Spiritual Exercise – A Full Moon in Pisces Message

A tweet by a friend inspired this message. It seems to be the perfect message for today’s Full Moon in sidereal Pisces.

We often feel like we’ll escape the pressure or the circumstances that beckon us to change, and THEN we’ll grow, we’ll do better, we’ll be different. If we could just get away from that  thing that’s making us uncomfortable, reminding us of our inadequacies… Yeah, that’s partially true.

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The People’s Weekly Forecast – October 2, 2017

This week’s main events are Venus and Mars in Leo, and the Full Moon in Pisces. They both perfect midday Thursday October 5, but will be building all week. Configurations (aspects) between planets are most effectual when they are applying, before the become exact. That applies to New and Full Moons as well as this week’s Venus-Mars conjunction.

As the Venus-Mars aspect is applying, the Moon will play facilitator, translating the light of one planet to the other. Let’s break this week down day by day.

The People's Weekly Forecast by Dayna Lynn Nuckolls, October 5, 2017-October 8, 2017

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Jupiter in Libra by Dayna Lynn Nuckolls

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Lady Justitia, Jupiter in Libra by Dayna Lynn NuckollsJupiter entered sidereal Libra on September 11, 2017 and will remain in that sign until October 11, 2018. In my latest piece, I go into great detail on:

  • The signs Virgo and Libra;
  • The transition of Jupiter between the two signs;
  • How to understand Jupiter in Libra in the natal chart;
  • What we can collectively expect with this transit, and;
  • How you can work this energy in your personal life.

This article contains evergreen content which means that it is applicable beyond the time frame of this particular transit. This is especially true for those who may have planets that move from Libra to Virgo between their Tropical and Sidereal charts, as well as for those who are seeking a conceptual framework within in which they can understand those two signs.

If you have Jupiter in Libra in your birth chart, again, this piece will be significantly relevant to you as you develop your worldview and personal convictions in your life.

I use the Sidereal zodiac. If you’re curious about your chart using the sidereal zodiac you can find a guide with instructions on plotting your sidereal chart here, and a post outlining some of the philosophical differences between tropical and sidereal here.
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New Services + Changes!

As many of you know because you follow me on Twitter, my life just had a big change with my boy going to kindergarten. It’s been an exciting and exhausting first week as we adjust to our new schedules.

This change in our lives coincides with significant Saturn transits for the both of us. And as I always say, do Saturn or Saturn will do you! So, I’m doing Saturn. That means recognizing that I have limited time and energy. I mean, it’s obvious at this point.

In this spirit, I’ve made changes to the readings that I offer. I’ve added some new readings and made adjustments to the prices and lengths of the readings to better reflect the reality of how the readings have been going. This allows me to offer a wider variety of readings and different price points.

Below please find the updated list of readings that I am now offering. You can head over to my booking page to schedule now.

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Torchbearer, August 2017 Forecast

4,500+ Words on the astrology of August 2017. Includes guides and journal prompts to help you apply the astrology to your chart and your personal life.

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Download the August 2017 Forecast by The People's Oracle

All transits are in sidereal. If you’re curious about your chart using the sidereal zodiac you can find a guide with instructions on plotting your sidereal chart here, and a post outlining some of the philosophical differences between tropical and sidereal here.

In ancient Greece it is said that Prometheus stole fire from the gods and gave it to man. This fire is fully made manifest in the Sun which represents conscious awareness in astrology.

This Greek myth has modern associations, too. From Wikipedia.org:

In the time of the original games within the boundaries of Olympia, the altar of the sanctuary dedicated to the goddess Hestia maintained a continuous flame. For the ancient Greeks, fire had divine connotations—it was thought to have been stolen from the gods by Prometheus. Therefore, fire was also present at many of the sanctuaries in Olympia, Greece. During the Olympic Games, which honoured Zeus, additional fires were lit at his temple and that of his wife, Hera. The modern Olympic flame is ignited at the site where the temple of Hera used to stand.

A person who carries the Olympic Torch is called a torchbearer: one who brings the light. They are a beacon illuminating the path ahead. The sign that is tasked with bringing the light is Leo. This August is all about the light of conscious awareness coming into our lives and revealing what was once hidden.

In August, we change the guard in more ways than one. Cancer starts things off but eventually Leo comes in to take over the show. Mercury, Mars, and eventually the Moon, rally into Leo to join the cause. They answer to and rally behind the Sun, the final dispositor and the true torchbearer. On the other hand, the nodes change sign which ushers in 18 months of eclipses in Capricorn and Cancer. That’s until 2019!

This month brings two eclipses, nodes changing signs, Mercury retrograde, and Saturn direct. I hope you’ve already caught your breath because it’s about to get busy!

At the end of this forecast is a list of all the dates of significant astro events this month. I’ve decided not to focus on the minutiae of aspects and configurations, but instead this forecast weaves together the bigger picture. I’ve offered journal prompts in the hopes that you will be able to keep track of how this month’s events are relevant to you personally.

Where I’ve listed descriptions for each sign, be sure to read for your ascendant/rising sign first. Then read for your sect light: Sun if it is in houses 7-12, and Moon if the Sun is in houses 1-6.

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