sell their labor for more than the next man. Should they actually get the attention of women, they can't like it too much.
It’s impossible to please men. It’s impossible. Nothing men do will ever be good enough. They will keep moving the goal post.
Men, what is your sense of self, your pride and dignity rooted in?
You have the key to your own prison.
You will be free the moment you give up the desire to please other men. See yourself through your own eyes. You must define manhood for yourself.
Men are suffering from deep self hatred and a lack of self respect. You look to other men for approval, they never ever give it to you. Nothing you do is good enough. Ever.
How are you gonna get yourself out of this?
I'm seeing tweet after tweet of men whose entire self is rooted in telling other people how to live their lives, what to do with their bodies, how they should look and speak.
Other men have convinced you that the only way for you to be a man is by telling other people who they should be. You have been convinced that the role of a man is to control the identity, body, and expressions of other people. Preferably with verbal and physical violence.
And you believed them because that same threat of violence and humiliation has been hanging over you since you were a little boy. You saw it happening to other boys, so you figured out how to be the perpetrator rather than the target of the violence…
… so you podcast and tweet and beat and assault, cause you're a real man!
You make sure all the other men can hear and see you loud & clear. "I am a heterosexual man who enjoys sex with women's anatomy. And I'll prove it with violence against anyone that threatens that fact."
From childhood until now, your entire identity has been to prove to other men that you are not gay, poor, sexless, effeminate, or weak.
Rejection, humiliation, alienation, invisibility, & a myriad of threats of and actual violence have been very effective at getting you to comply.
Look at you now.
You’ve been so worried with avoiding violence from other men that you haven’t ever figured out if you actually like yourself.
Do you like yourself independent of the opinion of other men? Who would you be if you didn’t need other men to approve of you?
Men, what is the source of your suffering?
Is it gay people? Trans folks? Children? People who want abortions?
None of the above.
It's other men.
Men: Who threatens you with humiliation and physical violence? Who judges you harshly and places impossible expectations on you?
It's not trans people. It's not gay people. It's not children or people who want abortions.
It's other men.
Men: If a trans person existing moves you to violence, or to try to make them be another gender… It looks like you have no power or control over yourself. Cause why do you need to define someone else’s identity? What’s in it for you?
Men: If a woman existing in her own body as she sees fit makes you want to judge her, insult her, or be violent towards her… Sounds like you have no power or control over your own body and impulses.
Men: Can another person do with their own body as they please without you interfering or trying to control them?
Why not? What's it to you?
And if your answer is that men are innately the strongest, and that they they have a right to power over everyone else …
Just because you are imprisoned by the identity associated with your genitals doesn’t mean that everyone else is.
Many of us are getting free. You can, too.
Watch any of the documentaries on cults that are out right now. Every single one of them is led by a man who resents the expectations that patriarchy violently enforces on them.
Heaven's Gate: Led by a man who hated his gayness so much that he castrated himself. Watch the doc yourself.
NXIVM: Led by a man who out of his own mouth said that he resents the way that society forces boys to cut themselves off from their own feelings. His solution? Forcing everyone in his cult to cut themselves off from their feelings. Watch "The Vow" for yourself.
They created instruments to look inside the body of the person who conceived and gestated you in order to see your genitals before you were born. Based on your genitals they chose your name. When you finally exited the womb, they picked your clothes and the colors you were allowed to wear based on the genitals you have.
Before you could even focus your gaze they withheld attention and affection from you so that you would not be “spoiled” into “effeminacy”…
As you got older, they ignored your cries and told you to man up, even though you were only a 3 year old child. They rough housed with you and ignored you when you said stop so that you wouldn't grow up to be "weak."
You watched them coddle the the children assigned as girls. Ever boo-boo was kissed. Every tear was met with cuddles and hugs while you were told that boys don't cry.
By the time you went to school, you learned to perpetuate the same humiliation, emotional neglect, and demands to "man up" that you had been subject to. You learned to point out the ways other boys didn't conform to maleness. You ridiculed them, making sure you didn't slip up.
Once you hit puberty, you had already learned that your ability to get attention from girls would give you favor with and power over other boys. And if you were not interested in girls, because you were attracted to boys or just weren’t interested at all in dating, you tried your best to not garner attention from other boys. The violence would hurt you.
During puberty, as your body changed, you became self conscious about your body. You knew other boys were looking at you. You knew that your chest size, height, genitals, and body hair were all symbols of how convincingly you conformed to the cult of manhood.
Even to this day you hate your body.
You need to have the body patriarchy says you should have or the money patriarchy says you should have. And if you have neither… you aren’t a real man.
On May 29, 2022, Mars and Jupiter will conjoin at 9° sidereal Pisces. Between now and then Sun, then Mercury, and then Venus will transit that point.
All transits calculated using the sidereal zodiac. Use this guide to cast your sidereal birth chart. If you’re ready to discover your sidereal birth chart, check out my Reading Your Sidereal Birth Chart Workshop.
Cooler dark purple circle surrounded by circular nodes connected to lines. Like, trying to connect the dots. Text in a shade of cool lavender reads: Sidereal Pisces 2022 & Beyond: Consumed by the Search for Truth, by Dayna Lynn Nuckolls
Use the info in the blog post along with the 2022 Sidereal Astrology Guide. Now 15% off with code 2022REVIEW.
On Mars, Jupiter, and the Conjunction Relationship
Mars: What requires our energy. Where we seek to make changes. Where we are dealing with conflict. Where we establish emotional and physical boundaries. Where we set goals and act towards them. Where we figure out what we’re capable of.
Jupiter: The context for how we interpret our experiences. The area of life and/or relationships undergoing a period of redefinition. What serves as a reference point for how we understand ourselves and the world around us.
Conjunction: Ending one story or chapter and beginning another. Mars’s and Jupiter’s story is about the context that informs the interpersonal conflicts that fuel cultural change, and vice versa.
Sidereal Pisces: Wounds, Coping Strategies, and Gifts
WOUND – Being lied to by omission, disarmed of the ability to protect oneself.
COPING STRATEGY – Suspicion as protection from having the truth withheld or denied. Self doubt.
GIFT – Discernment as knowing who to trust, what to trust them for, and when to trust them. Intuition as trust in one’s capacity to see beyond what things appear to be. To hear between the lines of what’s said. To hear the truth in what isn’t said.
A conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in sidereal Sagittarius began a series of cultural shifts on March 20, 2020. These shifts have been rooted in political conflicts that have steadily escalated since former president Barack Obama’s first term in office.
Sidereal Sagittarius transits force us to choose sides based our religious and political convictions.
Which side did you choose?
How have your beliefs about who deserves to have power changed since March 2020?
What do you believe those who have power should do with that power?
The next chapter begins with Mars conjoining Jupiter in sidereal Pisces. We must reconcile our political convictions with the subjective physical and emotional experience of being embodied. Circumstances demand we seek balance between the truths our bodies carry and speak, and the beliefs that comprise our religious convictions.
How do your political convictions support or undermine the truth of your body?
What do your religious beliefs say about your body?
What does your body say about your religious beliefs? Your political convictions?
Which do you believe when your body contradicts your spiritual, religious, and/or political convictions?
Which you trust: Your body, your religious doctrine, or your government?
The Setup
Between March 21 and March 29, the SUN sets off the degree of the upcoming Mars + Jupiter conjunction in sidereal Pisces. It asks:
What CONSUMES your FOCUS now? What truths do your eyes see but your body denies?
Between March 27 and March 30, MERCURY sets off the degree of the upcoming Mars + Jupiter conjunction in sidereal Pisces. It asks:
What is IMPLIED in and by the CONVERSATIONS you are having? What truths do your ears hear but your body denies?
Between May 3 and May 7, VENUS sets off the degree of the upcoming Mars + Jupiter conjunction in sidereal Pisces. It asks:
How are your CONNECTIONS demanding increasing SELF TRUST and VULNERABILITY? How is your need for connection being met during this time where it is difficult to trust others?
What to Expect in your Sidereal Pisces House
Discovering that not everything is what it appears to be.
Learning to trust your body to discern the truth about your sidereal Pisces house relationships and topics.
Your energy is focused on developing self-trust to protect yourself from being gaslit.
Conflict over the truth.
Feeling motivated to change based on non-logical, non-rational, and intangible knowing.
Establishing emotional boundaries in order to protect yourself from those who withhold or deny the truth.
Arming yourself with skepticism. You don’t believe everything you are told or everything you see.
Increasingly feel paranoid that you are being lied to.