The Liberating Power of the Sidereal Zodiac

I’m assuming you’re here because you are looking for resources on sidereal astrology and the sidereal zodiac. Yes?

The biggest challenge you face looking for information on the sidereal zodiac is that there aren’t many resources (published books + online content.) Why? Up until now, no one has created a framework for using the sidereal zodiac that doesn’t duplicate the one used with the tropical zodiac, or without appropriating the cultural and religious framework of Vedic astrology (Jyotish, astrology of Indian religion and culture.) So, when you search for books or other content on the sidereal zodiac, you’re directed to Vedic astrology resources, or to content that mysteriously sounds identical to what you’d read in tropical zodiac resources.

I faced the same challenge that you face now: where can I find content that helps me understand how and why the sidereal zodiac works, that answers how and why is it different from the tropical zodiac?

The Liberating Power of the Sidereal Zodiac by Dayna Lynn Nuckolls, The People's Oracle. Image of a monarch butterfly flying toward freedom from a dark whole. The sky is in view, blue with white fluffy clouds.

Some basic facts up front:

  • Zodiac sign =/= constellation. There is a constellational “zodiac.” But I would argue that it’s not quite a zodiac;
  • There aren’t 13 signs. NASA is NOT the National Astrology and Space administration, so don’t defer to them as an astrological authority;
  • Since neither the tropical zodiac, nor any of the sidereal zodiacs align precisely with the constellations, we can reject that idea as a reason why you should use the sidereal zodiac over the tropical zodiac.

I could say that the sidereal zodiac works consistently and more accurately than the tropical zodiac. But I don’t think that’s a good reason either, though it is a legitimate reason for me, someone who spent 7 years working exclusively with the tropical zodiac.

Something Ain’t Right?

Studying the techniques and reading the work of Firmicus Maternus and Vettius Valens is what led me to the sidereal zodiac. They never mentioned that they exclusively used that zodiac in their writings, nor did they make any case for using one zodiac over another. Either way, I was able to see the logic in some of the techniques they wrote about. I started applying it to charts. But, I couldn’t make them work consistently.

Both authors wrote about what is analogous to the yogas in Jyotish: configurations between planets that have specific and consistent meanings. After my failures with the tropical zodiac, I intuitively started experimenting with those techniques and configurations using the sidereal zodiac. [Actually, I first thought I must have the wrong birth time. But then I realized that everyone’s birth time can’t be wrong!] But a freaking light bulb came on when I started to apply Maternus’s and Valens’s techniques on charts using the sidereal zodiac. My mind was blown! But then I was stuck. I couldn’t find anything on the sidereal zodiac. Nothing! Nada! (Except what I mentioned above, copycat tropical or Vedic resources.)

Then What?

That was in 2014. I spent the next 2 years revisiting all of the charts I had in my library and hundreds if not a 1,000 more, trying to tease out a logic or framework for how this zodiac worked and why it worked. But, It really took me until 2017/2018 to be able to articulate a framework for the sidereal zodiac that isn’t a duplicate of tropical logic, not about math or astronomy, and isn’t Vedic/Jyotish.

What does that leave us with? If I can’t say that the sidereal zodiac is more astronomically accurate in relation to the actual stars or some mathematical calculation, then why? If I don’t appropriate the cultural and religious framework of Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) then what do I have left?

I have my identity and experiences that uniquely inform my approach to astrology. I have me, a Black woman, born and raised in 20th century America, come of age in 21st century America. The specificity of my identity isn’t exclusionary. It makes me especially qualified to develop a unique astrological framework for using the sidereal zodiac that speaks to the legacy of what it means to be a Black woman. In fact, it is because of who and what I am that I am able to see what the sidereal zodiac has to offer us all.

(I would offer up the possibility that whiteness as a social construct and identity has inhibited the ability for other astrologers, up until now, to see the logic in the sidereal zodiac. It’s not just another zodiac, an alternate measurement. The sidereal zodiac is an entirely different worldview and way of seeing oneself in the world, in relationship, and in community. In fact, in sidereal astrology there is no self outside of relationship and community!)

First, I had to understand how the tropical zodiac was being used. I had to observe my peers and try to see their logic. And what I observed was that as with all things appropriated by modern western thought (read: white and male), the tropical zodiac has become an instrument of oppression.

Astrology is a discipline dominated by white men as gatekeepers. They have established themselves as the authority on what is legitimate and accurate. That means the rest of us conform or be seen merely as “brands” who try to capitalize on our uniqueness. You put anything in the hands of white men and it inevitably becomes a tool of oppression that furthers the cause of white supremacy. Astrology and the tropical zodiac included. And if you find non-Vedic resources on the sidereal zodiac, they are copying tropical frameworks.

(Even as I’ve shared these thoughts on social media, I’ve had men, both black and white, question my legitimacy because my work hasn’t followed the trajectory similar to that prominent white male astrologers .)

Divination for Liberation

The more and more I observed how the tropical zodiac was being used, the more I saw the use of the sidereal zodiac as tool for liberation. That’s why I call my work #DivinationForLiberation.

Astrology is fundamentally and essentially a language. All languages are a cultural phenomenon that shape perceptions and reinforce established power dynamics. You can think of language as embodying cultural doctrine.

I need my astrology to radically dismantle existing power structures that subjugate and oppress me for my ethnicity/race, class, and gender. That’s what was missing from the tropical zodiac and the worldview it proposes.

#DivinationForLiberation reclaims astrology as a tool for political, emotional, economic, and spiritual liberation via exclusive use of the sidereal zodiac.

#DivinationForLiberation reminds me of the way my ancestors cultivated ritual that allowed them to bypass power structures they were excluded from. They created religious practices that engendered agency as a gateway to spiritual and economic liberation and empowerment.

#DivinationForLiberation reminds me of the discipline and strength of will required to surrender to the truth that there is a time and a season for all things. I am at my most powerful when I subject my individual will to the Divine Will which articulates that time + that season.

If you are looking for a liberating astrological doctrine that sees your blackness, your queerness, your non binary expressions, the oppression you face, your non-whiteness, your womanhood, your suffering, and your power, then you’ll find it here in #DivinationForLiberation.

Sidereal Zodiac/ Sidereal Astrology Resources

  • Learn the basics of how to read a Sidereal birth chart with my workshop Reading Your Sidereal Birth Chart. It includes a 90 minute audio presentation, slides, and a workbook I walk you through completing in the audio presentation. Take your time. It’s a lot!
  • I have a webinar called an Intro to Sidereal Astrology (I’ll likely offer another one that includes insights I’ve gained since 2017)
  • Astrology software is expensive. Another barrier towards learning and using astrology. That’s why I create iCal’s that contain sidereal transits you can import into your phone, computer, and other devices existing calendar.
  • It takes years to learn astrology, but that should never be a barrier to you taking advantage of its liberating power. That’s why I create content that requires no prerequisite knowledge to use. My favorite is my Monthly Horoscope Workbook
  • Use this guide to cast your sidereal birth chart:

A Tarot Devotional for the December 2019 Full Moon

The December 10, 2019 Full Moon grants you the foresight to see 2020 clearly, that is if you’re paying attention. This Full Moon serves as a prelude to one of the big stories of next year. That is the Venus retrograde in Taurus which ushers in a new series of eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio.

If you have been edified by my work, resonated with my writings, and want to see it continue, then consider booking a reading, purchasing an item or gift from my online store, donating from your heart.

Life is a journey through the extremes of all sign polarities. But, the polarity of Taurus and Scorpio is placed firmly at the root of what it means to be human. To be human is to be an animal, a beast, a slave to instinct. To be human is to need other people as much as, if not more than food, water, and air. The Taurus + Scorpio sign pair tells the story of humans as inherently social creatures whose survival relies on both the physiological/biological instinct and the performance of social roles in relationships and society.

When you have experiences along the Taurus Scorpio axis you are offered the opportunity to clearly see how to be human is to perform—to perform your designations of gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, nationality, and class within the confines of socially defined constructs. This is intersectionality. Bodily autonomy (the right to sexual and emotional autonomy,  physical safety, and self-preservation) is at the root of intersectionality. And as such, this moment demands a liberating doctrine that seeks to return bodily autonomy not just to Black women, but to everyone.

Black women are entitled to safe passage through life, free from rape, bondage, violence, and oppression of every shape and -ism. We all must examine the performances of our identities that have been named “instinct” in order to have that safe passage. That naming and framing has been used to biologically (outside of conscious human control) validate and legitimize violence and oppression of all humans, but especially women. We must innovate new consensuses that liberate us from the drives to oppress and disenfranchise each other via our designations.

You wear the clothes, both literally and figuratively, that match the designation you’ve been assigned (or chosen) because you have a survival based need to be validated as part of humanity, and as part of the family/relationships/communities in which you live. Fitting into those designations is a matter of both physical survival/safety and maintaining a cohesive sense of self. Yet, at this Full Moon, and the 2020 eclipses it preludes, it is time to come into right relationship with those designations.

Ultimately, this Full Moon in Taurus begins a season of openly challenging the personal and collective stories that define your designations because your survival and our collective liberation depends on it .

Now, on to my tarot sermon for this Full Moon…

(3 of SWORDS)
8 of CUPS
4 of CUPS

(3 of Swords)
8 of Cups
4 of Cups
King of Pentacles
The People’s Oracle’s Tarot for the Full Moon in Taurus

The card on the bottom when I cut the deck is the context and reference point for the rest of the cards. And the card on the bottom is 3 of SWORDS. This is the card of incisive clarity, the kind that leads to decisive action. The 3 of SWORDS discerns between instinct, intellect, and will. This is not a matter of clear desire brought about by some sentiment. The 3 of SWORDS highlights matters that require standing between the tension of fact-based knowing and intangible knowing, regardless of how you might actually feel.

Now, we lead with the 8 of CUPS and the 4 of CUPS. Cups are instinct. They highlight your relationship with your basic needs for food, safety, and shelter. They are the instinct to survive and preserve your life and body, as well as the intangible faculties that grant you wisdom as intuition.

In the 8 of CUPS you find yourself at a crossroads, ready to abandon the places, spaces, relationships, lifestyles, and habits where you’ve had a deep emotional investment. Emotional investment is skin in the game—survival based attachments and the bonds of shared experience. You have skin in the game with people and places you deem irreplaceable, the kind that humans require to survive and thrive.

  • What have you been ready to leave behind for awhile now, and how does it become apparent and urgent at this Full Moon?
  • What attachments and bonds heretofore have kept you where you are?
  • What revelations have illuminated a path towards the exit?

Yet, the 4 of CUPS offers up a paradox. When you abandon people and things in which you’ve had an emotional investment the fairy tale says that you march off into the joy of an unknown adventure. But instead, you find apathy and a loss of lust for life in the 4 of CUPS. Here you find yourself with no clear sense of direction. You find yourself wallowing in feelings of ambivalence and nihilism. You lose your reason why, the fire that motivated you in the first place, to leave behind something you once deemed so valuable. Perhaps it is a sense or reality of powerlessness. Maybe you know/you’ve known you need to leave where you are, but you’re not exactly sure where you go from here.

  • What feelings come up as you wait?
  • How do you fill the time between where you are now and your future destination?
  • What feelings of ambivalence keep you from making clear decisions and taking the risk to move on?

Thinking back to the 3 of SWORDS that serves as a context for these other cards, remember the incisive clarity that it brings. Remember how this moment requires you to bridge the gap between fact-based knowing and intangible knowing. Stand in the discomfort of intuition where your external reality neither confirms nor denies that knowing. Learn to make peace with your instinct, understanding that it has kept you alive until now, and that your intellect must know its place in the grand scheme of things.

Finally, here is the KING of PENTACLES. A card not of fire, not of will, drive, strength, nor force. The KING of PENTACLES is dynamic, seeking to conquer and dominate. And it does so, again, not by force but by a decisive reckoning with reality, a resourcefulness that can lead you to discover your own fortitude within the confines of self-discipline. There’s no marching off into the hills of respite here, no eager gallivanting towards the sunset. No. Here you find opportunity in the material realm. Here you bring a willingness to work, to labor and toil, and to do The Work as articulated in the recent New Moon tarot devotional. You carry an authority and sense of entitlement that says “my efforts are fruitful, never shall they be in vain.”

  • What meaningful contributions towards your future do your skills provide?
  • What effort are you willing to invest towards an uncertain future, one that allows you to finally leave behind the places and spaces that no longer feed you?

And So It Is! Happy Full Moon

If you have been edified by my work, resonated with my writings, and want to see it continue, then consider booking a reading, purchasing an item or gift from my online store, donating from your heart.

A Tarot Reading for the Full Moon in Aries

This was originally published as a thread on Twitter.

6 of CUPS

The card on the bottom when I cut the deck is the HERMIT.

The HERMIT seeks truth. Truth = that which can be perceived with one’s perception and validated with one’s judgment. Everything else is dogma, and the HERMIT is not about that dogmatic life!

The HERMIT struggles to articulate exactly what they’re looking for. INTENTION can’t be quantified. The PURPOSE that compels them can’t be reduced to words or symbols.
The HERMIT can appear to move about aimlessly. But, they know when they’ve found what they’re looking for because there is a resonance that can’t be mistaken.

📌At this Full Moon what inside of you compels you forward, seeking and searching without words to articulate exactly what you are looking for?
Both the WORLD and DEATH provide images of endings. The WORLD illustrates endings that come due to a cumulative progression. Culminations that are both logical and expected.

DEATH illustrates inevitable and irrevocable endings, those permanent endings that can’t be reversed.

The WORLD and DEATH say to us: Pruning old growth and dead weight that sucks the life out of stems that might still bear fruit means that there is still hope and opportunity. All is not lost.

When an orchid reaches the end of a growth cycle the flowers fall and the stems that held them shrivel and dry up. If you’ve never cultivated an orchid you might think that the plant is dead. And when the orchid is ready to flower again it grows completely new stems. This can happy in a relatively short period of time after the old flowers fell off.

📌What old growth are you expecting to bring new life? What keeps you from cutting it off and letting it go?

The 6 of CUPS is the wildcard here! The 6 of CUPS saying that discernment is key. Someone or something from the past can offer nourishment to the dreams and desires that were left in wanting after the old growth is pruned.

📌How are you discerning between barren hopes and dreams and fruitful visions that still offer hope for fulfillment?

📌What people/ relationships revitalize feelings/ desires that have lain dormant during your time of pruning?

This may be a time of letting go of things working out in the way that you had planned, while time and a shifting season offer new pathways to possibilities that seemed impossible.

Mars, the planet in charge of this Aries Full Moon, is in Libra. This is a time of consideration and seeking consensus, where relationships and community provide context for your ambitions.

📌What possibilities reveal themselves when you release the expectation that solely your will and strength be the means by which something can come to be?

You might be tempted to fall back into old emotional habits rooted in those defensive postures that you have worked so hard to ease yourself out of. But at this time, it feels like contortion to fit yourself into those positions.

Courageously say no to all that is dissonant with your intentions. Embrace this return to innocence. Open your eyes to see where your dreams and desires can grow. Surrender like the falling leaves that know their work is done. Clear space for the thing you seek to come.

Jupiter in Sagittarius 2019-2020 – Critical Mass

Jupiter is in Sagittarius during the following dates:

  • March 29, 2019 – April 22, 2019
  • November 4, 2019 – March 29, 2020
  • June 29, 2020 – November 19, 2020

All of the astrology in this article is calculated and interpreted using the sidereal zodiac. Use this guide to cast your sidereal birth chart.

There is a saying in the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas usually attributed to Jesus of Nazareth,

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.”

The Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, Verse 70

To bring forth something means to come into right relationship with it. We do that by acknowledgment (I see you), recognition (I know who/what you are to me), and reverence (I honor the impact of your presence within me.) Thus, my interpretation of this oft-repeated proverb is:

When I come into right relationship with what is within me—by acknowledging it, recognizing it, and revering it—that right relationship will save me. When I am not in right relationship with what is within me, what is within me will destroy me.

This begs the question: What exactly is within me that I am beckoned to come into right relationship? Enter, Jupiter.

Jupiter in Sagittarius - Critical Mass
March 29, 2019 - April 22, 2019
November 4, 2019 - March 29, 2020
June 29, 2020 - November 19, 2020

Jupiter Marks the Seasons

There is a time and a season for all things. Astrologically speaking, Saturn defines the time and Jupiter defines the season. Just like rain in Spring is understood and functions differently than rain in Autumn, Jupiter is the seasonal context for how we interpret our experiences and the people and things in the world around us.

Jupiter in your birth chart speaks to the cultural moment you were born into and how that moment informs your identity. But as we watch Jupiter move in real-time, we observe seasonal shifts that provide changing context for experiences we have in the communities we are part of.

Jupiter articulates the uniformity of the structure of each individual human psyche, as well as the collective psyche of humans as an organism, or singular being. Jupiter articulates both its shadow and its light. The light of the psyche being the conscious self that encompasses all that we aware of and have access to seeing and knowing. And the shadow of the psyche is the subconscious and unconscious self that is just out of reach of our knowing. It is often more powerful than the conscious self because it acts outside of the command of the will.

The binary of authentic self versus inauthentic self has no place here. Instead, Jupiter draws us into communities that validate who we believe we are. That is your identity—the story of who you believe you are. 

Jupiter in Sagittarius, November 4, 2019

Because Jupiter is at home here, it’s function and significations take command of the collective conversation. And because it does not answer to any other planet’s agenda, Jupiter acts according to its own interests and demands that we do, too.

With Jupiter in Virgo 2016-17 our identities were challenged to reconsider the role of science and data in determining how we understand the world around us and form beliefs about what is right and true;

Jupiter in Libra in 2017-18 challenged long-standing precedents for the role of women in society;

Jupiter in Scorpio in 2018-19 has forced us to reckon with gun violence (in America) and climate change as the primary threat to the survival not of Earth, but that of humanity and the animals and planets humans need to thrive.

During the past few years, especially since Saturn entered Sagittarius on January 27, 2017, protest has become a global phenomenon. The fiery contagion of conviction catches wind and suddenly the streets are filled with citizens demanding that their communities, workplaces, and schools become a living testimony of their beliefs.

If Jupiter defines the season, then in Sagittarius Jupiter says that we have reached Critical Mass—tipping the scales to gain enough momentum to finally move. Just like potential energy is stored in the ball as it is pushed to and sits at the top of the hill, that energy becomes kinetic just as it reaches the edge and begins to roll. The longer it rolls, the more energy it gains.

We are now reaching the top of the hill. It’s been an arduous and difficult task. But as we’ve climbed this hill we’ve refined and acquired convictions that have propelled us to keep on pushing.

Saturn in Sagittarius has laid the foundation for the work that Jupiter in Sagittarius sets before us. Apathy and cynicism are the enemies of conviction. They spoil the healthy sense of entitlement that says, “I deserve to live in a world that reflects who I believe I am.”

But who do you believe you are? This takes us back to the saying from the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas quoted at the beginning of this writing. Jupiter beckons us to come into right relationship with what is within us. Each time Jupiter changes signs it gives us new eyes to see and understand ourselves within the context of new experiences in a changing world.

What new understandings can Jupiter in Sagittarius offer us? What context does this transit provide for us to interpret what is happening in this world and in our lives?

Bridging the Gap Between Scorpio and Sagittarius

Jupiter in Scorpio has offered us opportunities to understand ourselves and what’s happening in the world within the context of our survival as a species and our individual survival. Mars ruled Scorpio has shown us (triggered) the defensive postures we have necessarily taken on (culturally and in our personal relationships and lives) as a means to survival. But it has also given us the opportunity to try on more vulnerable postures, ones that we take on when we stand in the truth of our feelings and our needs.

What needs have you become aware of in the face of finally confronting feelings that you have avoided for so long? 

Jupiter in Sagittarius ushers in a season of focus on the role identity plays in the actions we take. The story of who you are is undoubtedly shaped by emotional experience. That’s why Scorpio comes before Sagittarius. Culturally, we say that beliefs grow from knowledge and access to information. But information is no match for experience, especially the kinds of emotional experiences that shape our brains, personalities, and how we interpret the information that we encounter. Those are the kinds of experiences that Jupiter in Scorpio brought into focus, sometimes in disruptive ways.

Bridging the gap between Scorpio and Sagittarius means understanding that you didn’t choose your beliefs, however, you can challenge them. What resonates with you as truth has more to do with the story you believe about who you are (which is your identity), rather than any book you’ve read or data you’ve analyzed. Besides, stories are better than facts.

Identity is a Belief System

What is your interpretation of the facts you perceive as relevant to making you who you are? In other words, there are things that have happened (facts), there is your interpretation of things that have happened (story), and then there is your repeated re-telling of your interpretation of those things that have happened (identity, ie what I call the dogma of identity.) Identity evolves as a consequence of how you understand your past, present, and future.

For example, “I prefer doing things myself.” Which is fine as a preference, perhaps. But it’s often more than that. That story is often rooted in experiences of abandonment or the lack of competence in our caregivers. Then, we create entire moral frameworks around that story. We develop a whole belief system around individuality and autonomy that we use to judge others and the world around us. They define our religious doctrines and our politics, too.

Where is the truth in all of that? Truth as in, what you can perceive with your own mind and being and understand with your own judgment. Everything else is dogma.

Action is the intention of the will translated through the choices we make each day. Sometimes we look back on things we’ve said or done and don’t like what those actions imply about who we are. So, we decide to tell a different story, painting the facts in a different light.

Revisionist history means to tell a story about something that happened in the past within the context of some conviction or belief of the storyteller. We see this most prominently around American slavery and war all over the world. But with Jupiter in Sagittarius (while we still have 2 more eclipses in that sign) nations all over the world are forced to come to terms with who they say they are within the context of the actions they take and the choices they make. And since individuals make up nations, it us who must take the first steps to hold ourselves accountable to the truth of who we are.

Jupiter in Sagittarius Keywords

Here is a list of keywords that will come into focus during Jupiter in Sagittarius:

  • Morality
  • Ethics
  • Integrity
  • Accountability
  • Religion
  • Conviction
  • Belief
  • Political Identity/Identity Politics
  • Teachers
  • Clergy
  • Mentors/Mentorship
  • Benefactors
  • Community
  • Church
  • Temple
  • Masjid/Mosque
  • Preacher
  • Imam
  • Rabbi
  • Monk
  • Spirituality
  • Cult
  • Culture
  • Truth
  • Revisionist History

The Work of Jupiter in Sagittarius

The following questions serve as an outline for the work Jupiter in Sagittarius provides the opportunity to undertake:

  1. Why do you believe what you believe?
  2. How do you discern the difference between fact and truth?
  3. What are your moral convictions and how do they inform your politics?
  4. How do your political, moral, and/or religious convictions determine what you believe is possible?
  5. What communities do you identify with? Why?
  6. How do the communities you identify with provide context for who you believe you are?
  7. What are the stories you tell about how and why you have become who you are, and what place do those stories have in your present reality?
  8. How has your spiritual or religious upbringing (or lack of one) shaped your understanding of your life at present?
  9. What beliefs about who you are are exposed as fallible by pressing political realities you face in your country?
  10. What beliefs about who you are are reinforced as true and righteous by the political realities you face in your country?
  11. What is the revisionist history of who you are?
  12. What is the belief you are upholding in this history?
  13. What do you lose by telling a new story?
  14. What new truths inform this new story?
  15. What does it look like for you to come into right relationship with the beliefs that define how you interpret your own actions and choices?

Tarot Reading – Full Moon in Pisces

Recorded Live
Sunday, October 13, 2019

You can watch the video of the October 2019 Full Moon Tarot Reading on YouTube:

Or, you can stream or download the audio:

This reading for the Full Moon on October 13, 2019 at 26° Pisces is so good! I talked about the defensive and self-protective postures we take on after unrelenting setbacks and difficulties. And how those difficulties define our convictions and help us realize what we are capable of.

The Golden Thread Tarot
9 of Wands
Hierophant, 7 of Cups, Moon
Ace of Wands, 6 of Pentacles, Page of Pentacles
King of Pentacles, 3 of Wands, Fool
Golden Thread Tarot

Cards in this reading:

9 of Wands (on the bottom after cutting the deck)
Hierophant, 7 of Cups, Moon
Ace of Wands, 6 of Pentacles, Page of Pentacles
King of Pentacles, 3 of Wands, Fool

  • What is a Full Moon?
  • A way to segment and interpret time in 1 month/2 week and 6 month periods.
  • What is Pisces?
  • Jupiter in Scorpio is trine the Full Moon in Pisces. What does that mean?
  • Complimentary readings for live viewers on Instagram & YouTube
  • Full Moon Tarot Reading [23:20]

You can hear the song I burst into here on YouTube: , or Spotify

Gratitude to everyone who tuned in live and were patient with me as I had to put on my mother hat in the middle of the reading. But, so much good stuff in this reading around community and emerging from difficulties with a new awareness of what one is capable of. One of my favorite pieces of wisdom that cam through was about how optimism and hope can only be cultivated in community. That’s a jewel I’ll be meditating on for awhile.

If you would like to be considered for a complimentary tarot reading please tune in for the New Moon in Libra LIVE Tarot Reading which will be broadcast on Saturday, October 26, 2019. I always go live on both Instagram and YouTube, so make sure you are following me and that you’re subscribed.


You can book an astrology or tarot reading with me at